Source code for

# Copyright 2015-2017 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.
Cloud Custodian Lambda Provisioning Support

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import abc
import base64
import hashlib
import importlib
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import time
import tempfile
import zipfile

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

# Static event mapping to help simplify cwe rules creation
from c7n.exceptions import ClientError
from c7n.cwe import CloudWatchEvents
from c7n.logs_support import _timestamp_from_string
from c7n.utils import parse_s3, local_session

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.serverless')

[docs]class PythonPackageArchive(object): """Creates a zip file for python lambda functions. :param tuple modules: the Python modules to add to the archive Amazon doesn't give us straightforward docs here, only `an example <>`_, from which we can infer that they simply unzip the file into a directory on ``sys.path``. So what we do is locate all of the ``modules`` specified, and add all of the ``.py`` files we find for these modules to a zip file. In addition to the modules specified during instantiation, you can add arbitrary additional files to the archive using :py:func:`add_file` and :py:func:`add_contents`. For example, since we only add ``*.py`` files for you, you'll need to manually add files for any compiled extension modules that your Lambda requires. """ zip_compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED def __init__(self, modules=(), cache_file=None): self._temp_archive_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) if cache_file: with open(cache_file, 'rb') as fin: shutil.copyfileobj(fin, self._temp_archive_file) self._zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile( self._temp_archive_file, mode='a', compression=self.zip_compression) self._closed = False self.add_modules(None, modules) def __del__(self): try: if not self._closed: self.close() if self._temp_archive_file: self._temp_archive_file.close() os.unlink(self.path) except AttributeError: # Finalizers in python are fairly problematic, especially when # breaking cycle references, there are no ordering guaranteees # so our tempfile may already be gc'd before this ref'd version # is called. pass @property def path(self): return @property def size(self): if not self._closed: raise ValueError("Archive not closed, size not accurate") return os.stat(
[docs] def add_modules(self, ignore, modules): """Add the named Python modules to the archive. For consistency's sake we only add ``*.py`` files, not ``*.pyc``. We also don't add other files, including compiled modules. You'll have to add such files manually using :py:meth:`add_file`. """ for module_name in modules: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) if hasattr(module, '__path__'): # for directory in module.__path__: self.add_directory(directory, ignore) if getattr(module, '__file__', None) is None: # Likely a namespace package. Try to add *.pth files so # submodules are importable under Python 2.7. sitedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(list(module.__path__)[0], os.pardir)) for filename in os.listdir(sitedir): s = filename.startswith e = filename.endswith if s(module_name) and e('-nspkg.pth'): self.add_file(os.path.join(sitedir, filename)) elif hasattr(module, '__file__'): # path = module.__file__ if path.endswith('.pyc'): _path = path[:-1] if not os.path.isfile(_path): raise ValueError( 'Could not find a *.py source file behind ' + path) path = _path if not path.endswith('.py'): raise ValueError( 'We need a *.py source file instead of ' + path) self.add_file(path)
[docs] def add_directory(self, path, ignore=None): """Add ``*.py`` files under the directory ``path`` to the archive. """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): arc_prefix = os.path.relpath(root, os.path.dirname(path)) # py3 remove pyc cache dirs. if '__pycache__' in dirs: dirs.remove('__pycache__') for f in files: dest_path = os.path.join(arc_prefix, f) # ignore specific files if ignore and ignore(dest_path): continue if f.endswith('.pyc') or f.endswith('.c'): continue f_path = os.path.join(root, f) self.add_file(f_path, dest_path)
[docs] def add_file(self, src, dest=None): """Add the file at ``src`` to the archive. If ``dest`` is ``None`` then it is added under just the original filename. So ``add_file('foo/bar.txt')`` ends up at ``bar.txt`` in the archive, while ``add_file('bar.txt', 'foo/bar.txt')`` ends up at ``foo/bar.txt``. """ dest = dest or os.path.basename(src) with open(src, 'rb') as fp: contents = self.add_contents(dest, contents)
[docs] def add_py_file(self, src, dest=None): """This is a special case of :py:meth:`add_file` that helps for adding a ``py`` when a ``pyc`` may be present as well. So for example, if ``__file__`` is ``foo.pyc`` and you do: .. code-block:: python archive.add_py_file(__file__) then this method will add ```` instead if it exists, and raise ``IOError`` if it doesn't. """ src = src[:-1] if src.endswith('.pyc') else src self.add_file(src, dest)
[docs] def add_contents(self, dest, contents): """Add file contents to the archive under ``dest``. If ``dest`` is a path, it will be added compressed and world-readable (user-writeable). You may also pass a :py:class:`~zipfile.ZipInfo` for custom behavior. """ assert not self._closed, "Archive closed" if not isinstance(dest, zipfile.ZipInfo): dest = zinfo(dest) # see for some caveats # Ensure we apply the compression dest.compress_type = self.zip_compression # Mark host OS as Linux for all archives dest.create_system = 3 self._zip_file.writestr(dest, contents)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the zip file. Note underlying tempfile is removed when archive is garbage collected. """ self._closed = True self._zip_file.close() log.debug( "Created custodian serverless archive size: %0.2fmb", (os.path.getsize( / ( 1024.0 * 1024.0))) return self
