Source code for c7n.resources.ec2

# Copyright 2015-2017 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import base64
import itertools
import operator
import random
import re
import zlib

import six
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from dateutil.parser import parse
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
import jmespath

from c7n.actions import (
    ActionRegistry, BaseAction, ModifyVpcSecurityGroupsAction
from c7n.actions.securityhub import PostFinding
from c7n.exceptions import PolicyValidationError
from c7n.filters import (
    FilterRegistry, AgeFilter, ValueFilter, Filter, DefaultVpcBase
from c7n.filters.offhours import OffHour, OnHour
import c7n.filters.vpc as net_filters

from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n import query, utils
from c7n.resources.iam import CheckPermissions
from c7n.utils import type_schema, filter_empty

RE_ERROR_INSTANCE_ID = re.compile("'(?P<instance_id>i-.*?)'")

filters = FilterRegistry('ec2.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('ec2.actions')

[docs]@resources.register('ec2') class EC2(query.QueryResourceManager):
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 'ec2' type = 'instance' enum_spec = ('describe_instances', 'Reservations[].Instances[]', None) detail_spec = None id = 'InstanceId' filter_name = 'InstanceIds' filter_type = 'list' name = 'PublicDnsName' date = 'LaunchTime' dimension = 'InstanceId' config_type = "AWS::EC2::Instance" shape = "Instance" default_report_fields = ( 'CustodianDate', 'InstanceId', 'tag:Name', 'InstanceType', 'LaunchTime', 'VpcId', 'PrivateIpAddress', )
filter_registry = filters action_registry = actions # if we have to do a fallback scenario where tags don't come in describe permissions = ('ec2:DescribeTags',) def __init__(self, ctx, data): super(EC2, self).__init__(ctx, data) self.queries = QueryFilter.parse('query', []))
[docs] def resources(self, query=None): q = self.resource_query() if q is not None: query = query or {} query['Filters'] = q return super(EC2, self).resources(query=query)
[docs] def resource_query(self): qf = [] qf_names = set() # allow same name to be specified multiple times and append the queries # under the same name for q in self.queries: qd = q.query() if qd['Name'] in qf_names: for qf in qf: if qd['Name'] == qf['Name']: qf['Values'].extend(qd['Values']) else: qf_names.add(qd['Name']) qf.append(qd) return qf
[docs] def get_source(self, source_type): if source_type == 'describe': return DescribeEC2(self) elif source_type == 'config': return query.ConfigSource(self) raise ValueError('invalid source %s' % source_type)
[docs]class DescribeEC2(query.DescribeSource):
[docs] def augment(self, resources): """EC2 API and AWOL Tags While ec2 api generally returns tags when doing describe_x on for various resources, it may also silently fail to do so unless a tag is used as a filter. See footnote on for official documentation. Apriori we may be using custodian to ensure tags (including name), so there isn't a good default to ensure that we will always get tags from describe_x calls. """ # First if we're in event based lambda go ahead and skip this, # tags can't be trusted in ec2 instances immediately post creation. if not resources or 'mode', {}).get('type', '') in ( 'cloudtrail', 'ec2-instance-state'): return resources # AWOL detector, so we don't make extraneous api calls. resource_count = len(resources) search_count = min(int(resource_count % 0.05) + 1, 5) if search_count > resource_count: search_count = resource_count found = False for r in random.sample(resources, search_count): if 'Tags' in r: found = True break if found: return resources # Okay go and do the tag lookup client = utils.local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') tag_set = self.manager.retry( client.describe_tags, Filters=[{'Name': 'resource-type', 'Values': ['instance']}])['Tags'] resource_tags = {} for t in tag_set: t.pop('ResourceType') rid = t.pop('ResourceId') resource_tags.setdefault(rid, []).append(t) m = self.manager.get_model() for r in resources: r['Tags'] = resource_tags.get(r[], ()) return resources
[docs]@filters.register('security-group') class SecurityGroupFilter(net_filters.SecurityGroupFilter): RelatedIdsExpression = "SecurityGroups[].GroupId"
[docs]@filters.register('subnet') class SubnetFilter(net_filters.SubnetFilter): RelatedIdsExpression = "SubnetId"
[docs]@filters.register('vpc') class VpcFilter(net_filters.VpcFilter): RelatedIdsExpression = "VpcId"
[docs]@filters.register('check-permissions') class ComputePermissions(CheckPermissions):
[docs] def get_iam_arns(self, resources): profile_arn_map = { r['IamInstanceProfile']['Arn']: r['IamInstanceProfile']['Id'] for r in resources if 'IamInstanceProfile' in r} # py2 compat on dict ordering profile_arns = list(profile_arn_map.items()) profile_role_map = { arn: profile['Roles'][0]['Arn'] for arn, profile in zip( [p[0] for p in profile_arns], self.manager.get_resource_manager( 'iam-profile').get_resources( [p[1] for p in profile_arns]))} return [ profile_role_map.get(r.get('IamInstanceProfile', {}).get('Arn')) for r in resources]
[docs]@filters.register('state-age') class StateTransitionAge(AgeFilter): """Age an instance has been in the given state. .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-state-running-7-days resource: ec2 filters: - type: state-age op: ge days: 7 """ RE_PARSE_AGE = re.compile(r"\(.*?\)") # this filter doesn't use date_attribute, but needs to define it # to pass AgeFilter's validate method date_attribute = "dummy" schema = type_schema( 'state-age', op={'$ref': '#/definitions/filters_common/comparison_operators'}, days={'type': 'number'})
[docs] def get_resource_date(self, i): v = i.get('StateTransitionReason') if not v: return None dates = self.RE_PARSE_AGE.findall(v) if dates: return parse(dates[0][1:-1]) return None
