Source code for c7n.actions

# Copyright 2015-2017 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Actions to take on resources
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import base64
import copy
from datetime import datetime
import jmespath
import logging
import zlib

import six

from c7n.exceptions import PolicyValidationError, ClientError
from c7n.executor import ThreadPoolExecutor
from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.registry import PluginRegistry
from c7n.resolver import ValuesFrom
from c7n import utils
from c7n.version import version as VERSION

[docs]def average(numbers): return float(sum(numbers)) / max(len(numbers), 1)
[docs]def distinct_count(values): return float(len(set(values)))
METRIC_OPS = { 'count': len, 'distinct_count': distinct_count, 'sum': sum, 'average': average, } METRIC_UNITS = [ # Time 'Seconds', 'Microseconds', 'Milliseconds', # Bytes and Bits 'Bytes', 'Kilobytes', 'Megabytes', 'Gigabytes', 'Terabytes', 'Bits', 'Kilobits', 'Megabits', 'Gigabits', 'Terabits', # Rates 'Bytes/Second', 'Kilobytes/Second', 'Megabytes/Second', 'Gigabytes/Second', 'Terabytes/Second', 'Bits/Second', 'Kilobits/Second', 'Megabits/Second', 'Gigabits/Second', 'Terabits/Second', 'Count/Second', # Other Scalars 'Percent', 'Count', 'None' ]
[docs]class ActionRegistry(PluginRegistry): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(ActionRegistry, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.register('notify', Notify)
[docs] def parse(self, data, manager): results = [] for d in data: results.append(self.factory(d, manager)) return results
[docs] def factory(self, data, manager): if isinstance(data, dict): action_type = data.get('type') if action_type is None: raise PolicyValidationError( "Invalid action type found in %s" % (data)) else: action_type = data data = {} action_class = self.get(action_type) if action_class is None: raise PolicyValidationError( "Invalid action type %s, valid actions %s" % ( action_type, list(self.keys()))) # Construct a ResourceManager return action_class(data, manager)
[docs]class Action(object): permissions = () metrics = () log = logging.getLogger("custodian.actions") executor_factory = ThreadPoolExecutor permissions = () schema = {'type': 'object'} schema_alias = None def __init__(self, data=None, manager=None, log_dir=None): = data or {} self.manager = manager self.log_dir = log_dir
[docs] def get_permissions(self): return self.permissions
[docs] def validate(self): return self
@property def name(self): return self.__class__.__name__.lower()
[docs] def process(self, resources): raise NotImplementedError( "Base action class does not implement behavior")
def _run_api(self, cmd, *args, **kw): try: return cmd(*args, **kw) except ClientError as e: if (e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'DryRunOperation' and e.response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 412 and 'would have succeeded' in e.response['Error']['Message']): return "Dry run operation %s succeeded" % ( self.__class__.__name__.lower())) raise
BaseAction = Action
[docs]class ModifyVpcSecurityGroupsAction(Action): """Common actions for modifying security groups on a resource Can target either physical groups as a list of group ids or symbolic groups like 'matched', 'network-location' or 'all'. 'matched' uses the annotations of the 'security-group' interface filter. 'network-location' uses the annotations of the 'network-location' interface filter for `SecurityGroupMismatch`. Note an interface always gets at least one security group, so we mandate the specification of an isolation/quarantine group that can be specified if there would otherwise be no groups. type: modify-security-groups add: [] remove: [] | matched | network-location isolation-group: sg-xyz """ schema_alias = True schema = { 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'type': {'enum': ['modify-security-groups']}, 'add': {'oneOf': [ {'type': 'string', 'pattern': '^sg-*'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': { 'pattern': '^sg-*', 'type': 'string'}}]}, 'remove': {'oneOf': [ {'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'string', 'pattern': '^sg-*'}}, {'enum': [ 'matched', 'network-location', 'all', {'type': 'string', 'pattern': '^sg-*'}]}]}, 'isolation-group': {'oneOf': [ {'type': 'string', 'pattern': '^sg-*'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'string', 'pattern': '^sg-*'}}]}}, 'anyOf': [ {'required': ['isolation-group', 'remove', 'type']}, {'required': ['add', 'remove', 'type']}, {'required': ['add', 'type']}] }
