Source code for c7n.resources.rds

# Copyright 2015-2017 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
RDS Resource Manager

Example Policies

Find rds instances that are publicly available

.. code-block:: yaml

      - name: rds-public
        resource: rds
         - PubliclyAccessible: true

Find rds instances that are not encrypted

.. code-block:: yaml

      - name: rds-non-encrypted
        resource: rds
         - type: value
           key: StorageEncrypted
           value: true
           op: ne

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import functools
import itertools
import logging
import operator
import re
from decimal import Decimal as D, ROUND_HALF_UP

from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from concurrent.futures import as_completed

from c7n.actions import (
    ActionRegistry, BaseAction, ModifyVpcSecurityGroupsAction)
from c7n.actions.securityhub import OtherResourcePostFinding

from c7n.exceptions import PolicyValidationError
from c7n.filters import (
    CrossAccountAccessFilter, FilterRegistry, Filter, ValueFilter, AgeFilter)
from c7n.filters.offhours import OffHour, OnHour
import c7n.filters.vpc as net_filters
from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager, DescribeSource, ConfigSource
from c7n import tags
from c7n.tags import universal_augment, register_universal_tags

from c7n.utils import (
    local_session, type_schema,
    get_retry, chunks, generate_arn, snapshot_identifier)
from c7n.resources.kms import ResourceKmsKeyAlias

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.rds')

filters = FilterRegistry('rds.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('rds.actions')

