Source code for c7n.commands

# Copyright 2015-2017 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from functools import wraps
import inspect
import logging
import os
import pprint
import sys
import time

import six
import yaml
from yaml.constructor import ConstructorError

from c7n.exceptions import ClientError
from c7n.provider import clouds
from c7n.policy import Policy, PolicyCollection, load as policy_load
from c7n.utils import dumps, load_file, local_session, SafeLoader
from c7n.config import Bag, Config
from c7n import provider
from c7n.resources import load_resources

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.commands')

[docs]def policy_command(f): @wraps(f) def _load_policies(options): validate = True if 'skip_validation' in options: validate = not options.skip_validation if not validate: log.debug('Policy validation disabled') load_resources() vars = _load_vars(options) errors = 0 all_policies = PolicyCollection.from_data({}, options) # for a default region for policy loading, we'll expand regions later. options.region = "" for fp in options.configs: try: collection = policy_load(options, fp, validate=validate, vars=vars) except IOError: log.error('policy file does not exist ({})'.format(fp)) errors += 1 continue except yaml.YAMLError as e: log.error( "yaml syntax error loading policy file ({}) error:\n {}".format( fp, e)) errors += 1 continue except ValueError as e: log.error('problem loading policy file ({}) error: {}'.format( fp, str(e))) errors += 1 continue if collection is None: log.debug('Loaded file {}. Contained no policies.'.format(fp)) else: log.debug( 'Loaded file {}. Contains {} policies'.format( fp, len(collection))) all_policies = all_policies + collection if errors > 0: log.error('Found {} errors. Exiting.'.format(errors)) sys.exit(1) # filter by name and resource type policies = all_policies.filter( getattr(options, 'policy_filter', None), getattr(options, 'resource_type', None)) # provider initialization provider_policies = {} for p in policies: provider_policies.setdefault(p.provider_name, []).append(p) policies = PolicyCollection.from_data({}, options) for provider_name in provider_policies: provider = clouds[provider_name]() p_options = provider.initialize(options) policies += provider.initialize_policies( PolicyCollection(provider_policies[provider_name], p_options), p_options) if len(policies) == 0: _print_no_policies_warning(options, all_policies) # If we filtered out all the policies we want to exit with a # non-zero status. But if the policy file is empty then continue # on to the specific command to determine the exit status. if len(all_policies) > 0: sys.exit(1) # Do not allow multiple policies in a region with the same name, # even across files policies_by_region = defaultdict(list) for p in policies: policies_by_region[p.options.region].append(p) for region in policies_by_region.keys(): counts = Counter([ for p in policies_by_region[region]]) for policy, count in six.iteritems(counts): if count > 1: log.error("duplicate policy name '{}'".format(policy)) sys.exit(1) # Variable expansion and non schema validation (not optional) for p in policies: p.expand_variables(p.get_variables()) p.validate() return f(options, list(policies)) return _load_policies
def _load_vars(options): vars = None if options.vars: try: vars = load_file(options.vars) except IOError as e: log.error('Problem loading vars file "{}": {}'.format(options.vars, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) # TODO - provide builtin vars here (such as account) return vars def _print_no_policies_warning(options, policies): if options.policy_filter or options.resource_type: log.warning("Warning: no policies matched the filters provided.") log.warning("Filters:") if options.policy_filter: log.warning(" Policy name filter (-p): " + options.policy_filter) if options.resource_type: log.warning(" Resource type filter (-t): " + options.resource_type) log.warning("Available policies:") for policy in policies: log.warning(" - {} ({})".format(, policy.resource_type)) if not policies: log.warning(" (none)") else: log.warning('Empty policy file(s). Nothing to do.')
[docs]class DuplicateKeyCheckLoader(SafeLoader):
[docs] def construct_mapping(self, node, deep=False): if not isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode): raise ConstructorError(None, None, "expected a mapping node, but found %s" %, node.start_mark) key_set = set() for key_node, value_node in node.value: if not isinstance(key_node, yaml.ScalarNode): continue k = key_node.value if k in key_set: raise ConstructorError( "while constructing a mapping", node.start_mark, "found duplicate key", key_node.start_mark) key_set.add(k) return super(DuplicateKeyCheckLoader, self).construct_mapping(node, deep)