[docs]class StateTransitionFilter(object): """Filter instances by state. Try to simplify construction for policy authors by automatically filtering elements (filters or actions) to the instances states they are valid for. For more details see """ valid_origin_states = ()
[docs] def filter_instance_state(self, instances, states=None): states = states or self.valid_origin_states orig_length = len(instances) results = [i for i in instances if i['State']['Name'] in states]"%s %d of %d instances" % ( self.__class__.__name__, len(results), orig_length)) return results
[docs]@filters.register('ebs') class AttachedVolume(ValueFilter): """EC2 instances with EBS backed volume Filters EC2 instances with EBS backed storage devices (non ephemeral) :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-encrypted-ebs-volumes resource: ec2 filters: - type: ebs key: Encrypted value: true """ schema = type_schema( 'ebs', rinherit=ValueFilter.schema, **{'operator': {'enum': ['and', 'or']}, 'skip-devices': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}})
[docs] def get_permissions(self): return self.manager.get_resource_manager('ebs').get_permissions()
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): self.volume_map = self.get_volume_mapping(resources) self.skip ='skip-devices', []) self.operator = 'operator', 'or') == 'or' and any or all return list(filter(self, resources))
[docs] def get_volume_mapping(self, resources): volume_map = {} manager = self.manager.get_resource_manager('ebs') for instance_set in utils.chunks(resources, 200): volume_ids = [] for i in instance_set: for bd in i.get('BlockDeviceMappings', ()): if 'Ebs' not in bd: continue volume_ids.append(bd['Ebs']['VolumeId']) for v in manager.get_resources(volume_ids): if not v['Attachments']: continue volume_map.setdefault( v['Attachments'][0]['InstanceId'], []).append(v) return volume_map
def __call__(self, i): volumes = self.volume_map.get(i['InstanceId']) if not volumes: return False if self.skip: for v in list(volumes): for a in v.get('Attachments', []): if a['Device'] in self.skip: volumes.remove(v) return self.operator(map(self.match, volumes))
[docs]@filters.register('termination-protected') class DisableApiTermination(Filter): """EC2 instances with ``disableApiTermination`` attribute set Filters EC2 instances with ``disableApiTermination`` attribute set to true. :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: termination-protection-enabled resource: ec2 filters: - type: termination-protected :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: termination-protection-NOT-enabled resource: ec2 filters: - not: - type: termination-protected """ schema = type_schema('termination-protected') permissions = ('ec2:DescribeInstanceAttribute',)
[docs] def get_permissions(self): perms = list(self.permissions) perms.extend(self.manager.get_permissions()) return perms
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): client = utils.local_session( self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') return [r for r in resources if self.is_termination_protection_enabled(client, r)]
[docs] def is_termination_protection_enabled(self, client, inst): attr_val = self.manager.retry( client.describe_instance_attribute, Attribute='disableApiTermination', InstanceId=inst['InstanceId'] ) return attr_val['DisableApiTermination']['Value']
[docs]class InstanceImageBase(object):
[docs] def prefetch_instance_images(self, instances): image_ids = [i['ImageId'] for i in instances if 'c7n:instance-image' not in i] self.image_map = self.get_local_image_mapping(image_ids)
[docs] def get_base_image_mapping(self): return {i['ImageId']: i for i in self.manager.get_resource_manager('ami').resources()}
[docs] def get_instance_image(self, instance): image = instance.get('c7n:instance-image', None) if not image: image = instance['c7n:instance-image'] = self.image_map.get(instance['ImageId'], None) return image
[docs] def get_local_image_mapping(self, image_ids): base_image_map = self.get_base_image_mapping() resources = {i: base_image_map[i] for i in image_ids if i in base_image_map} missing = list(set(image_ids) - set(resources.keys())) if missing: loaded = self.manager.get_resource_manager('ami').get_resources(missing, False) resources.update({image['ImageId']: image for image in loaded}) return resources
[docs]@filters.register('image-age') class ImageAge(AgeFilter, InstanceImageBase): """EC2 AMI age filter Filters EC2 instances based on the age of their AMI image (in days) :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-ancient-ami resource: ec2 filters: - type: image-age op: ge days: 90 """ date_attribute = "CreationDate" schema = type_schema( 'image-age', op={'$ref': '#/definitions/filters_common/comparison_operators'}, days={'type': 'number'})
[docs] def get_permissions(self): return self.manager.get_resource_manager('ami').get_permissions()
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): self.prefetch_instance_images(resources) return super(ImageAge, self).process(resources, event)
[docs] def get_resource_date(self, i): image = self.get_instance_image(i) if image: return parse(image['CreationDate']) else: return parse("2000-01-01T01:01:01.000Z")
[docs]@filters.register('image') class InstanceImage(ValueFilter, InstanceImageBase): schema = type_schema('image', rinherit=ValueFilter.schema)
[docs] def get_permissions(self): return self.manager.get_resource_manager('ami').get_permissions()
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): self.prefetch_instance_images(resources) return super(InstanceImage, self).process(resources, event)
def __call__(self, i): image = self.get_instance_image(i) # Finally, if we have no image... if not image: self.log.warning( "Could not locate image for instance:%s ami:%s" % ( i['InstanceId'], i["ImageId"])) # Match instead on empty skeleton? return False return self.match(image)