[docs]@resources.register('rds') class RDS(QueryResourceManager): """Resource manager for RDS DB instances. """
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 'rds' type = 'db' enum_spec = ('describe_db_instances', 'DBInstances', None) id = 'DBInstanceIdentifier' name = 'Endpoint.Address' filter_name = 'DBInstanceIdentifier' filter_type = 'scalar' date = 'InstanceCreateTime' dimension = 'DBInstanceIdentifier' config_type = 'AWS::RDS::DBInstance' arn = 'DBInstanceArn' default_report_fields = ( 'DBInstanceIdentifier', 'DBName', 'Engine', 'EngineVersion', 'MultiAZ', 'AllocatedStorage', 'StorageEncrypted', 'PubliclyAccessible', 'InstanceCreateTime', )
filter_registry = filters action_registry = actions _generate_arn = None def __init__(self, data, options): super(RDS, self).__init__(data, options) @property def generate_arn(self): return functools.partial( generate_arn, 'rds', region=self.config.region, account_id=self.config.account_id, resource_type='db', separator=':')
[docs] def get_source(self, source_type): if source_type == 'describe': return DescribeRDS(self) elif source_type == 'config': return ConfigRDS(self) raise ValueError("Unsupported source: %s for %s" % ( source_type, self.resource_type.config_type))
[docs]class DescribeRDS(DescribeSource):
[docs] def augment(self, dbs): return universal_augment( self.manager, super(DescribeRDS, self).augment(dbs))
[docs]class ConfigRDS(ConfigSource):
[docs] def load_resource(self, item): resource = super(ConfigRDS, self).load_resource(item) resource['Tags'] = [{u'Key': t['key'], u'Value': t['value']} for t in item['supplementaryConfiguration']['Tags']] return resource
register_universal_tags( RDS.filter_registry, RDS.action_registry) def _db_instance_eligible_for_backup(resource): db_instance_id = resource['DBInstanceIdentifier'] # Database instance is not in available state if resource.get('DBInstanceStatus', '') != 'available': log.debug( "DB instance %s is not in available state", db_instance_id) return False # The specified DB Instance is a member of a cluster and its # backup retention should not be modified directly. Instead, # modify the backup retention of the cluster using the # ModifyDbCluster API if resource.get('DBClusterIdentifier', ''): log.debug( "DB instance %s is a cluster member", db_instance_id) return False # DB Backups not supported on a read replica for engine postgres if (resource.get('ReadReplicaSourceDBInstanceIdentifier', '') and resource.get('Engine', '') == 'postgres'): log.debug( "DB instance %s is a postgres read-replica", db_instance_id) return False # DB Backups not supported on a read replica running a mysql # version before 5.6 if (resource.get('ReadReplicaSourceDBInstanceIdentifier', '') and resource.get('Engine', '') == 'mysql'): engine_version = resource.get('EngineVersion', '') # Assume "<major>.<minor>.<whatever>" match = re.match(r'(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\..*', engine_version) if (match and int('major')) < 5 or (int('major')) == 5 and int('minor')) < 6)): log.debug( "DB instance %s is a version %s mysql read-replica", db_instance_id, engine_version) return False return True def _db_instance_eligible_for_final_snapshot(resource): status = resource.get('DBInstanceStatus', '') # If the DB instance you are deleting has a status of "Creating," # you will not be able to have a final DB snapshot taken # If the DB instance is in a failure state with a status of "failed," # "incompatible-restore," or "incompatible-network," you can only delete # the instance when the SkipFinalSnapshot parameter is set to "true." eligible_for_final_snapshot = True if status in ['creating', 'failed', 'incompatible-restore', 'incompatible-network']: eligible_for_final_snapshot = False # FinalDBSnapshotIdentifier can not be specified when deleting a # replica instance if resource.get('ReadReplicaSourceDBInstanceIdentifier', ''): eligible_for_final_snapshot = False # if it's a rds-cluster, don't try to run the rds instance snapshot api call if resource.get('DBClusterIdentifier', False): eligible_for_final_snapshot = False if not eligible_for_final_snapshot: log.debug('DB instance is not eligible for a snapshot:/n %s', resource) return eligible_for_final_snapshot def _get_available_engine_upgrades(client, major=False): """Returns all extant rds engine upgrades. As a nested mapping of engine type to known versions and their upgrades. Defaults to minor upgrades, but configurable to major. Example:: >>> _get_engine_upgrades(client) { 'oracle-se2': {'': '', '': ''}, 'postgres': {'9.3.1': '9.3.14', '9.3.10': '9.3.14', '9.3.12': '9.3.14', '9.3.2': '9.3.14'} } """ results = {} engine_versions = client.describe_db_engine_versions()['DBEngineVersions'] for v in engine_versions: if not v['Engine'] in results: results[v['Engine']] = {} if 'ValidUpgradeTarget' not in v or len(v['ValidUpgradeTarget']) == 0: continue for t in v['ValidUpgradeTarget']: if not major and t['IsMajorVersionUpgrade']: continue if LooseVersion(t['EngineVersion']) > LooseVersion( results[v['Engine']].get(v['EngineVersion'], '0.0.0')): results[v['Engine']][v['EngineVersion']] = t['EngineVersion'] return results
[docs]@filters.register('offhour') class RDSOffHour(OffHour): """Scheduled action on rds instance. """
[docs]@filters.register('onhour') class RDSOnHour(OnHour): """Scheduled action on rds instance."""
[docs]@filters.register('default-vpc') class DefaultVpc(net_filters.DefaultVpcBase): """ Matches if an rds database is in the default vpc :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: default-vpc-rds resource: rds filters: - type: default-vpc """ schema = type_schema('default-vpc') def __call__(self, rdb): return self.match(rdb['DBSubnetGroup']['VpcId'])