[docs] def remove(self): """Dispose of the temp file for garbage collection.""" if self._temp_archive_file: self._temp_archive_file = None
[docs] def get_checksum(self, encoder=base64.b64encode, hasher=hashlib.sha256): """Return the b64 encoded sha256 checksum of the archive.""" assert self._closed, "Archive not closed" with open(, 'rb') as fh: return encoder(checksum(fh, hasher())).decode('ascii')
[docs] def get_bytes(self): """Return the entire zip file as a byte string. """ assert self._closed, "Archive not closed" return self.get_stream().read()
[docs] def get_stream(self): """Return the entire zip file as a stream. """ assert self._closed, "Archive not closed" return open(, 'rb')
[docs] def get_reader(self): """Return a read-only :py:class:`~zipfile.ZipFile`.""" assert self._closed, "Archive not closed" buf = io.BytesIO(self.get_bytes()) return zipfile.ZipFile(buf, mode='r')
[docs] def get_filenames(self): """Return a list of filenames in the archive.""" return [n.filename for n in self.get_reader().filelist]
[docs]def checksum(fh, hasher, blocksize=65536): buf = while len(buf) > 0: hasher.update(buf) buf = return hasher.digest()
[docs]def custodian_archive(packages=None): """Create a lambda code archive for running custodian. Lambda archive currently always includes `c7n` and `pkg_resources`. Add additional packages in the mode block. Example policy that includes additional packages .. code-block:: yaml policy: name: lambda-archive-example resource: s3 mode: packages: - botocore packages: List of additional packages to include in the lambda archive. """ modules = {'c7n', 'pkg_resources'} if packages: modules = filter(None, modules.union(packages)) return PythonPackageArchive(sorted(modules))
[docs]class LambdaManager(object): """ Provides CRUD operations around lambda functions """ def __init__(self, session_factory, s3_asset_path=None): self.session_factory = session_factory self.client = self.session_factory().client('lambda') self.s3_asset_path = s3_asset_path
[docs] def list_functions(self, prefix=None): p = self.client.get_paginator('list_functions') for rp in p.paginate(): for f in rp.get('Functions', []): if not prefix: yield f elif f['FunctionName'].startswith(prefix): yield f
[docs] def publish(self, func, alias=None, role=None, s3_uri=None): result, changed = self._create_or_update( func, role, s3_uri, qualifier=alias) func.arn = result['FunctionArn'] if alias and changed: func.alias = self.publish_alias(result, alias) elif alias: func.alias = "%s:%s" % (func.arn, alias) else: func.alias = func.arn for e in func.get_events(self.session_factory): if e.add(func): log.debug( "Added event source: %s to function: %s", e, func.alias) return result
add = publish
[docs] def remove(self, func, alias=None): for e in func.get_events(self.session_factory): e.remove(func)"Removing lambda function %s", try: self.client.delete_function( except self.client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException: pass
[docs] def metrics(self, funcs, start, end, period=5 * 60): def func_metrics(f): metrics = local_session(self.session_factory).client('cloudwatch') values = {} for m in ('Errors', 'Invocations', 'Durations', 'Throttles'): values[m] = metrics.get_metric_statistics( Namespace="AWS/Lambda", Dimensions=[{ 'Name': 'FunctionName', 'Value': ( isinstance(f, dict) and f['FunctionName'] or}], Statistics=["Sum"], StartTime=start, EndTime=end, Period=period, MetricName=m)['Datapoints'] return values with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as w: results = list(, funcs)) for m, f in zip(results, funcs): if isinstance(f, dict): f['Metrics'] = m return results
[docs] def logs(self, func, start, end): logs = self.session_factory().client('logs') group_name = "/aws/lambda/%s" %"Fetching logs from group: %s" % group_name) try: logs.describe_log_groups( logGroupNamePrefix=group_name) except logs.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException: pass try: log_streams = logs.describe_log_streams( logGroupName=group_name, orderBy="LastEventTime", limit=3, descending=True) except logs.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException: return start = _timestamp_from_string(start) end = _timestamp_from_string(end) for s in reversed(log_streams['logStreams']): result = logs.get_log_events( logGroupName=group_name, logStreamName=s['logStreamName'], startTime=start, endTime=end) for e in result['events']: yield e
[docs] @staticmethod def delta_function(old_config, new_config): changed = [] for k in new_config: # Layers need special handling as they have extra info on describe. if k == 'Layers' and k in old_config and new_config[k]: if sorted(new_config[k]) != sorted([ l['Arn'] for l in old_config[k]]): changed.append(k) # Vpc needs special handling as a dict with lists elif k == 'VpcConfig' and k in old_config and new_config[k]: if set(old_config[k]['SubnetIds']) != set( new_config[k]['SubnetIds']): changed.append(k) elif set(old_config[k]['SecurityGroupIds']) != set( new_config[k]['SecurityGroupIds']): changed.append(k) elif k not in old_config: if k in LAMBDA_EMPTY_VALUES and LAMBDA_EMPTY_VALUES[k] == new_config[k]: continue changed.append(k) elif new_config[k] != old_config[k]: changed.append(k) return changed
[docs] @staticmethod def diff_tags(old_tags, new_tags): add = {} remove = set() for k, v in new_tags.items(): if k not in old_tags or old_tags[k] != v: add[k] = v for k in old_tags: if k not in new_tags: remove.add(k) return add, list(remove)