[docs] def get_groups(self, resources, metadata_key=None): """Parse policies to get lists of security groups to attach to each resource For each input resource, parse the various add/remove/isolation- group policies for 'modify-security-groups' to find the resulting set of VPC security groups to attach to that resource. The 'metadata_key' parameter can be used for two purposes at the moment; The first use is for resources' APIs that return a list of security group IDs but use a different metadata key than 'Groups' or 'SecurityGroups'. The second use is for when there are richer objects in the 'Groups' or 'SecurityGroups' lists. The custodian actions need to act on lists of just security group IDs, so the metadata_key can be used to select IDs from the richer objects in the provided lists. Returns a list of lists containing the resulting VPC security groups that should end up on each resource passed in. :param resources: List of resources containing VPC Security Groups :param metadata_key: Metadata key for security groups list :return: List of lists of security groups per resource """ # parse the add, remove, and isolation group params to return the # list of security groups that will end up on the resource # target_group_ids ='groups', 'matched') add_target_group_ids ='add', None) remove_target_group_ids ='remove', None) isolation_group ='isolation-group') add_groups = [] remove_groups = [] return_groups = [] for idx, r in enumerate(resources): if r.get('Groups'): if metadata_key and isinstance(r['Groups'][0], dict): rgroups = [g[metadata_key] for g in r['SecurityGroups']] else: rgroups = [g['GroupId'] for g in r['Groups']] elif r.get('SecurityGroups'): # elb, ec2, elasticache, efs, dax vpc resource security groups if metadata_key and isinstance(r['SecurityGroups'][0], dict): rgroups = [g[metadata_key] for g in r['SecurityGroups']] else: rgroups = [g for g in r['SecurityGroups']] elif r.get('VpcSecurityGroups'): # rds resource security groups if metadata_key and isinstance(r['VpcSecurityGroups'][0], dict): rgroups = [g[metadata_key] for g in r['VpcSecurityGroups']] else: rgroups = [g for g in r['VpcSecurityGroups']] elif r.get('VPCOptions', {}).get('SecurityGroupIds', []): # elasticsearch resource security groups if metadata_key and isinstance( r['VPCOptions']['SecurityGroupIds'][0], dict): rgroups = [g[metadata_key] for g in r[ 'VPCOptions']['SecurityGroupIds']] else: rgroups = [g for g in r['VPCOptions']['SecurityGroupIds']] # use as substitution for 'Groups' or '[Vpc]SecurityGroups' # unsure if necessary - defer to coverage report elif metadata_key and r.get(metadata_key): rgroups = [g for g in r[metadata_key]] # Parse remove_groups if remove_target_group_ids == 'matched': remove_groups = r.get('c7n:matched-security-groups', ()) elif remove_target_group_ids == 'network-location': for reason in r.get('c7n:NetworkLocation', ()): if reason['reason'] == 'SecurityGroupMismatch': remove_groups = list(reason['security-groups']) elif remove_target_group_ids == 'all': remove_groups = rgroups elif isinstance(remove_target_group_ids, list): remove_groups = remove_target_group_ids elif isinstance(remove_target_group_ids, six.string_types): remove_groups = [remove_target_group_ids] # Parse add_groups if isinstance(add_target_group_ids, list): add_groups = add_target_group_ids elif isinstance(add_target_group_ids, six.string_types): add_groups = [add_target_group_ids] # seems extraneous with list? # if not remove_groups and not add_groups: # continue for g in remove_groups: if g in rgroups: rgroups.remove(g) for g in add_groups: if g not in rgroups: rgroups.append(g) if not rgroups: rgroups.append(isolation_group) return_groups.append(rgroups) return return_groups
[docs]class EventAction(BaseAction): """Actions which receive lambda event if present """
[docs]class LambdaInvoke(EventAction): """ Invoke an arbitrary lambda serialized invocation parameters - resources / collection of resources - policy / policy that is invoke the lambda - action / action that is invoking the lambda - event / cloud trail event if any - version / version of custodian invoking the lambda We automatically batch into sets of 250 for invocation, We try to utilize async invocation by default, this imposes some greater size limits of 128kb which means we batch invoke. Example:: - type: invoke-lambda function: my-function """ schema_alias = True schema = { 'type': 'object', 'required': ['type', 'function'], 'properties': { 'type': {'enum': ['invoke-lambda']}, 'function': {'type': 'string'}, 'async': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'qualifier': {'type': 'string'}, 'batch_size': {'type': 'integer'} } }