[docs]@filters.register('security-group') class SecurityGroupFilter(net_filters.SecurityGroupFilter): RelatedIdsExpression = "VpcSecurityGroups[].VpcSecurityGroupId"
[docs]@filters.register('subnet') class SubnetFilter(net_filters.SubnetFilter): RelatedIdsExpression = "DBSubnetGroup.Subnets[].SubnetIdentifier"
[docs]@filters.register('vpc') class VpcFilter(net_filters.VpcFilter): RelatedIdsExpression = "DBSubnetGroup.Subnets[].VpcId"
filters.register('network-location', net_filters.NetworkLocation)
[docs]@filters.register('kms-alias') class KmsKeyAlias(ResourceKmsKeyAlias):
[docs] def process(self, dbs, event=None): return self.get_matching_aliases(dbs)
[docs]@actions.register('auto-patch') class AutoPatch(BaseAction): """Toggle AutoMinorUpgrade flag on RDS instance 'window' parameter needs to be in the format 'ddd:hh:mm-ddd:hh:mm' and have at least 30 minutes between start & end time. If 'window' is not specified, AWS will assign a random maintenance window to each instance selected. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: enable-rds-autopatch resource: rds filters: - AutoMinorVersionUpgrade: false actions: - type: auto-patch minor: true window: Mon:23:00-Tue:01:00 """ schema = type_schema( 'auto-patch', minor={'type': 'boolean'}, window={'type': 'string'}) permissions = ('rds:ModifyDBInstance',)
[docs] def process(self, dbs): client = local_session( self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') params = {'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade':'minor', True)} if'window'): params['PreferredMaintenanceWindow'] =['window'] for db in dbs: client.modify_db_instance( DBInstanceIdentifier=db['DBInstanceIdentifier'], **params)
[docs]@filters.register('upgrade-available') class UpgradeAvailable(Filter): """ Scan DB instances for available engine upgrades This will pull DB instances & check their specific engine for any engine version with higher release numbers than the current one This will also annotate the rds instance with 'target_engine' which is the most recent version of the engine available :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: rds-upgrade-available resource: rds filters: - type: upgrade-available major: False """ schema = type_schema('upgrade-available', major={'type': 'boolean'}, value={'type': 'boolean'}) permissions = ('rds:DescribeDBEngineVersions',)
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') check_upgrade_extant ='value', True) check_major ='major', False) engine_upgrades = _get_available_engine_upgrades( client, major=check_major) results = [] for r in resources: target_upgrade = engine_upgrades.get( r['Engine'], {}).get(r['EngineVersion']) if target_upgrade is None: if check_upgrade_extant is False: results.append(r) continue r['c7n-rds-engine-upgrade'] = target_upgrade results.append(r) return results
[docs]@actions.register('upgrade') class UpgradeMinor(BaseAction): """Upgrades a RDS instance to the latest major/minor version available Use of the 'immediate' flag (default False) will automatically upgrade the RDS engine disregarding the existing maintenance window. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: upgrade-rds-minor resource: rds actions: - type: upgrade major: False immediate: False """ schema = type_schema( 'upgrade', major={'type': 'boolean'}, immediate={'type': 'boolean'}) permissions = ('rds:ModifyDBInstance',)
[docs] def process(self, resources): client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') engine_upgrades = None for r in resources: if 'EngineVersion' in r['PendingModifiedValues']: # Upgrade has already been scheduled continue if 'c7n-rds-engine-upgrade' not in r: if engine_upgrades is None: engine_upgrades = _get_available_engine_upgrades( client,'major', False)) target = engine_upgrades.get( r['Engine'], {}).get(r['EngineVersion']) if target is None: log.debug( "implicit filter no upgrade on %s", r['DBInstanceIdentifier']) continue r['c7n-rds-engine-upgrade'] = target client.modify_db_instance( DBInstanceIdentifier=r['DBInstanceIdentifier'], EngineVersion=r['c7n-rds-engine-upgrade'],'immediate', False))
[docs]@actions.register('tag-trim') class TagTrim(tags.TagTrim): permissions = ('rds:RemoveTagsFromResource',)
[docs] def process_tag_removal(self, client, resource, candidates): client.remove_tags_from_resource(ResourceName=resource['DBInstanceArn'], TagKeys=candidates)
START_STOP_ELIGIBLE_ENGINES = { 'postgres', 'sqlserver-ee', 'oracle-se2', 'mariadb', 'oracle-ee', 'sqlserver-ex', 'sqlserver-se', 'oracle-se', 'mysql', 'oracle-se1', 'sqlserver-web'} def _eligible_start_stop(db, state="available"): # See conditions noted here # # Note that this doesn't really specify what happens for all the nosql engines # that are available as rds engines. if db.get('DBInstanceStatus') != state: return False if db.get('MultiAZ') and db['Engine'].startswith('sqlserver-'): return False if db['Engine'] not in START_STOP_ELIGIBLE_ENGINES: return False if db.get('ReadReplicaDBInstanceIdentifiers'): return False if db.get('ReadReplicaSourceDBInstanceIdentifier'): return False # TODO is SQL Server mirror is detectable. return True
[docs]@actions.register('stop') class Stop(BaseAction): """Stop an rds instance. """ schema = type_schema('stop') permissions = ("rds:StopDBInstance",)
[docs] def process(self, resources): client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') for r in filter(_eligible_start_stop, resources): try: client.stop_db_instance( DBInstanceIdentifier=r['DBInstanceIdentifier']) except ClientError as e: log.exception( "Error stopping db instance:%s err:%s", r['DBInstanceIdentifier'], e)