[docs]@filters.register('offhour') class InstanceOffHour(OffHour, StateTransitionFilter): """Custodian OffHour filter Filters running EC2 instances with the intent to stop at a given hour of the day. A list of days to excluded can be included as a list of strings with the format YYYY-MM-DD. Alternatively, the list (using the same syntax) can be taken from a specified url. :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: offhour-evening-stop resource: ec2 filters: - type: offhour tag: custodian_downtime default_tz: et offhour: 20 actions: - stop - name: offhour-evening-stop-skip-holidays resource: ec2 filters: - type: offhour tag: custodian_downtime default_tz: et offhour: 20 skip-days: ['2017-12-25'] actions: - stop - name: offhour-evening-stop-skip-holidays-from resource: ec2 filters: - type: offhour tag: custodian_downtime default_tz: et offhour: 20 skip-days-from: expr: 0 format: csv url: 's3://location/holidays.csv' actions: - stop """ valid_origin_states = ('running',)
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): return super(InstanceOffHour, self).process( self.filter_instance_state(resources))
[docs]@filters.register('network-location') class EC2NetworkLocation(net_filters.NetworkLocation, StateTransitionFilter): valid_origin_states = ('pending', 'running', 'shutting-down', 'stopping', 'stopped')
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): resources = self.filter_instance_state(resources) if not resources: return [] return super(EC2NetworkLocation, self).process(resources)
[docs]@filters.register('onhour') class InstanceOnHour(OnHour, StateTransitionFilter): """Custodian OnHour filter Filters stopped EC2 instances with the intent to start at a given hour of the day. A list of days to excluded can be included as a list of strings with the format YYYY-MM-DD. Alternatively, the list (using the same syntax) can be taken from a specified url. :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: onhour-morning-start resource: ec2 filters: - type: onhour tag: custodian_downtime default_tz: et onhour: 6 actions: - start - name: onhour-morning-start-skip-holidays resource: ec2 filters: - type: onhour tag: custodian_downtime default_tz: et onhour: 6 skip-days: ['2017-12-25'] actions: - start - name: onhour-morning-start-skip-holidays-from resource: ec2 filters: - type: onhour tag: custodian_downtime default_tz: et onhour: 6 skip-days-from: expr: 0 format: csv url: 's3://location/holidays.csv' actions: - start """ valid_origin_states = ('stopped',)
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): return super(InstanceOnHour, self).process( self.filter_instance_state(resources))
[docs]@filters.register('ephemeral') class EphemeralInstanceFilter(Filter): """EC2 instances with ephemeral storage Filters EC2 instances that have ephemeral storage (an instance-store backed root device) :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-ephemeral-instances resource: ec2 filters: - type: ephemeral """ schema = type_schema('ephemeral') def __call__(self, i): return self.is_ephemeral(i)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_ephemeral(i): for bd in i.get('BlockDeviceMappings', []): if bd['DeviceName'] in ('/dev/sda1', '/dev/xvda', 'xvda'): if 'Ebs' in bd: return False return True return True
[docs]@filters.register('instance-uptime') class UpTimeFilter(AgeFilter): date_attribute = "LaunchTime" schema = type_schema( 'instance-uptime', op={'$ref': '#/definitions/filters_common/comparison_operators'}, days={'type': 'number'})
[docs]@filters.register('instance-age') class InstanceAgeFilter(AgeFilter): """Filters instances based on their age (in days) :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-30-days-plus resource: ec2 filters: - type: instance-age op: ge days: 30 """ date_attribute = "LaunchTime" ebs_key_func = operator.itemgetter('AttachTime') schema = type_schema( 'instance-age', op={'$ref': '#/definitions/filters_common/comparison_operators'}, days={'type': 'number'}, hours={'type': 'number'}, minutes={'type': 'number'})
[docs] def get_resource_date(self, i): # LaunchTime is basically how long has the instance # been on, use the oldest ebs vol attach time ebs_vols = [ block['Ebs'] for block in i['BlockDeviceMappings'] if 'Ebs' in block] if not ebs_vols: # Fall back to using age attribute (ephemeral instances) return super(InstanceAgeFilter, self).get_resource_date(i) # Lexographical sort on date ebs_vols = sorted(ebs_vols, key=self.ebs_key_func) return ebs_vols[0]['AttachTime']
[docs]@filters.register('default-vpc') class DefaultVpc(DefaultVpcBase): """ Matches if an ec2 database is in the default vpc """ schema = type_schema('default-vpc') def __call__(self, ec2): return ec2.get('VpcId') and self.match(ec2.get('VpcId')) or False
[docs]def deserialize_user_data(user_data): data = base64.b64decode(user_data) # try raw and compressed try: return data.decode('utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError: return zlib.decompress(data, 16).decode('utf8')
[docs]@filters.register('user-data') class UserData(ValueFilter): """Filter on EC2 instances which have matching userdata. Note: It is highly recommended to use regexes with the ?sm flags, since Custodian uses re.match() and userdata spans multiple lines. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2_userdata_stop resource: ec2 filters: - type: user-data op: regex value: (?smi).*password= actions: - stop """ schema = type_schema('user-data', rinherit=ValueFilter.schema) batch_size = 50 annotation = 'c7n:user-data' permissions = ('ec2:DescribeInstanceAttribute',) def __init__(self, data, manager): super(UserData, self).__init__(data, manager)['key'] = '"c7n:user-data"'
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): client = utils.local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') results = [] with self.executor_factory(max_workers=3) as w: futures = {} for instance_set in utils.chunks(resources, self.batch_size): futures[w.submit( self.process_instance_set, client, instance_set)] = instance_set for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): self.log.error( "Error processing userdata on instance set %s", f.exception()) results.extend(f.result()) return results