[docs] def get_permissions(self): if'async', True): return ('lambda:InvokeAsync',) return ('lambda:Invoke',)
permissions = ('lambda:InvokeFunction',)
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): client = utils.local_session( self.manager.session_factory).client('lambda') params = dict(['function']) if'qualifier'): params['Qualifier'] =['Qualifier'] if'async', True): params['InvocationType'] = 'Event' payload = { 'version': VERSION, 'event': event, 'action':, 'policy':} results = [] for resource_set in utils.chunks(resources,'batch_size', 250)): payload['resources'] = resource_set params['Payload'] = utils.dumps(payload) result = client.invoke(**params) result['Payload'] = result['Payload'].read() if isinstance(result['Payload'], bytes): result['Payload'] = result['Payload'].decode('utf-8') results.append(result) return results
[docs]def register_action_invoke_lambda(registry, _): for resource in registry.keys(): klass = registry.get(resource) klass.action_registry.register('invoke-lambda', LambdaInvoke)
resources.subscribe(resources.EVENT_FINAL, register_action_invoke_lambda)
[docs]class BaseNotify(EventAction): batch_size = 250
[docs] def expand_variables(self, message): """expand any variables in the action to_from/cc_from fields. """ p = copy.deepcopy( if 'to_from' in to_from =['to_from'].copy() to_from['url'] = to_from['url'].format(**message) if 'expr' in to_from: to_from['expr'] = to_from['expr'].format(**message) p.setdefault('to', []).extend(ValuesFrom(to_from, self.manager).get_values()) if 'cc_from' in cc_from =['cc_from'].copy() cc_from['url'] = cc_from['url'].format(**message) if 'expr' in cc_from: cc_from['expr'] = cc_from['expr'].format(**message) p.setdefault('cc', []).extend(ValuesFrom(cc_from, self.manager).get_values()) return p
[docs] def pack(self, message): dumped = utils.dumps(message) compressed = zlib.compress(dumped.encode('utf8')) b64encoded = base64.b64encode(compressed) return b64encoded.decode('ascii')
[docs]class Notify(BaseNotify): """ Flexible notifications require quite a bit of implementation support on pluggable transports, templates, address resolution, variable extraction, batch periods, etc. For expedience and flexibility then, we instead send the data to an sqs queue, for processing. ie. actual communications can be enabled with the c7n-mailer tool, found under tools/c7n_mailer. Attaching additional string message attributes are supported on the SNS transport, with the exception of the ``mtype`` attribute, which is a reserved attribute used by Cloud Custodian. Example:: policies: - name: ec2-bad-instance-kill resource: ec2 filters: - Name: bad-instance actions: - terminate - type: notify to: - event-user - resource-creator - email@address owner_absent_contact: - other_email@address # which template for the email should we use template: policy-template transport: type: sqs region: us-east-1 queue: xyz - name: ec2-notify-with-attributes resource: ec2 filters: - Name: bad-instance actions: - type: notify to: - event-user - resource-creator - email@address owner_absent_contact: - other_email@address # which template for the email should we use template: policy-template transport: type: sns region: us-east-1 topic: your-notify-topic attributes: - attribute_key: attribute_value - attribute_key_2: attribute_value_2 """ C7N_DATA_MESSAGE = "maidmsg/1.0" schema_alias = True schema = { 'type': 'object', 'anyOf': [ {'required': ['type', 'transport', 'to']}, {'required': ['type', 'transport', 'to_from']}], 'properties': { 'type': {'enum': ['notify']}, 'to': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'owner_absent_contact': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'to_from': ValuesFrom.schema, 'cc': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'cc_from': ValuesFrom.schema, 'cc_manager': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'from': {'type': 'string'}, 'subject': {'type': 'string'}, 'template': {'type': 'string'}, 'transport': { 'oneOf': [ {'type': 'object', 'required': ['type', 'queue'], 'properties': { 'queue': {'type': 'string'}, 'type': {'enum': ['sqs']}}}, {'type': 'object', 'required': ['type', 'topic'], 'properties': { 'topic': {'type': 'string'}, 'type': {'enum': ['sns']}, 'attributes': {'type': 'object'}, }}] }, 'assume_role': {'type': 'boolean'} } } def __init__(self, data=None, manager=None, log_dir=None): super(Notify, self).__init__(data, manager, log_dir) self.assume_role = data.get('assume_role', True)