[docs]def validate(options): from c7n import schema load_resources() if len(options.configs) < 1: log.error('no config files specified') sys.exit(1) used_policy_names = set() schm = schema.generate() errors = [] for config_file in options.configs: config_file = os.path.expanduser(config_file) if not os.path.exists(config_file): raise ValueError("Invalid path for config %r" % config_file) options.dryrun = True fmt = config_file.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] with open(config_file) as fh: if fmt in ('yml', 'yaml', 'json'): data = yaml.load(, Loader=DuplicateKeyCheckLoader) else: log.error("The config file must end in .json, .yml or .yaml.") raise ValueError("The config file must end in .json, .yml or .yaml.") errors += schema.validate(data, schm) conf_policy_names = { p.get('name', 'unknown') for p in data.get('policies', ())} dupes = conf_policy_names.intersection(used_policy_names) if len(dupes) >= 1: errors.append(ValueError( "Only one policy with a given name allowed, duplicates: %s" % ( ", ".join(dupes) ) )) used_policy_names = used_policy_names.union(conf_policy_names) if not errors: null_config = Config.empty(dryrun=True, account_id='na', region='na') for p in data.get('policies', ()): try: policy = Policy(p, null_config, Bag()) policy.validate() except Exception as e: msg = "Policy: %s is invalid: %s" % ( p.get('name', 'unknown'), e) errors.append(msg) if not errors:"Configuration valid: {}".format(config_file)) continue log.error("Configuration invalid: {}".format(config_file)) for e in errors: log.error("%s" % e) if errors: sys.exit(1)
[docs]@policy_command def run(options, policies): exit_code = 0 # AWS - Sanity check that we have an assumable role before executing policies # Todo - move this behind provider interface if options.assume_role and [p for p in policies if p.provider_name == 'aws']: try: local_session(clouds['aws']().get_session_factory(options)) except ClientError: log.exception("Unable to assume role %s", options.assume_role) sys.exit(1) for policy in policies: try: policy() except Exception: exit_code = 2 if options.debug: raise log.exception( "Error while executing policy %s, continuing" % ( if exit_code != 0: sys.exit(exit_code)
[docs]@policy_command def report(options, policies): from c7n.reports import report as do_report if len(policies) == 0: log.error('Error: must supply at least one policy') sys.exit(1) resources = set([p.resource_type for p in policies]) if len(resources) > 1: log.error('Error: Report subcommand can accept multiple policies, ' 'but they must all be for the same resource.') sys.exit(1) delta = timedelta(days=options.days) begin_date = - delta do_report( policies, begin_date, options, sys.stdout, raw_output_fh=options.raw)
[docs]@policy_command def logs(options, policies): if len(policies) != 1: log.error("Log subcommand requires exactly one policy") sys.exit(1) policy = policies.pop() # initialize policy execution context for access to outputs policy.ctx.initialize() for e in policy.get_logs(options.start, options.end): print("%s: %s" % ( time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(e['timestamp'] / 1000)), e['message']))
def _schema_get_docstring(starting_class): """ Given a class, return its docstring. If no docstring is present for the class, search base classes in MRO for a docstring. """ for cls in inspect.getmro(starting_class): if inspect.getdoc(cls): return inspect.getdoc(cls)
[docs]def schema_completer(prefix): """ For tab-completion via argcomplete, return completion options. For the given prefix so far, return the possible options. Note that filtering via startswith happens after this list is returned. """ from c7n import schema load_resources() components = prefix.split('.') if components[0] in provider.clouds.keys(): cloud_provider = components.pop(0) provider_resources = provider.resources(cloud_provider) else: cloud_provider = 'aws' provider_resources = provider.resources('aws') components[0] = "aws.%s" % components[0] # Completions for resource if len(components) == 1: choices = [r for r in provider.resources().keys() if r.startswith(components[0])] if len(choices) == 1: choices += ['{}{}'.format(choices[0], '.')] return choices if components[0] not in provider_resources.keys(): return [] # Completions for category if len(components) == 2: choices = ['{}.{}'.format(components[0], x) for x in ('actions', 'filters') if x.startswith(components[1])] if len(choices) == 1: choices += ['{}{}'.format(choices[0], '.')] return choices # Completions for item elif len(components) == 3: resource_mapping = schema.resource_vocabulary(cloud_provider) return ['{}.{}.{}'.format(components[0], components[1], x) for x in resource_mapping[components[0]][components[1]]] return []