[docs] def process_instance_set(self, client, resources): results = [] for r in resources: if self.annotation not in r: try: result = client.describe_instance_attribute( Attribute='userData', InstanceId=r['InstanceId']) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidInstanceId.NotFound': continue if 'Value' not in result['UserData']: r[self.annotation] = None else: r[self.annotation] = deserialize_user_data( result['UserData']['Value']) if self.match(r): results.append(r) return results
[docs]@filters.register('singleton') class SingletonFilter(Filter, StateTransitionFilter): """EC2 instances without autoscaling or a recover alarm Filters EC2 instances that are not members of an autoscaling group and do not have Cloudwatch recover alarms. :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-recover-instances resource: ec2 filters: - singleton actions: - type: tag key: problem value: instance is not resilient """ schema = type_schema('singleton') permissions = ('cloudwatch:DescribeAlarmsForMetric',) valid_origin_states = ('running', 'stopped', 'pending', 'stopping') in_asg = ValueFilter({ 'key': 'tag:aws:autoscaling:groupName', 'value': 'not-null'}).validate()
[docs] def process(self, instances, event=None): return super(SingletonFilter, self).process( self.filter_instance_state(instances))
def __call__(self, i): if self.in_asg(i): return False else: return not self.has_recover_alarm(i)
[docs] def has_recover_alarm(self, i): client = utils.local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('cloudwatch') alarms = client.describe_alarms_for_metric( MetricName='StatusCheckFailed_System', Namespace='AWS/EC2', Dimensions=[ { 'Name': 'InstanceId', 'Value': i['InstanceId'] } ] ) for i in alarms['MetricAlarms']: for a in i['AlarmActions']: if ( a.startswith('arn:aws:automate:') and a.endswith(':ec2:recover') ): return True return False
[docs]@EC2.filter_registry.register('ssm') class SsmStatus(ValueFilter): """Filter ec2 instances by their ssm status information. :Example: Find ubuntu 18.04 instances are active with ssm. .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-recover-instances resource: ec2 filters: - type: ssm key: PingStatus value: Online - type: ssm key: PlatformName value: Ubuntu - type: ssm key: PlatformVersion value: 18.04 """ schema = type_schema('ssm', rinherit=ValueFilter.schema) permissions = ('ssm:DescribeInstanceInformation',) annotation = 'c7n:SsmState'
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): client = utils.local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ssm') results = [] for resource_set in utils.chunks( [r for r in resources if self.annotation not in r], 50): self.process_resource_set(client, resource_set) for r in resources: if self.match(r[self.annotation]): results.append(r) return results
[docs] def process_resource_set(self, client, resources): instance_ids = [i['InstanceId'] for i in resources] info_map = { info['InstanceId']: info for info in client.describe_instance_information( Filters=[{'Key': 'InstanceIds', 'Values': instance_ids}]).get( 'InstanceInformationList', [])} for r in resources: r[self.annotation] = info_map.get(r['InstanceId'], {})
[docs]@EC2.action_registry.register("post-finding") class InstanceFinding(PostFinding):
[docs] def format_resource(self, r): ip_addresses = "NetworkInterfaces[].PrivateIpAddresses[].PrivateIpAddress", r) # limit to max 10 ip addresses, per security hub service limits ip_addresses = ip_addresses and ip_addresses[:10] or ip_addresses details = { "Type": r["InstanceType"], "ImageId": r["ImageId"], "IpV4Addresses": ip_addresses, "KeyName": r.get("KeyName"), "LaunchedAt": r["LaunchTime"].isoformat() } if "VpcId" in r: details["VpcId"] = r["VpcId"] if "SubnetId" in r: details["SubnetId"] = r["SubnetId"] if "IamInstanceProfile" in r: details["IamInstanceProfileArn"] = r["IamInstanceProfile"]["Arn"] instance = { "Type": "AwsEc2Instance", "Id": "arn:{}:ec2:{}:{}:instance/{}".format( utils.REGION_PARTITION_MAP.get(self.manager.config.region, 'aws'), self.manager.config.region, self.manager.config.account_id, r["InstanceId"]), "Region": self.manager.config.region, "Tags": {t["Key"]: t["Value"] for t in r.get("Tags", [])}, "Details": {"AwsEc2Instance": filter_empty(details)}, } instance = filter_empty(instance) return instance
[docs]@actions.register('start') class Start(BaseAction, StateTransitionFilter): """Starts a previously stopped EC2 instance. :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-start-stopped-instances resource: ec2 query: - instance-state-name: stopped actions: - start """ valid_origin_states = ('stopped',) schema = type_schema('start') permissions = ('ec2:StartInstances',) batch_size = 10 exception = None def _filter_ec2_with_volumes(self, instances): return [i for i in instances if len(i['BlockDeviceMappings']) > 0]
[docs] def process(self, instances): instances = self._filter_ec2_with_volumes( self.filter_instance_state(instances)) if not len(instances): return client = utils.local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') failures = {} # Play nice around aws having insufficient capacity... for itype, t_instances in utils.group_by( instances, 'InstanceType').items(): for izone, z_instances in utils.group_by( t_instances, 'Placement.AvailabilityZone').items(): for batch in utils.chunks(z_instances, self.batch_size): fails = self.process_instance_set(client, batch, itype, izone) if fails: failures["%s %s" % (itype, izone)] = [i['InstanceId'] for i in batch] if failures: fail_count = sum(map(len, failures.values())) msg = "Could not start %d of %d instances %s" % ( fail_count, len(instances), utils.dumps(failures)) self.log.warning(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def process_instance_set(self, client, instances, itype, izone): # Setup retry with insufficient capacity as well retryable = ('InsufficientInstanceCapacity', 'RequestLimitExceeded', 'Client.RequestLimitExceeded'), retry = utils.get_retry(retryable, max_attempts=5) instance_ids = [i['InstanceId'] for i in instances] while instance_ids: try: retry(client.start_instances, InstanceIds=instance_ids) break except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] in retryable: # we maxed out on our retries return True elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'IncorrectInstanceState': instance_ids.remove(extract_instance_id(e)) else: raise