[docs] def validate(self): if'transport', {}).get('type') == 'sns' and \'transport').get('attributes') and \ 'mtype' in'transport').get('attributes').keys(): raise PolicyValidationError( "attribute: mtype is a reserved attribute for sns transport") return self
[docs] def get_permissions(self): if'transport', {}).get('type') == 'sns': return ('sns:Publish',) if'transport', {'type': 'sqs'}).get('type') == 'sqs': return ('sqs:SendMessage',) return ()
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): alias = utils.get_account_alias_from_sts( utils.local_session(self.manager.session_factory)) message = { 'event': event, 'account_id': self.manager.config.account_id, 'account': alias, 'region': self.manager.config.region, 'policy':} message['action'] = self.expand_variables(message) for batch in utils.chunks(resources, self.batch_size): message['resources'] = batch receipt = self.send_data_message(message)"sent message:%s policy:%s template:%s count:%s" % ( receipt,['name'],'template', 'default'), len(batch)))
[docs] def prepare_resources(self, resources): """Resources preparation for transport. If we have sensitive or overly large resource metadata we want to remove or additional serialization we need to perform, this provides a mechanism. TODO: consider alternative implementations, at min look at adding provider as additional discriminator to resource type. One alternative would be dynamically adjusting buffer size based on underlying transport. """ handler = getattr(self, "prepare_%s" % ( self.manager.type.replace('-', '_')), None) if handler is None: return resources return handler(resources)
[docs] def prepare_launch_config(self, resources): for r in resources: r.pop('UserData', None) return resources
[docs] def prepare_asg(self, resources): for r in resources: if 'c7n:user-data' in r: r.pop('c7n:user-data', None) return resources
[docs] def prepare_ec2(self, resources): for r in resources: if 'c7n:user-data' in r: r.pop('c7n:user-data') return resources
[docs] def send_data_message(self, message): if['transport']['type'] == 'sqs': return self.send_sqs(message) elif['transport']['type'] == 'sns': return self.send_sns(message)
[docs] def send_sns(self, message): topic =['transport']['topic'].format(**message) user_attributes =['transport'].get('attributes') if topic.startswith('arn:aws:sns'): region = region = topic.split(':', 5)[3] topic_arn = topic else: region = message['region'] topic_arn = "arn:aws:sns:%s:%s:%s" % ( message['region'], message['account_id'], topic) client = self.manager.session_factory( region=region, assume=self.assume_role).client('sns') attrs = { 'mtype': { 'DataType': 'String', 'StringValue': self.C7N_DATA_MESSAGE, }, } if user_attributes: for k, v in user_attributes.items(): if k != 'mtype': attrs[k] = {'DataType': 'String', 'StringValue': v} client.publish( TopicArn=topic_arn, Message=self.pack(message), MessageAttributes=attrs )
[docs] def send_sqs(self, message): queue =['transport']['queue'].format(**message) if queue.startswith(''): region = 'us-east-1' queue_url = queue elif '' in queue: region = queue[len('https://'):].split('.', 1)[0] queue_url = queue elif queue.startswith('https://sqs.'): region = queue.split('.', 2)[1] queue_url = queue elif queue.startswith('arn:aws:sqs'): queue_arn_split = queue.split(':', 5) region = queue_arn_split[3] owner_id = queue_arn_split[4] queue_name = queue_arn_split[5] queue_url = "" % ( region, owner_id, queue_name) else: region = self.manager.config.region owner_id = self.manager.config.account_id queue_name = queue queue_url = "" % ( region, owner_id, queue_name) client = self.manager.session_factory( region=region, assume=self.assume_role).client('sqs') attrs = { 'mtype': { 'DataType': 'String', 'StringValue': self.C7N_DATA_MESSAGE, }, } result = client.send_message( QueueUrl=queue_url, MessageBody=self.pack(message), MessageAttributes=attrs) return result['MessageId']