def _create_or_update(self, func, role=None, s3_uri=None, qualifier=None): role = func.role or role assert role, "Lambda function role must be specified" archive = func.get_archive() existing = self.get(, qualifier) if s3_uri: # TODO: support versioned buckets bucket, key = self._upload_func(s3_uri, func, archive) code_ref = {'S3Bucket': bucket, 'S3Key': key} else: code_ref = {'ZipFile': archive.get_bytes()} changed = False if existing: result = old_config = existing['Configuration'] if archive.get_checksum() != old_config['CodeSha256']: log.debug("Updating function %s code", params = dict(, Publish=True) params.update(code_ref) result = self.client.update_function_code(**params) changed = True # TODO/Consider also set publish above to false, and publish # after configuration change? new_config = func.get_config() new_config['Role'] = role if self._update_tags(existing, new_config.pop('Tags', {})): changed = True config_changed = self.delta_function(old_config, new_config) if config_changed: log.debug("Updating function: %s config %s",, ", ".join(sorted(config_changed))) result = self.client.update_function_configuration(**new_config) changed = True if self._update_concurrency(existing, func): changed = True else:'Publishing custodian policy lambda function %s', params = func.get_config() params.update({'Publish': True, 'Code': code_ref, 'Role': role}) result = self.client.create_function(**params) self._update_concurrency(None, func) changed = True return result, changed def _update_concurrency(self, existing, func): e_concurrency = None if existing: e_concurrency = existing.get('Concurrency', {}).get( 'ReservedConcurrentExecutions') if e_concurrency == func.concurrency: return elif e_concurrency is not None and func.concurrency is None: log.debug("Removing function: %s concurrency", self.client.delete_function_concurrency( return True log.debug("Updating function: %s concurrency", self.client.put_function_concurrency(, ReservedConcurrentExecutions=func.concurrency) def _update_tags(self, existing, new_tags): # tag dance base_arn = existing['Configuration']['FunctionArn'] if base_arn.count(':') > 6: # trim version/alias base_arn = base_arn.rsplit(':', 1)[0] tags_to_add, tags_to_remove = self.diff_tags( existing.get('Tags', {}), new_tags) changed = False if tags_to_add: log.debug("Updating function tags: %s" % base_arn) self.client.tag_resource(Resource=base_arn, Tags=tags_to_add) changed = True if tags_to_remove: log.debug("Removing function stale tags: %s" % base_arn) self.client.untag_resource(Resource=base_arn, TagKeys=tags_to_remove) changed = True return changed def _upload_func(self, s3_uri, func, archive): from boto3.s3.transfer import S3Transfer, TransferConfig _, bucket, key_prefix = parse_s3(s3_uri) key = "%s/%s" % (key_prefix, transfer = S3Transfer( self.session_factory().client('s3'), config=TransferConfig( multipart_threshold=1024 * 1024 * 4)) transfer.upload_file( archive.path, bucket=bucket, key=key, extra_args={ 'ServerSideEncryption': 'AES256'}) return bucket, key
[docs] def publish_alias(self, func_data, alias): """Create or update an alias for the given function. """ if not alias: return func_data['FunctionArn'] func_name = func_data['FunctionName'] func_version = func_data['Version'] exists = resource_exists( self.client.get_alias, FunctionName=func_name, Name=alias) if not exists: log.debug("Publishing custodian lambda alias %s", alias) alias_result = self.client.create_alias( FunctionName=func_name, Name=alias, FunctionVersion=func_version) else: if (exists['FunctionVersion'] == func_version and exists['Name'] == alias): return exists['AliasArn'] log.debug('Updating custodian lambda alias %s', alias) alias_result = self.client.update_alias( FunctionName=func_name, Name=alias, FunctionVersion=func_version) return alias_result['AliasArn']
[docs] def get(self, func_name, qualifier=None): params = {'FunctionName': func_name} if qualifier: params['Qualifier'] = qualifier return resource_exists( self.client.get_function, **params)
[docs]def resource_exists(op, NotFound="ResourceNotFoundException", *args, **kw): try: return op(*args, **kw) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == NotFound: return False raise
[docs]class AbstractLambdaFunction: """Abstract base class for lambda functions.""" __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta alias = None @abc.abstractproperty def name(self): """Name for the lambda function""" @abc.abstractproperty def runtime(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def description(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def handler(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def memory_size(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def timeout(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def role(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def subnets(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def security_groups(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def dead_letter_config(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def environment(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def kms_key_arn(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def tracing_config(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def tags(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def layers(self): """ """ @abc.abstractproperty def concurrency(self): """ """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_events(self, session_factory): """event sources that should be bound to this lambda."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_archive(self): """Return the lambda distribution archive object."""
