Source code for c7n.resources.ecs

# Copyright 2015-2017 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

from c7n.actions import BaseAction
from c7n.exceptions import PolicyExecutionError
from c7n.filters import MetricsFilter, ValueFilter, Filter
from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.utils import local_session, chunks, get_retry, type_schema, group_by
from c7n import query
from c7n.tags import Tag, TagDelayedAction, RemoveTag, TagActionFilter
from c7n.actions import AutoTagUser

[docs]def ecs_tag_normalize(resources): """normalize tag format on ecs resources to match common aws format.""" for r in resources: if 'tags' in r: r['Tags'] = [{'Key': t['key'], 'Value': t['value']} for t in r['tags']] r.pop('tags')
NEW_ARN_STYLE = ('container-instance', 'service', 'task')
[docs]def ecs_taggable(model, r): # Tag support requires new arn format # # # New arn format details # # path_parts = r[].rsplit(':', 1)[-1].split('/') if path_parts[0] not in NEW_ARN_STYLE: return True return len(path_parts) > 2
[docs]@resources.register('ecs') class ECSCluster(query.QueryResourceManager):
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 'ecs' enum_spec = ('list_clusters', 'clusterArns', None) batch_detail_spec = ( 'describe_clusters', 'clusters', None, 'clusters', {'include': ['TAGS']}) name = "clusterName" arn = id = "clusterArn" dimension = None filter_name = None
[docs] def augment(self, resources): resources = super(ECSCluster, self).augment(resources) ecs_tag_normalize(resources) return resources
[docs]@ECSCluster.filter_registry.register('metrics') class ECSMetrics(MetricsFilter):
[docs] def get_dimensions(self, resource): return [{'Name': 'ClusterName', 'Value': resource['clusterName']}]
[docs]class ECSClusterResourceDescribeSource(query.ChildDescribeSource): # We need an additional subclass of describe for ecs cluster. # # - Default child query just returns the child resources from # enumeration op, for ecs clusters, enumeration just returns # resources ids, we also need to retain the parent id for # augmentation. # # - The default augmentation detail_spec/batch_detail_spec need additional # handling for the string resources with parent id. # def __init__(self, manager): self.manager = manager self.query = query.ChildResourceQuery( self.manager.session_factory, self.manager) self.query.capture_parent_id = True
[docs] def get_resources(self, ids, cache=True): """Retrieve ecs resources for serverless policies or related resources Requires arns in new format. """ cluster_resources = {} for i in ids: _, ident = i.rsplit(':', 1) parts = ident.split('/', 2) if len(parts) != 3: raise PolicyExecutionError("New format ecs arn required") cluster_resources.setdefault(parts[1], []).append(parts[2]) results = [] client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ecs') for cid, resource_ids in cluster_resources.items(): results.extend( self.process_cluster_resources(client, cid, resource_ids)) return results
[docs] def augment(self, resources): parent_child_map = {} for pid, r in resources: parent_child_map.setdefault(pid, []).append(r) results = [] with self.manager.executor_factory( max_workers=self.manager.max_workers) as w: client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ecs') futures = {} for pid, services in parent_child_map.items(): futures[ w.submit( self.process_cluster_resources, client, pid, services) ] = (pid, services) for f in futures: pid, services = futures[f] if f.exception(): self.manager.log.warning( 'error fetching ecs resources for cluster %s: %s', pid, f.exception()) continue results.extend(f.result()) return results
[docs]@query.sources.register('describe-ecs-service') class ECSServiceDescribeSource(ECSClusterResourceDescribeSource):
[docs] def process_cluster_resources(self, client, cluster_id, services): results = [] for service_set in chunks(services, self.manager.chunk_size): results.extend( client.describe_services( cluster=cluster_id, include=['TAGS'], services=service_set).get('services', [])) ecs_tag_normalize(results) return results
[docs]@resources.register('ecs-service') class Service(query.ChildResourceManager): chunk_size = 10
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 'ecs' name = 'serviceName' arn = id = 'serviceArn' enum_spec = ('list_services', 'serviceArns', None) parent_spec = ('ecs', 'cluster', None) dimension = None supports_trailevents = True filter_name = None
@property def source_type(self): source ='source', 'describe') if source in ('describe', 'describe-child'): source = 'describe-ecs-service' return source
[docs] def get_resources(self, ids, cache=True, augment=True): return super(Service, self).get_resources(ids, cache, augment=False)
[docs]@Service.filter_registry.register('metrics') class ServiceMetrics(MetricsFilter):
[docs] def get_dimensions(self, resource): return [ {'Name': 'ClusterName', 'Value': resource['clusterArn'].rsplit('/')[-1]}, {'Name': 'ServiceName', 'Value': resource['serviceName']}]
[docs]class RelatedTaskDefinitionFilter(ValueFilter): schema = type_schema('task-definition', rinherit=ValueFilter.schema) permissions = ('ecs:DescribeTaskDefinition', 'ecs:ListTaskDefinitions') related_key = 'taskDefinition'