[docs]def schema_cmd(options): """ Print info about the resources, actions and filters available. """ from c7n import schema if options.json: schema.json_dump(options.resource) return load_resources() resource_mapping = schema.resource_vocabulary() if options.summary: schema.summary(resource_mapping) return # Here are the formats for what we accept: # - No argument # - List all available RESOURCES # - PROVIDER # - List all available RESOURCES for supplied PROVIDER # - RESOURCE # - List all available actions and filters for supplied RESOURCE # - MODE # - List all available MODES # - RESOURCE.actions # - List all available actions for supplied RESOURCE # - RESOURCE.actions.ACTION # - Show class doc string and schema for supplied action # - RESOURCE.filters # - List all available filters for supplied RESOURCE # - RESOURCE.filters.FILTER # - Show class doc string and schema for supplied filter if not options.resource: resource_list = {'resources': sorted(provider.resources().keys())} print(yaml.safe_dump(resource_list, default_flow_style=False)) return # Format is [PROVIDER].RESOURCE.CATEGORY.ITEM # optional provider defaults to aws for compatibility components = options.resource.lower().split('.') if len(components) == 1 and components[0] in provider.clouds.keys(): resource_list = {'resources': sorted( provider.resources(cloud_provider=components[0]).keys())} print(yaml.safe_dump(resource_list, default_flow_style=False)) return if components[0] in provider.clouds.keys(): cloud_provider = components.pop(0) resource_mapping = schema.resource_vocabulary( cloud_provider) components[0] = '%s.%s' % (cloud_provider, components[0]) elif components[0] in schema.resource_vocabulary().keys(): resource_mapping = schema.resource_vocabulary() else: resource_mapping = schema.resource_vocabulary('aws') components[0] = 'aws.%s' % components[0] # # Handle mode # if components[0] == "mode": if len(components) == 1: output = {components[0]: list(resource_mapping[components[0]].keys())} print(yaml.safe_dump(output, default_flow_style=False)) return if len(components) == 2: if components[1] not in resource_mapping[components[0]]: log.error('{} is not a valid mode'.format(components[1])) sys.exit(1) _print_cls_schema(resource_mapping[components[0]][components[1]]) return # We received too much (e.g. log.error("Invalid selector '{}'. Valid options are 'mode' " "or 'mode.TYPE'".format(options.resource)) sys.exit(1) # # Handle resource # resource = components[0] if resource not in resource_mapping: log.error('{} is not a valid resource'.format(resource)) sys.exit(1) if len(components) == 1: docstring = _schema_get_docstring( resource_mapping[resource]['classes']['resource']) del(resource_mapping[resource]['classes']) if docstring: print("\nHelp\n----\n") print(docstring + '\n') output = {resource: resource_mapping[resource]} print(yaml.safe_dump(output)) return # # Handle category # category = components[1] if category not in ('actions', 'filters'): log.error("Valid choices are 'actions' and 'filters'. You supplied '{}'".format(category)) sys.exit(1) if len(components) == 2: output = "No {} available for resource {}.".format(category, resource) if category in resource_mapping[resource]: output = {resource: { category: resource_mapping[resource][category]}} print(yaml.safe_dump(output)) return # # Handle item # item = components[2] if item not in resource_mapping[resource][category]: log.error('{} is not in the {} list for resource {}'.format(item, category, resource)) sys.exit(1) if len(components) == 3: cls = resource_mapping[resource]['classes'][category][item] _print_cls_schema(cls) return # We received too much (e.g. log.error("Invalid selector '{}'. Max of 3 components in the " "format RESOURCE.CATEGORY.ITEM".format(options.resource)) sys.exit(1)
def _print_cls_schema(cls): # Print docstring docstring = _schema_get_docstring(cls) print("\nHelp\n----\n") if docstring: print(docstring) else: # Shouldn't ever hit this, so exclude from cover print("No help is available for this item.") # pragma: no cover # Print schema print("\nSchema\n------\n") if hasattr(cls, 'schema'): component_schema = dict(cls.schema) component_schema.pop('additionalProperties', None) component_schema.pop('type', None) print(yaml.safe_dump(component_schema)) else: # Shouldn't ever hit this, so exclude from cover print("No schema is available for this item.", file=sys.sterr) # pragma: no cover print('') return def _metrics_get_endpoints(options): """ Determine the start and end dates based on user-supplied options. """ if bool(options.start) ^ bool(options.end): log.error('--start and --end must be specified together') sys.exit(1) if options.start and options.end: start = options.start end = options.end else: end = datetime.utcnow() start = end - timedelta(options.days) return start, end
[docs]@policy_command def metrics_cmd(options, policies): log.warning("metrics command is deprecated, and will be removed in future") policies = [p for p in policies if p.provider_name == 'aws'] start, end = _metrics_get_endpoints(options) data = {} for p in policies:'Getting %s metrics', p) data[] = p.get_metrics(start, end, options.period) print(dumps(data, indent=2))
[docs]def version_cmd(options): from c7n.version import version if not options.debug: print(version) return indent = 13 pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=indent) print("\nPlease copy/paste the following info along with any bug reports:\n") print("Custodian: ", version) pyversion = sys.version.replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * indent) # For readability print("Python: ", pyversion) # os.uname is only available on recent versions of Unix try: print("Platform: ", os.uname()) except Exception: # pragma: no cover print("Platform: ", sys.platform) print("Using venv: ", hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix')) print("PYTHONPATH: ") pp.pprint(sys.path)