[docs] def get_config(self): conf = { 'FunctionName':, 'MemorySize': self.memory_size, 'Role': self.role, 'Description': self.description, 'Runtime': self.runtime, 'Handler': self.handler, 'Timeout': self.timeout, 'TracingConfig': self.tracing_config, 'KMSKeyArn': self.kms_key_arn, 'DeadLetterConfig': self.dead_letter_config, 'VpcConfig': LAMBDA_EMPTY_VALUES['VpcConfig'], 'Tags': self.tags} if self.layers: conf['Layers'] = self.layers if self.environment['Variables']: conf['Environment'] = self.environment if self.subnets and self.security_groups: conf['VpcConfig'] = { 'SubnetIds': self.subnets, 'SecurityGroupIds': self.security_groups} return conf
LAMBDA_EMPTY_VALUES = { 'Environment': {'Variables': {}}, 'DeadLetterConfig': {}, 'TracingConfig': {'Mode': 'PassThrough'}, 'VpcConfig': {'SubnetIds': [], 'SecurityGroupIds': []}, 'KMSKeyArn': '', }
[docs]class LambdaFunction(AbstractLambdaFunction): def __init__(self, func_data, archive): self.func_data = func_data required = set(( 'name', 'handler', 'memory_size', 'timeout', 'role', 'runtime', 'description')) missing = required.difference(func_data) if missing: raise ValueError("Missing required keys %s" % " ".join(missing)) self.archive = archive @property def name(self): return self.func_data['name'] @property def description(self): return self.func_data['description'] @property def handler(self): return self.func_data['handler'] @property def memory_size(self): return self.func_data['memory_size'] @property def timeout(self): return self.func_data['timeout'] @property def runtime(self): return self.func_data['runtime'] @property def role(self): return self.func_data['role'] @property def layers(self): return self.func_data.get('layers', ()) @property def concurrency(self): return self.func_data.get('concurrency') @property def security_groups(self): return self.func_data.get('security_groups', None) @property def subnets(self): return self.func_data.get('subnets', None) @property def dead_letter_config(self): return self.func_data.get( 'dead_letter_config', LAMBDA_EMPTY_VALUES['DeadLetterConfig']) @property def environment(self): return self.func_data.get( 'environment', LAMBDA_EMPTY_VALUES['Environment']) @property def kms_key_arn(self): return self.func_data.get('kms_key_arn', '') @property def tracing_config(self): # Default return self.func_data.get( 'tracing_config', LAMBDA_EMPTY_VALUES['TracingConfig']) @property def tags(self): return self.func_data.get('tags', {})
[docs] def get_events(self, session_factory): return self.func_data.get('events', ())
[docs] def get_archive(self): return self.archive
PolicyHandlerTemplate = """\ from c7n import handler def run(event, context): return handler.dispatch_event(event, context) """
[docs]class PolicyLambda(AbstractLambdaFunction): """Wraps a custodian policy to turn it into a lambda function. """ handler = "" def __init__(self, policy): self.policy = policy self.archive = custodian_archive(packages=self.packages) @property def name(self): prefix =['mode'].get('function-prefix', 'custodian-') return "%s%s" % (prefix, @property def description(self): return 'description', 'cloud-custodian lambda policy') @property def role(self): return['mode'].get('role', '') @property def runtime(self): return['mode'].get('runtime', 'python3.7') @property def memory_size(self): return['mode'].get('memory', 512) @property def timeout(self): return['mode'].get('timeout', 900) @property def security_groups(self): return['mode'].get('security_groups', None) @property def subnets(self): return['mode'].get('subnets', None) @property def dead_letter_config(self): return['mode'].get( 'dead_letter_config', LAMBDA_EMPTY_VALUES['DeadLetterConfig']) @property def environment(self): return['mode'].get( 'environment', LAMBDA_EMPTY_VALUES['Environment']) @property def kms_key_arn(self): return['mode'].get('kms_key_arn', '') @property def tracing_config(self): # Default return['mode'].get( 'tracing_config', {'Mode': 'PassThrough'}) @property def tags(self): return['mode'].get('tags', {}) @property def concurrency(self): return['mode'].get('concurrency') @property def layers(self): return['mode'].get('layers', ()) @property def packages(self): return['mode'].get('packages')
[docs] def get_events(self, session_factory): events = [] if['mode']['type'] == 'config-rule': events.append( ConfigRule(['mode'], session_factory)) else: events.append( CloudWatchEventSource(['mode'], session_factory)) return events
