Getting Started
Also see the README in the GitHub repository.
Install Cloud Custodian
These instructions will install Cloud Custodian. Cloud Custodian is a Python application that supports Python 3 on Linux, MacOS and Windows. We recommend using at least the minimum supported version of Python.
If python3 --version
shows a Python version that is not actively
supported and the
steps above don’t apply to your environment, you can still install a current
release of Python manually. This guide may be a useful reference.
NOTE: Some Enterprise/Long Term Support Linux distributions may support Python longer than the upstream support period. If you are in this situation it might be prudent to contact your vendor to see if there are other supported ways to use a more recent version. In some cases using the Docker container might be an appropriate solution.
NOTE: Ensure you install the correct follow-on package depending on the cloud you are deploying to, otherwise you won’t have the right modules for that specific cloud.
Linux and Mac OS
To install Cloud Custodian:
python3 -m venv custodian
source custodian/bin/activate
pip install c7n # This includes AWS support
To install Cloud Custodian for Azure, you will also need to run:
pip install c7n-azure # Install Azure package
To install Cloud Custodian for GCP, you will also need to run:
pip install c7n-gcp # Install GCP Package
To install Cloud Custodian for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), you will also need to run:
pip install c7n-oci # Install OCI Package
Windows (CMD/PowerShell)
To install Cloud Custodian, run:
python3 -m venv custodian
.\custodian\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # For Powershell users
# .\custodian\Scripts\activate.bat # Or use this for CMD users
pip install c7n # This includes AWS support
To install Cloud Custodian for Azure, you will also need to run:
pip install c7n-azure
To install Cloud Custodian for GCP, you will also need to run:
pip install c7n-gcp
To install via Docker, run:
docker pull cloudcustodian/c7n
You’ll need to export your cloud provider credentials to the container when executing. For example, if you’re using environment variables for provider credentials:
docker run -it \
-v $(pwd)/output:/home/custodian/output \
-v $(pwd)/policy.yml:/home/custodian/policy.yml \
--env-file <(env | grep "^AWS\|^AZURE\|^GOOGLE") \
cloudcustodian/c7n run -v -s /home/custodian/output /home/custodian/policy.yml
Explore Cloud Custodian
Run custodian -h
to see a list of available commands.
Run custodian schema
to see the complete list of cloud resources against
which you can run policies. To invoke command-line help with more information
about policy schema details, run custodian schema -h
Run custodian schema <cloud-provider>
to see the available resources for a
specific cloud provider: custodian schema aws
Run custodian schema <cloud-provider>.<resource>
to see the available
filters and actions for each resource.
Drill down to get more information about available policy settings for each resource, where the model for the command is:
custodian schema <cloud>.<resource>.<category>.<item>
For example:
custodian schema
provides the following information:
Filter and return buckets are log destinations.
Not suitable for use in lambda on large accounts, This is a api
heavy process to detect scan all possible log sources.
- elb (Access Log)
- s3 (Access Log)
- cfn (Template writes)
- cloudtrail
.. code-block: yaml
- name: s3-log-bucket
resource: s3
- type: is-log-target
{ 'additionalProperties': False,
'properties': { 'type': { 'enum': ['is-log-target']},
'value': { 'type': 'boolean'}},
'required': ['type'],
'type': 'object'}
Additionally, you can use the schema command to view information on the different supported modes in Cloud Custodian:
custodian schema mode
Cloud Provider Specific Help
For specific setup instructions for AWS, Azure, and GCP, visit the relevant getting started page.
Troubleshooting & Tinkering
The policy is validated automatically when you run it, but you can also validate it separately:
custodian validate custodian.yml
You can also check which resources are identified by the policy without running any actions on the resources:
custodian run --dryrun -s . custodian.yml
Monitor resources
Additional commands let you monitor your services in detail.
You can generate metrics, log outputs, and output to blob storage in each of the different providers (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform).
For detailed instructions on how to add metrics, logging, and blob storage output for the different clouds, check out the cloud provider specific pages:
For details, see Monitoring your environment.
Editor Integration
If your preferred editor supports language servers, you can configure it to provide completion and validation while authoring policies.
First generate use custodian to generate a json schema file:
custodian schema --json > schema.json
Next install a YAML plug-in for your editor, like YAML for Visual Studio Code or coc-yaml for coc.nvim. Both plug-ins use the yaml-language-server under the hood.
You’ll then need to configure your plug-in to use the generated schema.json as the schema for your policy files. For example in Visual Studio Code, navigate to the settings for the YAML plug-in and under Schemas, edit configuration file and add the following schema configuration:
"yaml.schemas": {
"./schema.json": "*yml"
Note the path to schema.json can either be either relative or the full path.
You’ll now have completion and validation while authoring policies.

Note if you’re authoring policies in json you can also configure the json-language-server for the same.
Also, if you’re seeing errors like 'Request textDocument/hover failed with
message: Cannot read property '$ref' of null'
try re-creating your
schema.json file.
Tab Completion
To enable command-line tab completion for custodian on bash do the following one-time steps:
Now launch a new shell (or refresh your bash environment by sourcing the appropriate file).
Pre-commit Integration
A hook used to validate Cloud Custodian policies before committing them, to reduce issues when developing.
Reference the hook in your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:
- repo:
rev: main # or use a specific release
- id: c7n-validate
files: policies/.*\.yml$
# - --strict
- --quiet
Community Resources
We have a regular community meeting that is open to all users and developers of every skill level. Joining the mailing list will automatically send you a meeting invite. See the notes below for more technical information on joining the meeting.
If you get an error about “complete -D” not being supported, you need to update bash. See the “Base Version Compatability” note in the argcomplete docs:
If you have other errors, or for tcsh support, see the argcomplete docs.
If you are invoking custodian via the python executable tab completion will not work. You must invoke custodian directly.