[docs]def extract_instance_id(state_error): "Extract an instance id from an error" instance_id = None match = if match: instance_id = match.groupdict().get('instance_id') if match is None or instance_id is None: raise ValueError("Could not extract instance id from error: %s" % state_error) return instance_id
[docs]@actions.register('resize') class Resize(BaseAction, StateTransitionFilter): """Change an instance's size. An instance can only be resized when its stopped, this action can optionally restart an instance if needed to effect the instance type change. Instances are always left in the run state they were found in. There are a few caveats to be aware of, instance resizing needs to maintain compatibility for architecture, virtualization type hvm/pv, and ebs optimization at minimum. """ schema = type_schema( 'resize', **{'restart': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'type-map': {'type': 'object'}, 'default': {'type': 'string'}}) valid_origin_states = ('running', 'stopped')
[docs] def get_permissions(self): perms = ('ec2:DescribeInstances', 'ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute') if'restart', False): perms += ('ec2:StopInstances', 'ec2:StartInstances') return perms
[docs] def process(self, resources): stopped_instances = self.filter_instance_state( resources, ('stopped',)) running_instances = self.filter_instance_state( resources, ('running',)) if'restart') and running_instances: Stop({'terminate-ephemeral': False}, self.manager).process(running_instances) client = utils.local_session( self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') waiter = client.get_waiter('instance_stopped') try: waiter.wait( InstanceIds=[r['InstanceId'] for r in running_instances]) except ClientError as e: self.log.exception( "Exception stopping instances for resize:\n %s" % e) for instance_set in utils.chunks(itertools.chain( stopped_instances, running_instances), 20): self.process_resource_set(instance_set) if'restart') and running_instances: client.start_instances( InstanceIds=[i['InstanceId'] for i in running_instances]) return list(itertools.chain(stopped_instances, running_instances))
[docs] def process_resource_set(self, instance_set): type_map ='type-map') default_type ='default') client = utils.local_session( self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') for i in instance_set: self.log.debug( "resizing %s %s" % (i['InstanceId'], i['InstanceType'])) new_type = type_map.get(i['InstanceType'], default_type) if new_type == i['InstanceType']: continue try: client.modify_instance_attribute( InstanceId=i['InstanceId'], InstanceType={'Value': new_type}) except ClientError as e: self.log.exception( "Exception resizing instance:%s new:%s old:%s \n %s" % ( i['InstanceId'], new_type, i['InstanceType'], e))
[docs]@actions.register('stop') class Stop(BaseAction, StateTransitionFilter): """Stops a running EC2 instances :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-stop-running-instances resource: ec2 query: - instance-state-name: running actions: - stop """ valid_origin_states = ('running',) schema = type_schema('stop', **{'terminate-ephemeral': {'type': 'boolean'}})
[docs] def get_permissions(self): perms = ('ec2:StopInstances',) if'terminate-ephemeral', False): perms += ('ec2:TerminateInstances',) return perms
[docs] def split_on_storage(self, instances): ephemeral = [] persistent = [] for i in instances: if EphemeralInstanceFilter.is_ephemeral(i): ephemeral.append(i) else: persistent.append(i) return ephemeral, persistent
[docs] def process(self, instances): instances = self.filter_instance_state(instances) if not len(instances): return client = utils.local_session( self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') # Ephemeral instance can't be stopped. ephemeral, persistent = self.split_on_storage(instances) if'terminate-ephemeral', False) and ephemeral: self._run_instances_op( client.terminate_instances, [i['InstanceId'] for i in ephemeral]) if persistent: self._run_instances_op( client.stop_instances, [i['InstanceId'] for i in persistent]) return instances
def _run_instances_op(self, op, instance_ids): while instance_ids: try: return self.manager.retry(op, InstanceIds=instance_ids) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'IncorrectInstanceState': instance_ids.remove(extract_instance_id(e)) raise
[docs]@actions.register('reboot') class Reboot(BaseAction, StateTransitionFilter): """reboots a previously running EC2 instance. :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-reboot-instances resource: ec2 query: - instance-state-name: running actions: - reboot """ valid_origin_states = ('running',) schema = type_schema('reboot') permissions = ('ec2:RebootInstances',) batch_size = 10 exception = None def _filter_ec2_with_volumes(self, instances): return [i for i in instances if len(i['BlockDeviceMappings']) > 0]