[docs] def get_archive(self): self.archive.add_contents( 'config.json', json.dumps( {'execution-options': dict(self.policy.options), 'policies': []}, indent=2)) self.archive.add_contents('', PolicyHandlerTemplate) self.archive.close() return self.archive
[docs]def zinfo(fname): """Amazon lambda exec environment setup can break itself if zip files aren't constructed a particular way. ie. It respects file perm attributes from the zip including those that prevent lambda from working. Namely lambda extracts code as one user, and executes code as a different user. Without permissions for the executing user to read the file the lambda function is broken. Python's default zipfile.writestr does a 0600 perm which we modify here as a workaround. """ info = zipfile.ZipInfo(fname) # Grant other users permissions to read # info.external_attr = 0o644 << 16 return info
[docs]class CloudWatchEventSource(object): """Subscribe a lambda to cloud watch events. Cloud watch events supports a number of different event sources, from periodic timers with cron syntax, to real time instance state notifications, cloud trail events, and realtime asg membership changes. Event Pattern for Instance State .. code-block:: json { "source": ["aws.ec2"], "detail-type": ["EC2 Instance State-change Notification"], "detail": { "state": ["pending"]} } Event Pattern for Cloud Trail API .. code-block:: json { "detail-type": ["AWS API Call via CloudTrail"], "detail": { "eventSource": [""], "eventName": ["CreateBucket", "DeleteBucket"] } } """ ASG_EVENT_MAPPING = { 'launch-success': 'EC2 Instance Launch Successful', 'launch-failure': 'EC2 Instance Launch Unsuccessful', 'terminate-success': 'EC2 Instance Terminate Successful', 'terminate-failure': 'EC2 Instance Terminate Unsuccessful'} def __init__(self, data, session_factory): self.session_factory = session_factory self._session = None self._client = None = data @property def session(self): if not self._session: self._session = self.session_factory() return self._session @property def client(self): if not self._client: self._client = self.session.client('events') return self._client
[docs] def get(self, rule_name): return resource_exists(self.client.describe_rule, Name=rule_name)
[docs] @staticmethod def delta(src, tgt): """Given two cwe rules determine if the configuration is the same. Name is already implied. """ for k in ['State', 'EventPattern', 'ScheduleExpression']: if src.get(k) != tgt.get(k): return True return False
def __repr__(self): return "<CWEvent Type:%s Events:%s>" % ('type'), ', '.join(map(str,'events', []))))
[docs] def resolve_cloudtrail_payload(self, payload): sources ='sources', []) events = [] for e in'events'): if not isinstance(e, dict): events.append(e) event_info = CloudWatchEvents.get(e) if event_info is None: continue else: event_info = e events.append(e['event']) sources.append(event_info['source']) payload['detail'] = { 'eventSource': list(set(sources)), 'eventName': events}
[docs] def render_event_pattern(self): event_type ='type') payload = {} if event_type == 'cloudtrail': payload['detail-type'] = ['AWS API Call via CloudTrail'] self.resolve_cloudtrail_payload(payload) if event_type == 'cloudtrail': if '' in payload['detail']['eventSource']: payload['detail-type'] = ['AWS Console Sign In via CloudTrail'] elif event_type == 'guard-duty': payload['source'] = ['aws.guardduty'] payload['detail-type'] = ['GuardDuty Finding'] if 'resource-filter' in payload.update({ 'detail': {'resource': {'resourceType': [['resource-filter']]}}}) elif event_type == "ec2-instance-state": payload['source'] = ['aws.ec2'] payload['detail-type'] = [ "EC2 Instance State-change Notification"] # Technically could let empty be all events, but likely misconfig payload['detail'] = {"state":'events', [])} elif event_type == "asg-instance-state": payload['source'] = ['aws.autoscaling'] events = [] for e in'events', []): events.append(self.ASG_EVENT_MAPPING.get(e, e)) payload['detail-type'] = events elif event_type == 'phd': payload['source'] = [''] payload['detail'] = { 'eventTypeCode': list(['events'])} if'categories', []): payload['detail']['eventTypeCategory'] =['categories'] elif event_type == 'periodic': pass else: raise ValueError( "Unknown lambda event source type: %s" % event_type) if not payload: return None return json.dumps(payload)