[docs]@actions.register('start') class Start(BaseAction): """Start an rds instance. """ schema = type_schema('start') permissions = ("rds:StartDBInstance",)
[docs] def process(self, resources): client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') start_filter = functools.partial(_eligible_start_stop, state='stopped') for r in filter(start_filter, resources): try: client.start_db_instance( DBInstanceIdentifier=r['DBInstanceIdentifier']) except ClientError as e: log.exception( "Error starting db instance:%s err:%s", r['DBInstanceIdentifier'], e)
[docs]@actions.register('delete') class Delete(BaseAction): """Deletes selected RDS instances This will delete RDS instances. It is recommended to apply with a filter to avoid deleting all RDS instances in the account. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: rds-delete resource: rds filters: - default-vpc actions: - type: delete skip-snapshot: true """ schema = type_schema('delete', **{ 'skip-snapshot': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'copy-restore-info': {'type': 'boolean'} }) permissions = ('rds:DeleteDBInstance', 'rds:AddTagsToResource')
[docs] def validate(self): if'skip-snapshot', False) and 'copy-restore-info'): raise PolicyValidationError( "skip-snapshot cannot be specified with copy-restore-info on %s" % (,)) return self
[docs] def process(self, dbs): skip ='skip-snapshot', False) # Concurrency feels like overkill here. client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') for db in dbs: params = dict( DBInstanceIdentifier=db['DBInstanceIdentifier']) if skip or not _db_instance_eligible_for_final_snapshot(db): params['SkipFinalSnapshot'] = True else: params['FinalDBSnapshotIdentifier'] = snapshot_identifier( 'Final', db['DBInstanceIdentifier']) if'copy-restore-info', False): self.copy_restore_info(client, db) if not db['CopyTagsToSnapshot']: client.modify_db_instance( DBInstanceIdentifier=db['DBInstanceIdentifier'], CopyTagsToSnapshot=True) "Deleting rds: %s snapshot: %s", db['DBInstanceIdentifier'], params.get('FinalDBSnapshotIdentifier', False)) try: client.delete_db_instance(**params) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "InvalidDBInstanceState": continue raise return dbs
[docs] def copy_restore_info(self, client, instance): tags = [] tags.append({ 'Key': 'VPCSecurityGroups', 'Value': ''.join([ g['VpcSecurityGroupId'] for g in instance['VpcSecurityGroups'] ])}) tags.append({ 'Key': 'OptionGroupName', 'Value': instance['OptionGroupMemberships'][0]['OptionGroupName']}) tags.append({ 'Key': 'ParameterGroupName', 'Value': instance['DBParameterGroups'][0]['DBParameterGroupName']}) tags.append({ 'Key': 'InstanceClass', 'Value': instance['DBInstanceClass']}) tags.append({ 'Key': 'StorageType', 'Value': instance['StorageType']}) tags.append({ 'Key': 'MultiAZ', 'Value': str(instance['MultiAZ'])}) tags.append({ 'Key': 'DBSubnetGroupName', 'Value': instance['DBSubnetGroup']['DBSubnetGroupName']}) client.add_tags_to_resource( ResourceName=self.manager.generate_arn( instance['DBInstanceIdentifier']), Tags=tags)
[docs]@actions.register('set-snapshot-copy-tags') class CopySnapshotTags(BaseAction): """Enables copying tags from rds instance to snapshot DEPRECATED - use modify-db instead with `CopyTagsToSnapshot` .. code-block: yaml policies: - name: enable-rds-snapshot-tags resource: rds filters: - type: value key: Engine value: aurora op: eq actions: - type: set-snapshot-copy-tags enable: True """ schema = type_schema( 'set-snapshot-copy-tags', enable={'type': 'boolean'}) permissions = ('rds:ModifyDBInstances',)
[docs] def process(self, resources): error = None with self.executor_factory(max_workers=2) as w: futures = {} client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') resources = [r for r in resources if r['CopyTagsToSnapshot'] !='enable', True)] for r in resources: futures[w.submit(self.set_snapshot_tags, client, r)] = r for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): error = f.exception() self.log.error( 'error updating rds:%s CopyTagsToSnapshot \n %s', futures[f]['DBInstanceIdentifier'], error) if error: raise error return resources
[docs] def set_snapshot_tags(self, client, r): self.manager.retry( client.modify_db_instance, DBInstanceIdentifier=r['DBInstanceIdentifier'],'enable', True))
[docs]@RDS.action_registry.register("post-finding") class DbInstanceFinding(OtherResourcePostFinding): fields = [ {'key': 'DBSubnetGroupName', 'expr': 'DBSubnetGroup.DBSubnetGroupName'}, {'key': 'VpcId', 'expr': 'DBSubnetGroup.VpcId'}, ]
[docs]@actions.register('snapshot') class Snapshot(BaseAction): """Creates a manual snapshot of a RDS instance :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: rds-snapshot resource: rds actions: - snapshot """ schema = type_schema('snapshot') permissions = ('rds:CreateDBSnapshot',)
[docs] def process(self, dbs): with self.executor_factory(max_workers=3) as w: futures = [] for db in dbs: futures.append(w.submit( self.process_rds_snapshot, db)) for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): self.log.error( "Exception creating rds snapshot \n %s", f.exception()) return dbs
[docs] def process_rds_snapshot(self, resource): if not _db_instance_eligible_for_backup(resource): return c = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') c.create_db_snapshot( DBSnapshotIdentifier=snapshot_identifier('snapshot-prefix', 'Backup'), resource['DBInstanceIdentifier']), DBInstanceIdentifier=resource['DBInstanceIdentifier'])