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): task_def_ids = list({s[self.related_key] for s in resources}) task_def_manager = self.manager.get_resource_manager( 'ecs-task-definition') # due to model difference (multi-level containment with # multi-step resource iteration) and potential volume of # resources, we break our abstractions a little in the name of # efficiency wrt api usage. # check to see if task def cache is already populated key = task_def_manager.get_cache_key(None) if self.manager._cache.get(key): task_defs = task_def_manager.get_resources(task_def_ids) # else just augment the ids else: task_defs = task_def_manager.augment(task_def_ids) self.task_defs = {t['taskDefinitionArn']: t for t in task_defs} return super(RelatedTaskDefinitionFilter, self).process(resources)
def __call__(self, i): task = self.task_defs[i[self.related_key]] return self.match(task)
[docs]@Service.filter_registry.register('task-definition') class ServiceTaskDefinitionFilter(RelatedTaskDefinitionFilter): """Filter services by their task definitions. :Example: Find any fargate services that are running with a particular image in the task and stop them. .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: fargate-readonly-tasks resource: ecs-task filters: - launchType: FARGATE - type: task-definition key: "containerDefinitions[].image" value: "elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.4.3" value_type: swap op: contains actions: - type: stop """
[docs]@Service.action_registry.register('modify') class UpdateService(BaseAction): """Action to update service :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: no-public-ips-services resource: ecs-service filters: - 'networkConfiguration.awsvpcConfiguration.assignPublicIp': 'ENABLED' actions: - type: modify update: networkConfiguration: awsvpcConfiguration: assignPublicIp: DISABLED """ schema = type_schema('modify', update={ 'desiredCount': {'type': 'integer'}, 'taskDefinition': {'type': 'string'}, 'deploymentConfiguration': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'maximumPercent': {'type': 'integer'}, 'minimumHealthyPercent': {'type': 'integer'}, } }, 'networkConfiguration': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'awsvpcConfiguration': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'subnets': { 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'string', }, 'minItems': 1 }, 'securityGroups': { 'items': { 'type': 'string', }, }, 'assignPublicIp': { 'type': 'string', 'enum': ['ENABLED', 'DISABLED'], } } } } }, 'platformVersion': {'type': 'string'}, 'forceNewDeployment': {'type': 'boolean', 'default': False}, 'healthCheckGracePeriodSeconds': {'type': 'integer'}, } ) permissions = ('ecs:UpdateService',)
[docs] def process(self, resources): client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ecs') update ='update') for r in resources: param = {} # Handle network separately as it requires atomic updating, and populating # defaults from the resource. net_update = update.get('networkConfiguration', {}).get('awsvpcConfiguration') if net_update: net_param = dict(r['networkConfiguration']['awsvpcConfiguration']) param['networkConfiguration'] = {'awsvpcConfiguration': net_param} for k, v in net_update.items(): net_param[k] = v for k, v in update.items(): if k == 'networkConfiguration': continue elif r.get(k) != v: param[k] = v if not param: continue client.update_service( cluster=r['clusterArn'], service=r['serviceName'], **param)
[docs]@Service.action_registry.register('delete') class DeleteService(BaseAction): """Delete service(s).""" schema = type_schema('delete') permissions = ('ecs:DeleteService',)
[docs] def process(self, resources): client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ecs') retry = get_retry(('Throttling',)) for r in resources: try: primary = [d for d in r['deployments'] if d['status'] == 'PRIMARY'].pop() if primary['desiredCount'] > 0: retry(client.update_service, cluster=r['clusterArn'], service=r['serviceName'], desiredCount=0) retry(client.delete_service, cluster=r['clusterArn'], service=r['serviceName']) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] != 'ServiceNotFoundException': raise
[docs]@query.sources.register('describe-ecs-task') class ECSTaskDescribeSource(ECSClusterResourceDescribeSource):
[docs] def process_cluster_resources(self, client, cluster_id, tasks): results = [] for task_set in chunks(tasks, self.manager.chunk_size): results.extend( self.manager.retry( client.describe_tasks, cluster=cluster_id, include=['TAGS'], tasks=task_set).get('tasks', [])) ecs_tag_normalize(results) return results
[docs]@resources.register('ecs-task') class Task(query.ChildResourceManager): chunk_size = 100
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 'ecs' arn = id = name = 'taskArn' enum_spec = ('list_tasks', 'taskArns', None) parent_spec = ('ecs', 'cluster', None) dimension = None supports_trailevents = True filter_name = None
@property def source_type(self): source ='source', 'describe') if source in ('describe', 'describe-child'): source = 'describe-ecs-task' return source