[docs] def add(self, func): params = dict(, Description=func.description, State='ENABLED') pattern = self.render_event_pattern() if pattern: params['EventPattern'] = pattern schedule ='schedule') if schedule: params['ScheduleExpression'] = schedule rule = self.get( if rule and, params): log.debug("Updating cwe rule for %s" % response = self.client.put_rule(**params) elif not rule: log.debug("Creating cwe rule for %s" % (self)) response = self.client.put_rule(**params) else: response = {'RuleArn': rule['Arn']} client = self.session.client('lambda') try: client.add_permission(,, SourceArn=response['RuleArn'], Action='lambda:InvokeFunction', Principal='') log.debug('Added lambda invoke cwe rule permission') except client.exceptions.ResourceConflictException: pass # Add Targets found = False response = self.client.list_targets_by_rule( # CWE seems to be quite picky about function arns (no aliases/versions) func_arn = func.arn if func_arn.count(':') > 6: func_arn, version = func_arn.rsplit(':', 1) for t in response['Targets']: if func_arn == t['Arn']: found = True if found: return log.debug('Creating cwe rule target for %s on func:%s' % ( self, func_arn)) self.client.put_targets(, Targets=[{"Id":, "Arn": func_arn}]) return True
[docs] def update(self, func): self.add(func)
[docs] def pause(self, func): try: self.client.disable_rule( except Exception: pass
[docs] def resume(self, func): try: self.client.enable_rule( except Exception: pass
[docs] def remove(self, func): if self.get("Removing cwe targets and rule %s", try: targets = self.client.list_targets_by_rule(['Targets'] self.client.remove_targets(, Ids=[t['Id'] for t in targets]) except ClientError as e: log.warning( "Could not remove targets for rule %s error: %s",, e) self.client.delete_rule(
[docs]class BucketLambdaNotification(object): """ Subscribe a lambda to bucket notifications directly. """ def __init__(self, data, session_factory, bucket): = data self.session_factory = session_factory self.session = session_factory() self.bucket = bucket
[docs] def delta(self, src, tgt): for k in ['Id', 'LambdaFunctionArn', 'Events', 'Filters']: if src.get(k) != tgt.get(k): return True return False
def _get_notifies(self, s3, func): notifies = s3.get_bucket_notification_configuration( Bucket=self.bucket['Name']) found = False for f in notifies.get('LambdaFunctionConfigurations', []): if f['Id'] != continue found = f return notifies, found
[docs] def add(self, func): s3 = self.session.client('s3') notifies, found = self._get_notifies(s3, func) notifies.pop('ResponseMetadata', None) func_arn = func.arn if func_arn.rsplit(':', 1)[-1].isdigit(): func_arn = func_arn.rsplit(':', 1)[0] n_params = { 'Id':, 'LambdaFunctionArn': func_arn, 'Events':'events', ['s3:ObjectCreated:*'])} if'filters'): n_params['Filters'] = { 'Key': {'FilterRules': self.filters}} if found: if, n_params): notifies['LambdaFunctionConfigurations'].remove(found) else:"Bucket lambda notification present") return lambda_client = self.session.client('lambda') params = dict(, StatementId=self.bucket['Name'], Action='lambda:InvokeFunction', Principal='') if'account_s3'): params['SourceAccount'] =['account_s3'] params['SourceArn'] = 'arn:aws:s3:::*' else: params['SourceArn'] = 'arn:aws:s3:::%' % self.bucket['Name'] try: lambda_client.add_permission(**params) except lambda_client.exceptions.ResourceConflictException: pass notifies.setdefault('LambdaFunctionConfigurations', []).append(n_params) s3.put_bucket_notification_configuration( Bucket=self.bucket['Name'], NotificationConfiguration=notifies) return True
[docs] def remove(self, func): s3 = self.session.client('s3') notifies, found = self._get_notifies(s3, func) if not found: return lambda_client = self.session.client('lambda') try: response = lambda_client.remove_permission( FunctionName=func['FunctionName'], StatementId=self.bucket['Name']) log.debug("Removed lambda permission result: %s" % response) except lambda_client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException: pass notifies['LambdaFunctionConfigurations'].remove(found) s3.put_bucket_notification_configuration( Bucket=self.bucket['Name'], NotificationConfiguration=notifies)
[docs]class CloudWatchLogSubscription(object): """ Subscribe a lambda to a log group[s] """ iam_delay = 1.5 def __init__(self, session_factory, log_groups, filter_pattern): self.log_groups = log_groups self.filter_pattern = filter_pattern self.session_factory = session_factory self.session = session_factory() self.client = self.session.client('logs')