[docs] def process(self, instances): instances = self._filter_ec2_with_volumes( self.filter_instance_state(instances)) if not len(instances): return client = utils.local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') failures = {} for batch in utils.chunks(instances, self.batch_size): fails = self.process_instance_set(client, batch) if fails: failures = [i['InstanceId'] for i in batch] if failures: fail_count = sum(map(len, failures.values())) msg = "Could not reboot %d of %d instances %s" % ( fail_count, len(instances), utils.dumps(failures)) self.log.warning(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def process_instance_set(self, client, instances): # Setup retry with insufficient capacity as well retryable = ('InsufficientInstanceCapacity', 'RequestLimitExceeded', 'Client.RequestLimitExceeded'), retry = utils.get_retry(retryable, max_attempts=5) instance_ids = [i['InstanceId'] for i in instances] try: retry(client.reboot_instances, InstanceIds=instance_ids) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] in retryable: return True raise
[docs]@actions.register('terminate') class Terminate(BaseAction, StateTransitionFilter): """ Terminate a set of instances. While ec2 offers a bulk delete api, any given instance can be configured with api deletion termination protection, so we can't use the bulk call reliabily, we need to process the instances individually. Additionally If we're configured with 'force' then we'll turn off instance termination protection. :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-process-termination resource: ec2 filters: - type: marked-for-op op: terminate actions: - terminate """ valid_origin_states = ('running', 'stopped', 'pending', 'stopping') schema = type_schema('terminate', force={'type': 'boolean'})
[docs] def get_permissions(self): permissions = ("ec2:TerminateInstances",) if'force'): permissions += ('ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute',) return permissions
[docs] def process(self, instances): instances = self.filter_instance_state(instances) if not len(instances): return client = utils.local_session( self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') if'force'):"Disabling termination protection on instances") self.disable_deletion_protection( client, [i for i in instances if i.get('InstanceLifecycle') != 'spot']) # limit batch sizes to avoid api limits for batch in utils.chunks(instances, 100): self.manager.retry( client.terminate_instances, InstanceIds=[i['InstanceId'] for i in instances])
[docs] def disable_deletion_protection(self, client, instances): def process_instance(i): try: self.manager.retry( client.modify_instance_attribute, InstanceId=i['InstanceId'], Attribute='disableApiTermination', Value='false') except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'IncorrectInstanceState': return raise with self.executor_factory(max_workers=2) as w: list(, instances))
[docs]@actions.register('snapshot') class Snapshot(BaseAction): """Snapshots volumes attached to an EC2 instance :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-snapshots resource: ec2 actions: - type: snapshot copy-tags: - Name """ schema = type_schema( 'snapshot', **{'copy-tags': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}) permissions = ('ec2:CreateSnapshot', 'ec2:CreateTags',)
[docs] def process(self, resources): client = utils.local_session( self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') with self.executor_factory(max_workers=2) as w: futures = [] for resource in resources: futures.append(w.submit( self.process_volume_set, client, resource)) for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): raise f.exception() self.log.error( "Exception creating snapshot set \n %s" % ( f.exception()))
[docs] def process_volume_set(self, client, resource): for block_device in resource['BlockDeviceMappings']: if 'Ebs' not in block_device: continue volume_id = block_device['Ebs']['VolumeId'] description = "Automated,Backup,%s,%s" % ( resource['InstanceId'], volume_id) tags = self.get_snapshot_tags(resource, block_device) try: self.manager.retry( client.create_snapshot, DryRun=self.manager.config.dryrun, VolumeId=volume_id, Description=description, TagSpecifications=[{ 'ResourceType': 'snapshot', 'Tags': tags}]) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'IncorrectState': self.log.warning( "action:%s volume:%s is incorrect state" % ( self.__class__.__name__.lower(), volume_id)) continue raise
[docs] def get_snapshot_tags(self, resource, block_device): tags = [ {'Key': 'Name', 'Value': block_device['Ebs']['VolumeId']}, {'Key': 'InstanceId', 'Value': resource['InstanceId']}, {'Key': 'DeviceName', 'Value': block_device['DeviceName']}, {'Key': 'custodian_snapshot', 'Value': ''}] copy_keys ='copy-tags', []) copy_tags = [] if copy_keys: for t in resource.get('Tags', []): if t['Key'] in copy_keys: copy_tags.append(t) if len(copy_tags) + len(tags) > 40: self.log.warning( "action:%s volume:%s too many tags to copy" % ( self.__class__.__name__.lower(), block_device['Ebs']['VolumeId'])) copy_tags = [] tags.extend(copy_tags) return tags
[docs]@actions.register('modify-security-groups') class EC2ModifyVpcSecurityGroups(ModifyVpcSecurityGroupsAction): """Modify security groups on an instance.""" permissions = ("ec2:ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute",) sg_expr = jmespath.compile("Groups[].GroupId")
[docs] def process(self, instances): if not len(instances): return client = utils.local_session( self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') # handle multiple ENIs interfaces = [] for i in instances: for eni in i['NetworkInterfaces']: if i.get('c7n:matched-security-groups'): eni['c7n:matched-security-groups'] = i[ 'c7n:matched-security-groups'] if i.get('c7n:NetworkLocation'): eni['c7n:NetworkLocation'] = i[ 'c7n:NetworkLocation'] interfaces.append(eni) groups = super(EC2ModifyVpcSecurityGroups, self).get_groups(interfaces) for idx, i in enumerate(interfaces): client.modify_network_interface_attribute( NetworkInterfaceId=i['NetworkInterfaceId'], Groups=groups[idx])
