Source code for c7n.reports.csvout

# Copyright 2015-2017 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Reporting Tools

Provides reporting tools against cloud-custodian's json output records.

For each policy execution custodian stores structured output
in json format of the records a policy has filtered to
in an s3 bucket.

These represent the records matching the policy filters
that the policy will apply actions to.

The reporting mechanism here simply fetches those records
over a given time interval and constructs a resource type
specific report on them.

CLI Usage

.. code-block:: bash

   $ custodian report -s s3://cloud-custodian-xyz/policies \\
     -p ec2-tag-compliance-terminate -v > terminated.csv

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from concurrent.futures import as_completed

from datetime import datetime
import gzip
import io
import json
import jmespath
import logging
import os
from tabulate import tabulate

import six
from botocore.compat import OrderedDict
from dateutil.parser import parse as date_parse

from c7n.executor import ThreadPoolExecutor
from c7n.utils import local_session, dumps
from c7n.utils import UnicodeWriter

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.reports')

[docs]def report(policies, start_date, options, output_fh, raw_output_fh=None): """Format a policy's extant records into a report.""" regions = set([p.options.region for p in policies]) policy_names = set([ for p in policies]) formatter = Formatter( policies[0].resource_manager.resource_type, extra_fields=options.field, include_default_fields=not options.no_default_fields, include_region=len(regions) > 1, include_policy=len(policy_names) > 1 ) records = [] for policy in policies: # initialize policy execution context for output access policy.ctx.initialize() if policy.ctx.output.type == 's3': policy_records = record_set( policy.session_factory, policy.ctx.output.config['netloc'], policy.ctx.output.config['path'].strip('/'), start_date) else: policy_records = fs_record_set(policy.ctx.log_dir, log.debug("Found %d records for region %s", len(policy_records), policy.options.region) for record in policy_records: record['policy'] = record['region'] = policy.options.region records += policy_records rows = formatter.to_csv(records) if options.format == 'csv': writer = UnicodeWriter(output_fh, formatter.headers()) writer.writerow(formatter.headers()) writer.writerows(rows) elif options.format == 'json': print(dumps(records, indent=2)) else: # We special case CSV, and for other formats we pass to tabulate print(tabulate(rows, formatter.headers(), tablefmt=options.format)) if raw_output_fh is not None: dumps(records, raw_output_fh, indent=2)
def _get_values(record, field_list, tag_map): tag_prefix = 'tag:' list_prefix = 'list:' count_prefix = 'count:' vals = [] for field in field_list: if field.startswith(tag_prefix): tag_field = field.replace(tag_prefix, '', 1) value = tag_map.get(tag_field, '') elif field.startswith(list_prefix): list_field = field.replace(list_prefix, '', 1) value =, record) if value is None: value = '' else: value = ', '.join([str(v) for v in value]) elif field.startswith(count_prefix): count_field = field.replace(count_prefix, '', 1) value =, record) if value is None: value = '' else: value = str(len(value)) else: value =, record) if value is None: value = '' if not isinstance(value, six.text_type): value = six.text_type(value) vals.append(value) return vals
[docs]class Formatter(object): def __init__(self, resource_type, extra_fields=(), include_default_fields=True, include_region=False, include_policy=False, fields=()): # Lookup default fields for resource type. model = resource_type self._id_field = self._date_field = getattr(model, 'date', None) fields = OrderedDict(fields) mfields = getattr(model, 'default_report_fields', None) if mfields is None: mfields = [] if != mfields.append( if getattr(model, 'date', None): mfields.append( if include_default_fields: fields.update(OrderedDict(zip(mfields, mfields))) for index, field in enumerate(extra_fields): # TODO this type coercion should be done at cli input, not here h, cexpr = field.split('=', 1) fields[h] = cexpr # Add these at the end so that they are the last fields if include_default_fields: if include_region: fields['Region'] = 'region' if include_policy: fields['Policy'] = 'policy' self.fields = fields
[docs] def headers(self): return self.fields.keys()
[docs] def extract_csv(self, record): tag_map = {t['Key']: t['Value'] for t in record.get('Tags', ())} return _get_values(record, self.fields.values(), tag_map)
[docs] def uniq_by_id(self, records): """Only the first record for each id""" uniq = [] keys = set() for rec in records: rec_id = rec[self._id_field] if rec_id not in keys: uniq.append(rec) keys.add(rec_id) return uniq
[docs] def to_csv(self, records, reverse=True, unique=True): if not records: return [] # Sort before unique to get the first/latest record date_sort = ('CustodianDate' in records[0] and 'CustodianDate' or self._date_field) if date_sort: records.sort( key=lambda r: r[date_sort], reverse=reverse) if unique: uniq = self.uniq_by_id(records) else: uniq = records log.debug("Uniqued from %d to %d" % (len(records), len(uniq))) rows = list(map(self.extract_csv, uniq)) return rows
[docs]def fs_record_set(output_path, policy_name): record_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'resources.json') if not os.path.exists(record_path): return [] mdate = datetime.fromtimestamp( os.stat(record_path).st_ctime) with open(record_path) as fh: records = json.load(fh) [r.__setitem__('CustodianDate', mdate) for r in records] return records
[docs]def record_set(session_factory, bucket, key_prefix, start_date, specify_hour=False): """Retrieve all s3 records for the given policy output url From the given start date. """ s3 = local_session(session_factory).client('s3') records = [] key_count = 0 date = start_date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d') if specify_hour: date += "/{}".format(start_date.hour) else: date += "/00" marker = "{}/{}/resources.json.gz".format(key_prefix.strip("/"), date) p = s3.get_paginator('list_objects_v2').paginate( Bucket=bucket, Prefix=key_prefix.strip('/') + '/', StartAfter=marker, ) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) as w: for key_set in p: if 'Contents' not in key_set: continue keys = [k for k in key_set['Contents'] if k['Key'].endswith('resources.json.gz')] key_count += len(keys) futures = map(lambda k: w.submit( get_records, bucket, k, session_factory), keys) for f in as_completed(futures): records.extend(f.result())"Fetched %d records across %d files" % ( len(records), key_count)) return records
[docs]def get_records(bucket, key, session_factory): # we're doing a lot of this in memory, worst case # though we're talking about a 10k objects, else # we should spool to temp files # key ends with 'YYYY/mm/dd/HH/resources.json.gz' # so take the date parts only date_str = '-'.join(key['Key'].rsplit('/', 5)[-5:-1]) custodian_date = date_parse(date_str) s3 = local_session(session_factory).client('s3') result = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key['Key']) blob = io.BytesIO(result['Body'].read()) records = json.load(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=blob)) log.debug("bucket: %s key: %s records: %d", bucket, key['Key'], len(records)) for r in records: r['CustodianDate'] = custodian_date return records