[docs] def add(self, func): lambda_client = self.session.client('lambda') for group in self.log_groups: "Creating subscription filter for %s" % group['logGroupName']) region = group['arn'].split(':', 4)[3] try: lambda_client.add_permission(, StatementId=group['logGroupName'][1:].replace('/', '-'), SourceArn=group['arn'], Action='lambda:InvokeFunction', Principal='' % region) log.debug("Added lambda ipo nvoke log group permission") # iam eventual consistency and propagation time.sleep(self.iam_delay) except lambda_client.exceptions.ResourceConflictException: pass # Consistent put semantics / ie no op if extant self.client.put_subscription_filter( logGroupName=group['logGroupName'],, filterPattern=self.filter_pattern, destinationArn=func.alias or func.arn)
[docs] def remove(self, func): lambda_client = self.session.client('lambda') for group in self.log_groups: try: response = lambda_client.remove_permission(, StatementId=group['logGroupName'][1:].replace('/', '-')) log.debug("Removed lambda permission result: %s" % response) except lambda_client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException: pass try: response = self.client.delete_subscription_filter( logGroupName=group['logGroupName'], log.debug("Removed subscription filter from: %s", group['logGroupName']) except lambda_client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException: pass
[docs]class SQSSubscription(object): """ Subscribe a lambda to one or more SQS queues. """ def __init__(self, session_factory, queue_arns, batch_size=10): self.queue_arns = queue_arns self.session_factory = session_factory self.batch_size = batch_size
[docs] def add(self, func): client = local_session(self.session_factory).client('lambda') event_mappings = { m['EventSourceArn']: m for m in client.list_event_source_mappings('EventSourceMappings', ())} modified = False for queue_arn in self.queue_arns: mapping = None if queue_arn in event_mappings: mapping = event_mappings[queue_arn] if (mapping['State'] == 'Enabled' or mapping['BatchSize'] != self.batch_size): continue modified = True else: modified = True if not modified: return modified if mapping is not None: "Updating subscription %s on %s",, queue_arn) client.update_event_source_mapping( UUID=mapping['UUID'], Enabled=True, BatchSize=self.batch_size) else:"Subscribing %s to %s",, queue_arn) client.create_event_source_mapping(, EventSourceArn=queue_arn, BatchSize=self.batch_size) return modified
[docs] def remove(self, func): client = local_session(self.session_factory).client('lambda') event_mappings = { m['EventSourceArn']: m for m in client.list_event_source_mappings('EventSourceMappings', ())} for queue_arn in self.queue_arns: if queue_arn not in event_mappings: continue client.delete_event_source_mapping( UUID=event_mappings[queue_arn]['UUID'])
[docs]class SNSSubscription(object): """ Subscribe a lambda to one or more SNS topics. """ iam_delay = 1.5 def __init__(self, session_factory, topic_arns): self.topic_arns = topic_arns self.session_factory = session_factory @staticmethod def _parse_arn(arn): parts = arn.split(':') region, topic_name = parts[3], parts[5] statement_id = 'sns-topic-' + topic_name return region, topic_name, statement_id
[docs] def add(self, func): session = local_session(self.session_factory) lambda_client = session.client('lambda') for arn in self.topic_arns: region, topic_name, statement_id = self._parse_arn(arn)"Subscribing %s to %s" % (, topic_name)) # Add permission to lambda for sns invocation. try: lambda_client.add_permission(, StatementId='sns-topic-' + topic_name, SourceArn=arn, Action='lambda:InvokeFunction', Principal='') log.debug("Added permission for sns to invoke lambda") # iam eventual consistency and propagation time.sleep(self.iam_delay) except lambda_client.exceptions.ResourceConflictException: pass # Subscribe the lambda to the topic, idempotent sns_client = session.client('sns') sns_client.subscribe( TopicArn=arn, Protocol='lambda', Endpoint=func.arn)
[docs] def remove(self, func): session = local_session(self.session_factory) lambda_client = session.client('lambda') sns_client = session.client('sns') for topic_arn in self.topic_arns: region, topic_name, statement_id = self._parse_arn(topic_arn) try: response = lambda_client.remove_permission(, StatementId=statement_id) log.debug("Removed lambda permission result: %s" % response) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] != 'ResourceNotFoundException': raise paginator = sns_client.get_paginator('list_subscriptions_by_topic') class Done(Exception): pass try: for page in paginator.paginate(TopicArn=topic_arn): for subscription in page['Subscriptions']: if subscription['Endpoint'] != func.arn: continue try: response = sns_client.unsubscribe( SubscriptionArn=subscription['SubscriptionArn']) log.debug("Unsubscribed %s from %s" % (, topic_name)) except sns_client.exceptions.NotFoundException: pass raise Done # break out of both for loops except Done: pass