[docs]class AutoTagUser(EventAction): """Tag a resource with the user who created/modified it. .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-auto-tag-ownercontact resource: ec2 description: | Triggered when a new EC2 Instance is launched. Checks to see if it's missing the OwnerContact tag. If missing it gets created with the value of the ID of whomever called the RunInstances API mode: type: cloudtrail role: arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/custodian-auto-tagger events: - RunInstances filters: - tag:OwnerContact: absent actions: - type: auto-tag-user tag: OwnerContact There's a number of caveats to usage. Resources which don't include tagging as part of their api may have some delay before automation kicks in to create a tag. Real world delay may be several minutes, with worst case into hours[0]. This creates a race condition between auto tagging and automation. In practice this window is on the order of a fraction of a second, as we fetch the resource and evaluate the presence of the tag before attempting to tag it. References - AWS Config (see REQUIRED_TAGS caveat) - - CloudTrail User - """ schema_alias = True schema = utils.type_schema( 'auto-tag-user', required=['tag'], **{'user-type': { 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'enum': [ 'IAMUser', 'AssumedRole', 'FederatedUser' ]}}, 'update': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'tag': {'type': 'string'}, 'principal_id_tag': {'type': 'string'} } )
[docs] def get_permissions(self): return self.manager.action_registry.get( 'tag')({}, self.manager).get_permissions()
[docs] def validate(self): if'mode', {}).get('type') != 'cloudtrail': raise PolicyValidationError( "Auto tag owner requires an event %s" % (,)) if self.manager.action_registry.get('tag') is None: raise PolicyValidationError( "Resource does not support tagging %s" % (,)) return self
[docs] def process(self, resources, event): if event is None: return event = event['detail'] utype = event['userIdentity']['type'] if utype not in'user-type', ['AssumedRole', 'IAMUser']): return user = None if utype == "IAMUser": user = event['userIdentity']['userName'] principal_id_value = event['userIdentity'].get('principalId', '') elif utype == "AssumedRole": user = event['userIdentity']['arn'] prefix, user = user.rsplit('/', 1) principal_id_value = event['userIdentity'].get('principalId', '').split(':')[0] # instance role if user.startswith('i-'): return # lambda function (old style) elif user.startswith('awslambda'): return if user is None: return # if the auto-tag-user policy set update to False (or it's unset) then we # will skip writing their UserName tag and not overwrite pre-existing values if not'update', False): untagged_resources = [] # iterating over all the resources the user spun up in this event for resource in resources: tag_already_set = False for tag in resource.get('Tags', ()): if tag['Key'] ==['tag']: tag_already_set = True break if not tag_already_set: untagged_resources.append(resource) # if update is set to True, we will overwrite the userName tag even if # the user already set a value else: untagged_resources = resources tag_action = self.manager.action_registry.get('tag') new_tags = {['tag']: user } # if principal_id_key is set (and value), we'll set the principalId tag. principal_id_key ='principal_id_tag', None) if principal_id_key and principal_id_value: new_tags[principal_id_key] = principal_id_value for key, value in six.iteritems(new_tags): tag_action({'key': key, 'value': value}, self.manager).process(untagged_resources) return new_tags
[docs]def register_action_tag_user(registry, _): for resource in registry.keys(): klass = registry.get(resource) if klass.action_registry.get('tag') and not klass.action_registry.get('auto-tag-user'): klass.action_registry.register('auto-tag-user', AutoTagUser)
resources.subscribe(resources.EVENT_FINAL, register_action_tag_user)
[docs]class PutMetric(BaseAction): """Action to put metrics based on an expression into CloudWatch metrics :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: track-attached-ebs resource: ec2 comment: | Put the count of the number of EBS attached disks to an instance filters: - Name: tracked-ec2-instance actions: - type: put-metric key: Reservations[].Instances[].BlockDeviceMappings[].DeviceName namespace: Usage Metrics metric_name: Attached Disks op: count units: Files op and units are optional and will default to simple Counts. """ # permissions are typically lowercase servicename:TitleCaseActionName permissions = {'cloudwatch:PutMetricData', } schema_alias = True schema = { 'type': 'object', 'required': ['type', 'key', 'namespace', 'metric_name'], 'properties': { 'type': {'enum': ['put-metric', ]}, 'key': {'type': 'string'}, # jmes path 'namespace': {'type': 'string'}, 'metric_name': {'type': 'string'}, 'dimensions': { 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'object'}, }, 'op': {'enum': list(METRIC_OPS.keys())}, 'units': {'enum': METRIC_UNITS} } }