[docs]@actions.register('resize') class ResizeInstance(BaseAction): """Change the allocated storage of an rds instance. :example: This will find databases using over 85% of their allocated storage, and resize them to have an additional 30% storage the resize here is async during the next maintenance. .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: rds-snapshot-retention resource: rds filters: - type: metrics name: FreeStorageSpace percent-attr: AllocatedStorage attr-multiplier: 1073741824 value: 90 op: greater-than actions: - type: resize percent: 30 This will find databases using under 20% of their allocated storage, and resize them to be 30% smaller, the resize here is configured to be immediate. .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: rds-snapshot-retention resource: rds filters: - type: metrics name: FreeStorageSpace percent-attr: AllocatedStorage attr-multiplier: 1073741824 value: 90 op: greater-than actions: - type: resize percent: -30 immediate: true """ schema = type_schema( 'resize', percent={'type': 'number'}, immediate={'type': 'boolean'}) permissions = ('rds:ModifyDBInstance',)
[docs] def process(self, resources): c = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') for r in resources: old_val = D(r['AllocatedStorage']) _100 = D(100) new_val = ((_100 + D(['percent'])) / _100) * old_val rounded = int(new_val.quantize(D('0'), ROUND_HALF_UP)) c.modify_db_instance( DBInstanceIdentifier=r['DBInstanceIdentifier'], AllocatedStorage=rounded,'immediate', False))
[docs]@actions.register('retention') class RetentionWindow(BaseAction): """ Sets the 'BackupRetentionPeriod' value for automated snapshots, enforce (min, max, exact) sets retention days occordingly. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: rds-snapshot-retention resource: rds filters: - type: value key: BackupRetentionPeriod value: 7 op: lt actions: - type: retention days: 7 copy-tags: true enforce: exact """ date_attribute = "BackupRetentionPeriod" schema = type_schema( 'retention', **{'days': {'type': 'number'}, 'copy-tags': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'enforce': {'type': 'string', 'enum': [ 'min', 'max', 'exact']}}) permissions = ('rds:ModifyDBInstance',)
[docs] def process(self, dbs): with self.executor_factory(max_workers=3) as w: futures = [] for db in dbs: futures.append(w.submit( self.process_snapshot_retention, db)) for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): self.log.error( "Exception setting rds retention \n %s", f.exception()) return dbs
[docs] def process_snapshot_retention(self, resource): current_retention = int(resource.get('BackupRetentionPeriod', 0)) current_copy_tags = resource['CopyTagsToSnapshot'] new_retention =['days'] new_copy_tags ='copy-tags', True) retention_type ='enforce', 'min').lower() if ((retention_type == 'min' or current_copy_tags != new_copy_tags) and _db_instance_eligible_for_backup(resource)): self.set_retention_window( resource, max(current_retention, new_retention), new_copy_tags) return resource if ((retention_type == 'max' or current_copy_tags != new_copy_tags) and _db_instance_eligible_for_backup(resource)): self.set_retention_window( resource, min(current_retention, new_retention), new_copy_tags) return resource if ((retention_type == 'exact' or current_copy_tags != new_copy_tags) and _db_instance_eligible_for_backup(resource)): self.set_retention_window(resource, new_retention, new_copy_tags) return resource
[docs] def set_retention_window(self, resource, retention, copy_tags): c = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') c.modify_db_instance( DBInstanceIdentifier=resource['DBInstanceIdentifier'], BackupRetentionPeriod=retention, CopyTagsToSnapshot=copy_tags)
[docs]@actions.register('set-public-access') class RDSSetPublicAvailability(BaseAction): """ This action allows for toggling an RDS instance 'PubliclyAccessible' flag to true or false :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: disable-rds-public-accessibility resource: rds filters: - PubliclyAccessible: true actions: - type: set-public-access state: false """ schema = type_schema( "set-public-access", state={'type': 'boolean'}) permissions = ('rds:ModifyDBInstance',)
[docs] def set_accessibility(self, r): client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') client.modify_db_instance( DBInstanceIdentifier=r['DBInstanceIdentifier'],'state', False))
[docs] def process(self, rds): with self.executor_factory(max_workers=2) as w: futures = {w.submit(self.set_accessibility, r): r for r in rds} for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): self.log.error( "Exception setting public access on %s \n %s", futures[f]['DBInstanceIdentifier'], f.exception()) return rds
[docs]@resources.register('rds-subscription') class RDSSubscription(QueryResourceManager):
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 'rds' type = 'rds-subscription' enum_spec = ( 'describe_event_subscriptions', 'EventSubscriptionsList', None) name = id = "EventSubscriptionArn" date = "SubscriptionCreateTime" config_type = "AWS::DB::EventSubscription" dimension = None # SubscriptionName isn't part of describe events results?! all the # other subscription apis. # filter_name = 'SubscriptionName' # filter_type = 'scalar' filter_name = None filter_type = None
[docs]@resources.register('rds-snapshot') class RDSSnapshot(QueryResourceManager): """Resource manager for RDS DB snapshots. """
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 'rds' type = 'rds-snapshot' enum_spec = ('describe_db_snapshots', 'DBSnapshots', None) name = id = 'DBSnapshotIdentifier' filter_name = None filter_type = None dimension = None date = 'SnapshotCreateTime' config_type = "AWS::RDS::DBSnapshot" # Need resource_type for Universal Tagging resource_type = "rds:snapshot"