[docs]class BucketSNSNotification(SNSSubscription): """ Subscribe a lambda to bucket notifications via SNS. """ def __init__(self, session_factory, bucket, topic=None): # NB: We are overwriting __init__ vs. extending. self.session_factory = session_factory self.session = session_factory() self.topic_arns = self.get_topic(bucket) if topic is None else [topic] self.client = self.session.client('sns')
[docs] def get_topic(self, bucket): session = local_session(self.session_factory) sns = session.client('sns') s3 = session.client('s3') notifies = bucket['Notification'] if 'TopicConfigurations' not in notifies: notifies['TopicConfigurations'] = [] all_topics = notifies['TopicConfigurations'] topic_arns = [t['TopicArn'] for t in all_topics if 's3:ObjectCreated:*' in t['Events']] if not topic_arns: # No suitable existing topic. Create one. topic_arn = sns.create_topic(Name=bucket['Name'])['TopicArn'] policy = { 'Statement': [{ 'Action': 'SNS:Publish', 'Effect': 'Allow', 'Resource': topic_arn, 'Principal': {'Service': ''}}]} sns.set_topic_attributes( TopicArn=topic_arn, AttributeName='Policy', AttributeValue=json.dumps(policy)) notifies['TopicConfigurations'].append({ 'TopicArn': topic_arn, 'Events': ['s3:ObjectCreated:*']}) s3.put_bucket_notification_configuration(Bucket=bucket['Name'], NotificationConfiguration=notifies) topic_arns = [topic_arn] return topic_arns
[docs]class ConfigRule(object): """Use a lambda as a custom config rule. """ def __init__(self, data, session_factory): = data self.session_factory = session_factory self.session = session_factory() self.client = self.session.client('config') def __repr__(self): return "<ConfigRule>"
[docs] def get_rule_params(self, func): # config does not support versions/aliases on lambda funcs func_arn = func.arn if func_arn.count(':') > 6: func_arn, version = func_arn.rsplit(':', 1) params = dict(, Description=func.description, Source={ 'Owner': 'CUSTOM_LAMBDA', 'SourceIdentifier': func_arn, 'SourceDetails': [{ 'EventSource': 'aws.config', 'MessageType': 'ConfigurationItemChangeNotification'}] } ) if isinstance(func, PolicyLambda): manager = func.policy.load_resource_manager() if hasattr(manager.get_model(), 'config_type'): config_type = manager.get_model().config_type else: raise Exception("You may have attempted to deploy a config " "based lambda function with an unsupported config type. " "The most recent AWS config types are here:" "" "-config-reference.html.") params['Scope'] = { 'ComplianceResourceTypes': [config_type]} else: params['Scope']['ComplianceResourceTypes'] = 'resource-types', ()) return params
[docs] def get(self, rule_name): rules = resource_exists( self.client.describe_config_rules, ConfigRuleNames=[rule_name], NotFound="NoSuchConfigRuleException") if not rules: return rules return rules['ConfigRules'][0]
[docs] @staticmethod def delta(rule, params): # doesn't seem like we have anything mutable at the moment, # since we restrict params, maybe reusing the same policy name # with a different resource type. if rule['Scope'] != params['Scope']: return True if rule['Source'] != params['Source']: return True if rule.get('Description', '') != rule.get('Description', ''): return True return False
[docs] def add(self, func): rule = self.get( params = self.get_rule_params(func) if rule and, params): log.debug("Updating config rule for %s" % self) rule.update(params) return self.client.put_config_rule(ConfigRule=rule) elif rule: log.debug("Config rule up to date") return client = self.session.client('lambda') try: client.add_permission(,, SourceAccount=func.arn.split(':')[4], Action='lambda:InvokeFunction', Principal='') except client.exceptions.ResourceConflictException: pass log.debug("Adding config rule for %s" % return self.client.put_config_rule(ConfigRule=params)
[docs] def remove(self, func): rule = self.get( if not rule: return"Removing config rule for %s", try: self.client.delete_config_rule( except self.client.exceptions.NoSuchConfigRuleException: pass