[docs] def get_resources(self, ids, cache=True, augment=True): return super(Task, self).get_resources(ids, cache, augment=False)
[docs]@Task.filter_registry.register('task-definition') class TaskTaskDefinitionFilter(RelatedTaskDefinitionFilter): """Filter tasks by their task definition. :Example: Find any fargate tasks that are running without read only root and stop them. .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: fargate-readonly-tasks resource: ecs-task filters: - launchType: FARGATE - type: task-definition key: "containerDefinitions[].readonlyRootFilesystem" value: None value_type: swap op: contains actions: - type: stop """ related_key = 'taskDefinitionArn'
[docs]@Task.action_registry.register('stop') class StopTask(BaseAction): """Stop/Delete a currently running task.""" schema = type_schema('stop', reason={"type": "string"}) permissions = ('ecs:StopTask',)
[docs] def process(self, resources): client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ecs') retry = get_retry(('Throttling',)) reason ='reason', 'custodian policy') for r in resources: try: retry(client.stop_task, cluster=r['clusterArn'], task=r['taskArn'], reason=reason) except ClientError as e: # No error code for not found. if e.response['Error']['Message'] != "The referenced task was not found.": raise
[docs]@resources.register('ecs-task-definition') class TaskDefinition(query.QueryResourceManager):
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 'ecs' arn = id = name = 'taskDefinitionArn' enum_spec = ('list_task_definitions', 'taskDefinitionArns', None) dimension = None filter_name = None filter_type = None
[docs] def get_resources(self, ids, cache=True): if cache: resources = self._get_cached_resources(ids) if resources is not None: return resources try: resources = self.augment(ids) return resources except ClientError as e: self.log.warning("event ids not resolved: %s error:%s" % (ids, e)) return []
[docs] def augment(self, resources): results = [] client = local_session(self.session_factory).client('ecs') for task_def_set in resources: response = client.describe_task_definition( taskDefinition=task_def_set, include=['TAGS']) r = response['taskDefinition'] r['tags'] = response.get('tags', []) results.append(r) ecs_tag_normalize(results) return results
[docs]@TaskDefinition.action_registry.register('delete') class DeleteTaskDefinition(BaseAction): """Delete/DeRegister a task definition. The definition will be marked as InActive. Currently running services and task can still reference, new services & tasks can't. """ schema = type_schema('delete') permissions = ('ecs:DeregisterTaskDefinition',)
[docs] def process(self, resources): client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ecs') retry = get_retry(('Throttling',)) for r in resources: try: retry(client.deregister_task_definition, taskDefinition=r['taskDefinitionArn']) except ClientError as e: # No error code for not found. if e.response['Error'][ 'Message'] != 'The specified task definition does not exist.': raise
[docs]@resources.register('ecs-container-instance') class ContainerInstance(query.ChildResourceManager): chunk_size = 100
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 'ecs' id = name = 'containerInstance' enum_spec = ('list_container_instances', 'containerInstanceArns', None) parent_spec = ('ecs', 'cluster', None) dimension = None arn = "containerInstanceArn"
@property def source_type(self): source ='source', 'describe') if source in ('describe', 'describe-child'): source = 'describe-ecs-container-instance' return source
[docs]@query.sources.register('describe-ecs-container-instance') class ECSContainerInstanceDescribeSource(ECSClusterResourceDescribeSource):
[docs] def process_cluster_resources(self, client, cluster_id, container_instances): results = [] for service_set in chunks(container_instances, self.manager.chunk_size): r = client.describe_container_instances( cluster=cluster_id, include=['TAGS'], containerInstances=container_instances).get('containerInstances', []) # Many Container Instance API calls require the cluster_id, adding as a # custodian specific key in the resource for i in r: i['c7n:cluster'] = cluster_id results.extend(r) ecs_tag_normalize(results) return results
[docs]@ContainerInstance.action_registry.register('set-state') class SetState(BaseAction): """Updates a container instance to either ACTIVE or DRAINING :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: drain-container-instances resource: ecs-container-instance actions: - type: set-state state: DRAINING """ schema = type_schema( 'set-state', state={"type": "string", 'enum': ['DRAINING', 'ACTIVE']}) permissions = ('ecs:UpdateContainerInstancesState',)
[docs] def process(self, resources): cluster_map = group_by(resources, 'c7n:cluster') for cluster in cluster_map: c_instances = [i['containerInstanceArn'] for i in cluster_map[cluster] if i['status'] !='state')] results = self.process_cluster(cluster, c_instances) return results