[docs] def process(self, resources): ns =['namespace'] metric_name =['metric_name'] key_expression ='key', 'Resources[]') operation ='op', 'count') units ='units', 'Count') # dimensions are passed as a list of dicts dimensions ='dimensions', []) now = datetime.utcnow() # reduce the resources by the key expression, and apply the operation to derive the value values = [] self.log.debug("searching for %s in %s", key_expression, resources) try: values ="Resources[]." + key_expression, {'Resources': resources}) # I had to wrap resourses in a dict like this in order to not have jmespath expressions # start with [] in the yaml files. It fails to parse otherwise. except TypeError as oops: self.log.error(oops.message) value = 0 try: f = METRIC_OPS[operation] value = f(values) except KeyError: self.log.error("Bad op for put-metric action: %s", operation) # for demo purposes # from math import sin, pi # value = sin((now.minute * 6 * 4 * pi) / 180) * ((now.hour + 1) * 4.0) metrics_data = [ { 'MetricName': metric_name, 'Dimensions': [{'Name': i[0], 'Value': i[1]} for d in dimensions for i in d.items()], 'Timestamp': now, 'Value': value, # TODO: support an operation of 'stats' to include this # structure instead of a single Value # Value and StatisticValues are mutually exclusive. # 'StatisticValues': { # 'SampleCount': 1, # 'Sum': 123.0, # 'Minimum': 123.0, # 'Maximum': 123.0 # }, 'Unit': units, }, ] client = self.manager.session_factory().client('cloudwatch') client.put_metric_data(Namespace=ns, MetricData=metrics_data) return resources
[docs]def register_action_put_metric(registry, _): # apply put metric to each resource for resource in registry.keys(): klass = registry.get(resource) klass.action_registry.register('put-metric', PutMetric)
resources.subscribe(resources.EVENT_FINAL, register_action_put_metric)
[docs]class RemovePolicyBase(BaseAction): schema = utils.type_schema( 'remove-statements', required=['statement_ids'], statement_ids={'oneOf': [ {'enum': ['matched']}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]})
[docs] def process_policy(self, policy, resource, matched_key): statements = policy.get('Statement', []) resource_statements = resource.get(matched_key, ()) return remove_statements(['statement_ids'], statements, resource_statements)
[docs]def remove_statements(match_ids, statements, matched=()): found = [] for s in list(statements): s_found = False if match_ids == '*': s_found = True elif match_ids == 'matched': if s in matched: s_found = True elif s['Sid'] in match_ids: s_found = True if s_found: found.append(s) statements.remove(s) if not found: return None, found return statements, found
[docs]class ModifyPolicyBase(BaseAction): schema_alias = True schema = utils.type_schema( 'modify-policy', **{ 'add-statements': { 'type': 'array', 'required': True, 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/iam-statement'}, 'additionalProperties': False }, 'remove-statements': { 'type': ['array', 'string'], 'oneOf': [ {'enum': ['matched', '*']}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}} ], 'required': True, 'additionalProperties': False } } ) def __init__(self, data=None, manager=None): if manager is not None: config_args = { 'account_id': manager.config.account_id, 'region': manager.config.region } = utils.format_string_values(data, **config_args) else: = utils.format_string_values(data) self.manager = manager
[docs] def add_statements(self, policy_statements): current = {s['Sid']: s for s in policy_statements} additional = {s['Sid']: s for s in'add-statements', [])} current.update(additional) return list(current.values()), bool(additional)
[docs] def remove_statements(self, policy_statements, resource, matched_key): statement_ids ='remove-statements', []) found = [] if len(statement_ids) == 0: return policy_statements, found resource_statements = resource.get(matched_key, ()) return remove_statements( statement_ids, policy_statements, resource_statements)