filter_registry = FilterRegistry('rds-snapshot.filters') action_registry = ActionRegistry('rds-snapshot.actions') _generate_arn = None retry = staticmethod(get_retry(('Throttled',))) @property def generate_arn(self): if self._generate_arn is None: self._generate_arn = functools.partial( generate_arn, 'rds', region=self.config.region, account_id=self.account_id, resource_type='snapshot', separator=':') return self._generate_arn
[docs] def get_source(self, source_type): if source_type == 'describe': return DescribeRDSSnapshot(self) elif source_type == 'config': return ConfigRDSSnapshot(self) raise ValueError("Unsupported source: %s for %s" % ( source_type, self.resource_type.config_type))
[docs]class DescribeRDSSnapshot(DescribeSource):
[docs] def augment(self, snaps): return universal_augment( self.manager, super(DescribeRDSSnapshot, self).augment(snaps))
[docs]class ConfigRDSSnapshot(ConfigSource):
[docs] def load_resource(self, item): resource = super(ConfigRDSSnapshot, self).load_resource(item) resource['Tags'] = [{u'Key': t['key'], u'Value': t['value']} for t in item['supplementaryConfiguration']['Tags']] # TODO: Load DBSnapshotAttributes into annotation return resource
register_universal_tags( RDSSnapshot.filter_registry, RDSSnapshot.action_registry)
[docs]@RDSSnapshot.filter_registry.register('onhour') class RDSSnapshotOnHour(OnHour): """Scheduled action on rds snapshot."""
[docs]@RDSSnapshot.filter_registry.register('latest') class LatestSnapshot(Filter): """Return the latest snapshot for each database. """ schema = type_schema('latest', automatic={'type': 'boolean'}) permissions = ('rds:DescribeDBSnapshots',)
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): results = [] if not'automatic', True): resources = [r for r in resources if r['SnapshotType'] == 'manual'] for db_identifier, snapshots in itertools.groupby( resources, operator.itemgetter('DBInstanceIdentifier')): results.append( sorted(snapshots, key=operator.itemgetter('SnapshotCreateTime'))[-1]) return results
[docs]@RDSSnapshot.filter_registry.register('age') class RDSSnapshotAge(AgeFilter): """Filters RDS snapshots based on age (in days) :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: rds-snapshot-expired resource: rds-snapshot filters: - type: age days: 28 op: ge actions: - delete """ schema = type_schema( 'age', days={'type': 'number'}, op={'$ref': '#/definitions/filters_common/comparison_operators'}) date_attribute = 'SnapshotCreateTime'
[docs]@RDSSnapshot.action_registry.register('restore') class RestoreInstance(BaseAction): """Restore an rds instance from a snapshot. Note this requires the snapshot or db deletion be taken with the `copy-restore-info` boolean flag set to true, as various instance metadata is stored on the snapshot as tags. additional parameters to restore db instance api call be overriden via `restore_options` settings. various modify db instance parameters can be specified via `modify_options` settings. """ schema = type_schema( 'restore', restore_options={'type': 'object'}, modify_options={'type': 'object'}) permissions = ( 'rds:ModifyDBInstance', 'rds:ModifyDBParameterGroup', 'rds:ModifyOptionGroup', 'rds:RebootDBInstance', 'rds:RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot') poll_period = 60 restore_keys = set(( 'VPCSecurityGroups', 'MultiAZ', 'DBSubnetGroupName', 'InstanceClass', 'StorageType', 'ParameterGroupName', 'OptionGroupName'))
[docs] def validate(self): found = False for f in self.manager.iter_filters(): if isinstance(f, LatestSnapshot): found = True if not found: # do we really need this... raise PolicyValidationError( "must filter by latest to use restore action %s" % (,)) return self
[docs] def process(self, resources): client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') # restore up to 10 in parallel, we have to wait on each. with self.executor_factory( max_workers=min(10, len(resources) or 1)) as w: futures = {} for r in resources: tags = {t['Key']: t['Value'] for t in r['Tags']} if not set(tags).issuperset(self.restore_keys): self.log.warning( "snapshot:%s missing restore tags", r['DBSnapshotIdentifier']) continue futures[w.submit(self.process_instance, client, r)] = r for f in as_completed(futures): r = futures[f] if f.exception(): self.log.warning( "Error restoring db:%s from:%s error:\n%s", r['DBInstanceIdentifier'], r['DBSnapshotIdentifier'], f.exception()) continue
[docs] def process_instance(self, client, r): params, post_modify = self.get_restore_from_tags(r) self.manager.retry( client.restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot, **params) waiter = client.get_waiter('db_instance_available') # wait up to 40m waiter.config.delay = self.poll_period waiter.wait(DBInstanceIdentifier=params['DBInstanceIdentifier']) self.manager.retry( client.modify_db_instance, DBInstanceIdentifier=params['DBInstanceIdentifier'], ApplyImmediately=True, **post_modify) self.manager.retry( client.reboot_db_instance, DBInstanceIdentifier=params['DBInstanceIdentifier'], ForceFailover=False)
[docs] def get_restore_from_tags(self, snapshot): params, post_modify = {}, {} tags = {t['Key']: t['Value'] for t in snapshot['Tags']} params['DBInstanceIdentifier'] = snapshot['DBInstanceIdentifier'] params['DBSnapshotIdentifier'] = snapshot['DBSnapshotIdentifier'] params['MultiAZ'] = tags['MultiAZ'] == 'True' and True or False params['DBSubnetGroupName'] = tags['DBSubnetGroupName'] params['DBInstanceClass'] = tags['InstanceClass'] params['CopyTagsToSnapshot'] = True params['StorageType'] = tags['StorageType'] params['OptionGroupName'] = tags['OptionGroupName'] post_modify['DBParameterGroupName'] = tags['ParameterGroupName'] post_modify['VpcSecurityGroupIds'] = tags['VPCSecurityGroups'].split(',') params['Tags'] = [ {'Key': k, 'Value': v} for k, v in tags.items() if k not in self.restore_keys] params.update('restore_options', {})) post_modify.update('modify_options', {})) return params, post_modify