[docs]@actions.register('autorecover-alarm') class AutorecoverAlarm(BaseAction, StateTransitionFilter): """Adds a cloudwatch metric alarm to recover an EC2 instance. This action takes effect on instances that are NOT part of an ASG. :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-autorecover-alarm resource: ec2 filters: - singleton actions: - autorecover-alarm """ schema = type_schema('autorecover-alarm') permissions = ('ec2:DescribeInstanceStatus', 'ec2:RecoverInstances', 'ec2:DescribeInstanceRecoveryAttribute') valid_origin_states = ('running', 'stopped', 'pending', 'stopping') filter_asg_membership = ValueFilter({ 'key': 'tag:aws:autoscaling:groupName', 'value': 'empty'}).validate()
[docs] def process(self, instances): instances = self.filter_asg_membership.process( self.filter_instance_state(instances)) if not len(instances): return client = utils.local_session( self.manager.session_factory).client('cloudwatch') for i in instances: client.put_metric_alarm( AlarmName='recover-{}'.format(i['InstanceId']), AlarmDescription='Auto Recover {}'.format(i['InstanceId']), ActionsEnabled=True, AlarmActions=[ 'arn:{}:automate:{}:ec2:recover'.format( utils.REGION_PARTITION_MAP.get( self.manager.config.region, 'aws'), i['Placement']['AvailabilityZone'][:-1]) ], MetricName='StatusCheckFailed_System', Namespace='AWS/EC2', Statistic='Minimum', Dimensions=[ { 'Name': 'InstanceId', 'Value': i['InstanceId'] } ], Period=60, EvaluationPeriods=2, Threshold=0, ComparisonOperator='GreaterThanThreshold' )
[docs]@actions.register('set-instance-profile') class SetInstanceProfile(BaseAction, StateTransitionFilter): """Sets (add, modify, remove) the instance profile for a running EC2 instance. :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: set-default-instance-profile resource: ec2 filters: - IamInstanceProfile: absent actions: - type: set-instance-profile name: default """ schema = type_schema( 'set-instance-profile', **{'name': {'type': 'string'}}) permissions = ( 'ec2:AssociateIamInstanceProfile', 'ec2:DisassociateIamInstanceProfile', 'iam:PassRole') valid_origin_states = ('running', 'pending', 'stopped', 'stopping')
[docs] def process(self, instances): instances = self.filter_instance_state(instances) if not len(instances): return client = utils.local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') profile_name ='name') profile_instances = [i for i in instances if i.get('IamInstanceProfile')] if profile_instances: associations = { a['InstanceId']: (a['AssociationId'], a['IamInstanceProfile']['Arn']) for a in client.describe_iam_instance_profile_associations( Filters=[ {'Name': 'instance-id', 'Values': [i['InstanceId'] for i in profile_instances]}, {'Name': 'state', 'Values': ['associating', 'associated']}] ).get('IamInstanceProfileAssociations', ())} else: associations = {} for i in instances: if profile_name and i['InstanceId'] not in associations: client.associate_iam_instance_profile( IamInstanceProfile={'Name': profile_name}, InstanceId=i['InstanceId']) continue # Removing profile and no profile on instance. elif profile_name is None and i['InstanceId'] not in associations: continue p_assoc_id, p_arn = associations[i['InstanceId']] # Already associated to target profile, skip if profile_name and p_arn.endswith('/%s' % profile_name): continue if profile_name is None: client.disassociate_iam_instance_profile( AssociationId=p_assoc_id) else: client.replace_iam_instance_profile_association( IamInstanceProfile={'Name': profile_name}, AssociationId=p_assoc_id) return instances
[docs]@actions.register('propagate-spot-tags') class PropagateSpotTags(BaseAction): """Propagate Tags that are set at Spot Request level to EC2 instances. :Example: .. code-block: yaml policies: - name: ec2-spot-instances resource: ec2 filters: - State.Name: pending - instanceLifecycle: spot actions: - type: propagate-spot-tags only_tags: - Name - BillingTag """ schema = type_schema( 'propagate-spot-tags', **{'only_tags': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}) permissions = ( 'ec2:DescribeInstances', 'ec2:DescribeSpotInstanceRequests', 'ec2:DescribeTags', 'ec2:CreateTags') MAX_TAG_COUNT = 50
[docs] def process(self, instances): instances = [ i for i in instances if i['InstanceLifecycle'] == 'spot'] if not len(instances): self.log.warning( "action:%s no spot instances found, implicit filter by action" % ( self.__class__.__name__.lower())) return client = utils.local_session( self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') request_instance_map = {} for i in instances: request_instance_map.setdefault( i['SpotInstanceRequestId'], []).append(i) # ... and describe the corresponding spot requests ... requests = client.describe_spot_instance_requests( Filters=[{ 'Name': 'spot-instance-request-id', 'Values': list(request_instance_map.keys())}]).get( 'SpotInstanceRequests', []) updated = [] for r in requests: if not r.get('Tags'): continue updated.extend( self.process_request_instances( client, r, request_instance_map[r['SpotInstanceRequestId']])) return updated
[docs] def process_request_instances(self, client, request, instances): # Now we find the tags we can copy : either all, either those # indicated with 'only_tags' parameter. copy_keys ='only_tags', []) request_tags = {t['Key']: t['Value'] for t in request['Tags'] if not t['Key'].startswith('aws:')} if copy_keys: for k in set(copy_keys).difference(request_tags): del request_tags[k] update_instances = [] for i in instances: instance_tags = {t['Key']: t['Value'] for t in i.get('Tags', [])} # We may overwrite tags, but if the operation changes no tag, # we will not proceed. for k, v in request_tags.items(): if k not in instance_tags or instance_tags[k] != v: update_instances.append(i['InstanceId']) if len(set(instance_tags) | set(request_tags)) > self.MAX_TAG_COUNT: self.log.warning( "action:%s instance:%s too many tags to copy (> 50)" % ( self.__class__.__name__.lower(), i['InstanceId'])) continue for iset in utils.chunks(update_instances, 20): client.create_tags( DryRun=self.manager.config.dryrun, Resources=iset, Tags=[{'Key': k, 'Value': v} for k, v in request_tags.items()]) self.log.debug( "action:%s tags updated on instances:%r" % ( self.__class__.__name__.lower(), update_instances)) return update_instances