[docs] def process_cluster(self, cluster, c_instances): # Limit on number of container instance that can be updated in a single # update_container_instances_state call is 10 chunk_size = 10 client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ecs') for service_set in chunks(c_instances, chunk_size): try: client.update_container_instances_state( cluster=cluster, containerInstances=service_set,'state')) except ClientError: self.manager.log.warning( 'Failed to update Container Instances State: %s, cluster %s' % (service_set, cluster)) raise
[docs]@ContainerInstance.action_registry.register('update-agent') class UpdateAgent(BaseAction): """Updates the agent on a container instance """ schema = type_schema('update-agent') permissions = ('ecs:UpdateContainerAgent',)
[docs] def process(self, resources): client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('ecs') for r in resources: self.process_instance( client, r.get('c7n:cluster'), r.get('containerInstanceArn'))
[docs] def process_instance(self, client, cluster, instance): try: client.update_container_agent( cluster=cluster, containerInstance=instance) except (client.exceptions.NoUpdateAvailableException, client.exceptions.UpdateInProgressException): return
[docs]@ECSCluster.action_registry.register('tag') @TaskDefinition.action_registry.register('tag') @Service.action_registry.register('tag') @Task.action_registry.register('tag') @ContainerInstance.action_registry.register('tag') class TagEcsResource(Tag): """Action to create tag(s) on an ECS resource (ecs, ecs-task-definition, ecs-service, ecs-task, ecs-container-instance) Requires arns in new format for tasks, services, and container-instances. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: tag-ecs-service resource: ecs-service filters: - "tag:target-tag": absent - type: taggable state: true actions: - type: tag key: target-tag value: target-value """ permissions = ('ecs:TagResource',) batch_size = 1
[docs] def process_resource_set(self, client, resources, tags): mid = tags = [{'key': t['Key'], 'value': t['Value']} for t in tags] old_arns = 0 for r in resources: if not ecs_taggable(self.manager.resource_type, r): old_arns += 1 continue client.tag_resource(resourceArn=r[mid], tags=tags) if old_arns: self.log.warn("Couldn't tag %d resource(s). Needs new ARN format", old_arns)
[docs]@ECSCluster.action_registry.register('remove-tag') @TaskDefinition.action_registry.register('remove-tag') @Service.action_registry.register('remove-tag') @Task.action_registry.register('remove-tag') @ContainerInstance.action_registry.register('remove-tag') class RemoveTagEcsResource(RemoveTag): """Remove tag(s) from ECS resources (ecs, ecs-task-definition, ecs-service, ecs-task, ecs-container-instance) :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ecs-service-remove-tag resource: ecs-service filters: - type: taggable state: true actions: - type: remove-tag tags: ["BadTag"] """ permissions = ('ecs:UntagResource',) batch_size = 1
[docs] def process_resource_set(self, client, resources, keys): old_arns = 0 for r in resources: if not ecs_taggable(self.manager.resource_type, r): old_arns += 1 continue client.untag_resource(resourceArn=r[self.id_key], tagKeys=keys) if old_arns != 0: self.log.warn("Couldn't untag %d resource(s). Needs new ARN format", old_arns)
[docs]@ECSCluster.action_registry.register('mark-for-op') @TaskDefinition.action_registry.register('mark-for-op') @Service.action_registry.register('mark-for-op') @Task.action_registry.register('mark-for-op') @ContainerInstance.action_registry.register('mark-for-op') class MarkEcsResourceForOp(TagDelayedAction): """Mark ECS resources for deferred action (ecs, ecs-task-definition, ecs-service, ecs-task, ecs-container-instance) Requires arns in new format for tasks, services, and container-instances. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: ecs-service-invalid-tag-stop resource: ecs-service filters: - "tag:InvalidTag": present - type: taggable state: true actions: - type: mark-for-op op: delete days: 1 """
[docs]@Service.filter_registry.register('taggable') @Task.filter_registry.register('taggable') @ContainerInstance.filter_registry.register('taggable') class ECSTaggable(Filter): """ Filter ECS resources on arn-format :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: taggable resource: ecs-service filters: - type: taggable state: True """ schema = type_schema('taggable', state={'type': 'boolean'})
[docs] def get_permissions(self): return self.manager.get_permissions()
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): if not'state'): return [r for r in resources if not ecs_taggable(self.manager.resource_type, r)] else: return [r for r in resources if ecs_taggable(self.manager.resource_type, r)]
ECSCluster.filter_registry.register('marked-for-op', TagActionFilter) TaskDefinition.filter_registry.register('marked-for-op', TagActionFilter) Service.filter_registry.register('marked-for-op', TagActionFilter) Task.filter_registry.register('marked-for-op', TagActionFilter) ContainerInstance.filter_registry.register('marked-for-op', TagActionFilter) ECSCluster.action_registry.register('auto-tag-user', AutoTagUser) TaskDefinition.action_registry.register('auto-tag-user', AutoTagUser) Service.action_registry.register('auto-tag-user', AutoTagUser) Task.action_registry.register('auto-tag-user', AutoTagUser) ContainerInstance.action_registry.register('auto-tag-user', AutoTagUser)