[docs]@RDSSnapshot.filter_registry.register('cross-account') class CrossAccountAccess(CrossAccountAccessFilter): permissions = ('rds:DescribeDBSnapshotAttributes',)
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): self.accounts = self.get_accounts() results = [] with self.executor_factory(max_workers=2) as w: futures = [] for resource_set in chunks(resources, 20): futures.append(w.submit( self.process_resource_set, resource_set)) for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): self.log.error( "Exception checking cross account access\n %s" % ( f.exception())) continue results.extend(f.result()) return results
[docs] def process_resource_set(self, resource_set): client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') results = [] for r in resource_set: attrs = {t['AttributeName']: t['AttributeValues'] for t in client.describe_db_snapshot_attributes( DBSnapshotIdentifier=r['DBSnapshotIdentifier'])[ 'DBSnapshotAttributesResult']['DBSnapshotAttributes']} r['c7n:attributes'] = attrs shared_accounts = set(attrs.get('restore', [])) delta_accounts = shared_accounts.difference(self.accounts) if delta_accounts: r['c7n:CrossAccountViolations'] = list(delta_accounts) results.append(r) return results
[docs]@RDSSnapshot.action_registry.register('region-copy') class RegionCopySnapshot(BaseAction): """Copy a snapshot across regions. Note there is a max in flight for cross region rds snapshots of 5 per region. This action will attempt to retry automatically for an hr. Example:: - name: copy-encrypted-snapshots description: | copy snapshots under 1 day old to dr region with kms resource: rdb-snapshot region: us-east-1 filters: - Status: available - type: value key: SnapshotCreateTime value_type: age value: 1 op: less-than actions: - type: region-copy target_region: us-east-2 target_key: arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:0000:key/cb291f53-c9cf61 copy_tags: true tags: - OriginRegion: us-east-1 """ schema = type_schema( 'region-copy', target_region={'type': 'string'}, target_key={'type': 'string'}, copy_tags={'type': 'boolean'}, tags={'type': 'object'}, required=('target_region',)) permissions = ('rds:CopyDBSnapshot',) min_delay = 120 max_attempts = 30
[docs] def validate(self): if'target_region') and'mode'): raise PolicyValidationError( "cross region snapshot may require waiting for " "longer then lambda runtime allows %s" % (,)) return self
[docs] def process(self, resources): if['target_region'] == self.manager.config.region: self.log.warning( "Source and destination region are the same, skipping copy") return for resource_set in chunks(resources, 20): self.process_resource_set(resource_set)
[docs] def process_resource(self, target, key, tags, snapshot): p = {} if key: p['KmsKeyId'] = key p['TargetDBSnapshotIdentifier'] = snapshot[ 'DBSnapshotIdentifier'].replace(':', '-') p['SourceRegion'] = self.manager.config.region p['SourceDBSnapshotIdentifier'] = snapshot['DBSnapshotArn'] if'copy_tags', True): p['CopyTags'] = True if tags: p['Tags'] = tags retry = get_retry( ('SnapshotQuotaExceeded',), # TODO make this configurable, class defaults to 1hr min_delay=self.min_delay, max_attempts=self.max_attempts, log_retries=logging.DEBUG) try: result = retry(target.copy_db_snapshot, **p) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'DBSnapshotAlreadyExists': self.log.warning( "Snapshot %s already exists in target region", snapshot['DBSnapshotIdentifier']) return raise snapshot['c7n:CopiedSnapshot'] = result[ 'DBSnapshot']['DBSnapshotArn']
[docs] def process_resource_set(self, resource_set): target_client = self.manager.session_factory(['target_region']).client('rds') target_key ='target_key') tags = [{'Key': k, 'Value': v} for k, v in'tags', {}).items()] for snapshot_set in chunks(resource_set, 5): for r in snapshot_set: # If tags are supplied, copy tags are ignored, and # we need to augment the tag set with the original # resource tags to preserve the common case. rtags = tags and list(tags) or None if tags and'copy_tags', True): rtags.extend(r['Tags']) self.process_resource(target_client, target_key, rtags, r)
[docs]@RDSSnapshot.action_registry.register('delete') class RDSSnapshotDelete(BaseAction): """Deletes a RDS snapshot resource :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: rds-snapshot-delete-stale resource: rds-snapshot filters: - type: age days: 28 op: ge actions: - delete """ schema = type_schema('delete') permissions = ('rds:DeleteDBSnapshot',)
[docs] def process(self, snapshots):"Deleting %d rds snapshots", len(snapshots)) with self.executor_factory(max_workers=3) as w: futures = [] for snapshot_set in chunks(reversed(snapshots), size=50): futures.append( w.submit(self.process_snapshot_set, snapshot_set)) for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): self.log.error( "Exception deleting snapshot set \n %s", f.exception()) return snapshots
[docs] def process_snapshot_set(self, snapshots_set): c = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') for s in snapshots_set: c.delete_db_snapshot( DBSnapshotIdentifier=s['DBSnapshotIdentifier'])
[docs]@actions.register('modify-security-groups') class RDSModifyVpcSecurityGroups(ModifyVpcSecurityGroupsAction): permissions = ('rds:ModifyDBInstance', 'rds:ModifyDBCluster')