# Valid EC2 Query Filters # EC2_VALID_FILTERS = { 'architecture': ('i386', 'x86_64'), 'availability-zone': str, 'iam-instance-profile.arn': str, 'image-id': str, 'instance-id': str, 'instance-lifecycle': ('spot',), 'instance-state-name': ( 'pending', 'terminated', 'running', 'shutting-down', 'stopping', 'stopped'), '': str, '': str, 'tag-key': str, 'tag-value': str, 'tag:': str, 'tenancy': ('dedicated', 'default', 'host'), 'vpc-id': str}
[docs]class QueryFilter(object):
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, data): results = [] for d in data: if not isinstance(d, dict): raise ValueError( "EC2 Query Filter Invalid structure %s" % d) results.append(cls(d).validate()) return results
def __init__(self, data): = data self.key = None self.value = None
[docs] def validate(self): if not len(list( == 1: raise PolicyValidationError( "EC2 Query Filter Invalid %s" % self.key = list([0] self.value = list([0] if self.key not in EC2_VALID_FILTERS and not self.key.startswith( 'tag:'): raise PolicyValidationError( "EC2 Query Filter invalid filter name %s" % ( if self.value is None: raise PolicyValidationError( "EC2 Query Filters must have a value, use tag-key" " w/ tag name as value for tag present checks" " %s" % return self
[docs] def query(self): value = self.value if isinstance(self.value, six.string_types): value = [self.value] return {'Name': self.key, 'Values': value}
[docs]@filters.register('instance-attribute') class InstanceAttribute(ValueFilter): """EC2 Instance Value FIlter on a given instance attribute. Filters EC2 Instances with the given instance attribute :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ec2-unoptimized-ebs resource: ec2 filters: - type: instance-attribute attribute: ebsOptimized key: "Value" value: false """ valid_attrs = ( 'instanceType', 'kernel', 'ramdisk', 'userData', 'disableApiTermination', 'instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior', 'rootDeviceName', 'blockDeviceMapping', 'productCodes', 'sourceDestCheck', 'groupSet', 'ebsOptimized', 'sriovNetSupport', 'enaSupport') schema = type_schema( 'instance-attribute', rinherit=ValueFilter.schema, attribute={'enum': valid_attrs}, required=('attribute',))
[docs] def get_permissions(self): return ('ec2:DescribeInstanceAttribute',)
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): attribute =['attribute'] self.get_instance_attribute(resources, attribute) return [resource for resource in resources if self.match(resource['c7n:attribute-%s' % attribute])]
[docs] def get_instance_attribute(self, resources, attribute): client = utils.local_session( self.manager.session_factory).client('ec2') for resource in resources: instance_id = resource['InstanceId'] fetched_attribute = self.manager.retry( client.describe_instance_attribute, Attribute=attribute, InstanceId=instance_id) keys = list(fetched_attribute.keys()) keys.remove('ResponseMetadata') keys.remove('InstanceId') resource['c7n:attribute-%s' % attribute] = fetched_attribute[ keys[0]]
[docs]@resources.register('launch-template-version') class LaunchTemplate(query.QueryResourceManager):
[docs] class resource_type(object): id = 'LaunchTemplateId' name = 'LaunchTemplateName' service = 'ec2' date = 'CreateTime' dimension = None enum_spec = ( 'describe_launch_templates', 'LaunchTemplates', None) filter_name = 'LaunchTemplateIds' filter_type = 'list' type = "launch-template"
[docs] def augment(self, resources): client = utils.local_session( self.session_factory).client('ec2') template_versions = [] for r in resources: template_versions.extend( client.describe_launch_template_versions( LaunchTemplateId=r['LaunchTemplateId']).get( 'LaunchTemplateVersions', ())) return template_versions
[docs] def get_resources(self, rids, cache=True): # Launch template versions have a compound primary key # # Support one of four forms of resource ids: # # - array of launch template ids # - array of tuples (launch template id, version id) # - array of dicts (with LaunchTemplateId and VersionNumber) # - array of dicts (with LaunchTemplateId and LatestVersionNumber) # # If an alias version is given $Latest, $Default, the alias will be # preserved as an annotation on the returned object 'c7n:VersionAlias' if not rids: return [] t_versions = {} if isinstance(rids[0], tuple): for tid, tversion in rids: t_versions.setdefault(tid, []).append(tversion) elif isinstance(rids[0], dict): for tinfo in rids: t_versions.setdefault( tinfo['LaunchTemplateId'], []).append( tinfo.get('VersionNumber', tinfo.get('LatestVersionNumber'))) elif isinstance(rids[0], six.string_types): for tid in rids: t_versions[tid] = [] client = utils.local_session(self.session_factory).client('ec2') results = [] # We may end up fetching duplicates on $Latest and $Version for tid, tversions in t_versions.items(): ltv = client.describe_launch_template_versions( LaunchTemplateId=tid, Versions=tversions).get( 'LaunchTemplateVersions') if not tversions: tversions = [str(t['VersionNumber']) for t in ltv] for tversion, t in zip(tversions, ltv): if not tversion.isdigit(): t['c7n:VersionAlias'] = tversion results.append(t) return results
[docs] def get_asg_templates(self, asgs): templates = {} for a in asgs: if 'LaunchTemplate' not in a: continue t = a['LaunchTemplate'] templates.setdefault( (t['LaunchTemplateId'], t['Version']), []).append( a['AutoScalingGroupName']) return templates
[docs]@resources.register('ec2-reserved') class ReservedInstance(query.QueryResourceManager):
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 'ec2' name = id = 'ReservedInstancesId' date = 'Start' enum_spec = ( 'describe_reserved_instances', 'ReservedInstances', None) filter_name = 'ReservedInstancesIds' filter_type = 'list' dimension = None type = "reserved-instances"