[docs] def process(self, rds_instances): replication_group_map = {} client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') groups = super(RDSModifyVpcSecurityGroups, self).get_groups( rds_instances) # either build map for DB cluster or modify DB instance directly for idx, i in enumerate(rds_instances): if i.get('DBClusterIdentifier'): # build map of Replication Groups to Security Groups replication_group_map[i['DBClusterIdentifier']] = groups[idx] else: client.modify_db_instance( DBInstanceIdentifier=i['DBInstanceIdentifier'], VpcSecurityGroupIds=groups[idx]) # handle DB cluster, if necessary for idx, r in enumerate(replication_group_map.keys()): client.modify_db_cluster( DBClusterIdentifier=r, VpcSecurityGroupIds=replication_group_map[r] )
[docs]@resources.register('rds-subnet-group') class RDSSubnetGroup(QueryResourceManager): """RDS subnet group."""
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 'rds' type = 'rds-subnet-group' id = name = 'DBSubnetGroupName' enum_spec = ( 'describe_db_subnet_groups', 'DBSubnetGroups', None) filter_name = 'DBSubnetGroupName' filter_type = 'scalar' dimension = None date = None
[docs] def augment(self, resources): _db_subnet_group_tags( resources, self.session_factory, self.executor_factory, self.retry) return resources
def _db_subnet_group_tags(subnet_groups, session_factory, executor_factory, retry): client = local_session(session_factory).client('rds') def process_tags(g): try: g['Tags'] = client.list_tags_for_resource( ResourceName=g['DBSubnetGroupArn'])['TagList'] return g except client.exceptions.DBSubnetGroupNotFoundFault: return None return list(filter(None, map(process_tags, subnet_groups)))
[docs]@RDSSubnetGroup.action_registry.register('delete') class RDSSubnetGroupDeleteAction(BaseAction): """Action to delete RDS Subnet Group It is recommended to apply a filter to the delete policy to avoid unwanted deletion of any rds subnet groups. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: rds-subnet-group-delete-unused resource: rds-subnet-group filters: - Instances: [] actions: - delete """ schema = type_schema('delete') permissions = ('rds:DeleteDBSubnetGroup',)
[docs] def process(self, subnet_group): with self.executor_factory(max_workers=2) as w: list(, subnet_group))
[docs] def process_subnetgroup(self, subnet_group): client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') client.delete_db_subnet_group(DBSubnetGroupName=subnet_group['DBSubnetGroupName'])
[docs]@RDSSubnetGroup.filter_registry.register('unused') class UnusedRDSSubnetGroup(Filter): """Filters all launch rds subnet groups that are not in use but exist :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: rds-subnet-group-delete-unused resource: rds-subnet-group filters: - unused """ schema = type_schema('unused')
[docs] def get_permissions(self): return self.manager.get_resource_manager('rds').get_permissions()
[docs] def process(self, configs, event=None): rds = self.manager.get_resource_manager('rds').resources() self.used = set([ r.get('DBSubnetGroupName', r['DBInstanceIdentifier']) for r in rds]) return super(UnusedRDSSubnetGroup, self).process(configs)
def __call__(self, config): return config['DBSubnetGroupName'] not in self.used
[docs]@filters.register('db-parameter') class ParameterFilter(ValueFilter): """ Applies value type filter on set db parameter values. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: rds-pg resource: rds filters: - type: db-parameter key: someparam op: eq value: someval """ schema = type_schema('db-parameter', rinherit=ValueFilter.schema) permissions = ('rds:DescribeDBInstances', 'rds:DescribeDBParameters', )
[docs] @staticmethod def recast(val, datatype): """ Re-cast the value based upon an AWS supplied datatype and treat nulls sensibly. """ ret_val = val if datatype == 'string': ret_val = str(val) elif datatype == 'boolean': # AWS returns 1s and 0s for boolean for most of the cases if val.isdigit(): ret_val = bool(int(val)) # AWS returns 'TRUE,FALSE' for Oracle engine elif val == 'TRUE': ret_val = True elif val == 'FALSE': ret_val = False elif datatype == 'integer': if val.isdigit(): ret_val = int(val) elif datatype == 'float': ret_val = float(val) if val else 0.0 return ret_val
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): results = [] paramcache = {} client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') paginator = client.get_paginator('describe_db_parameters') param_groups = {db['DBParameterGroups'][0]['DBParameterGroupName'] for db in resources} for pg in param_groups: cache_key = { 'region': self.manager.config.region, 'account_id': self.manager.config.account_id, 'rds-pg': pg} pg_values = self.manager._cache.get(cache_key) if pg_values is not None: paramcache[pg] = pg_values continue param_list = list(itertools.chain(*[p['Parameters'] for p in paginator.paginate(DBParameterGroupName=pg)])) paramcache[pg] = { p['ParameterName']: self.recast(p['ParameterValue'], p['DataType']) for p in param_list if 'ParameterValue' in p}, paramcache[pg]) for resource in resources: for pg in resource['DBParameterGroups']: pg_values = paramcache[pg['DBParameterGroupName']] if self.match(pg_values): resource.setdefault('c7n:MatchedDBParameter', []).append('key')) results.append(resource) break return results
[docs]@actions.register('modify-db') class ModifyDb(BaseAction): """Modifies an RDS instance based on specified parameter using ModifyDbInstance. 'Update' is an array with with key value pairs that should be set to the property and value you wish to modify. 'Immediate" determines whether the modification is applied immediately or not. If 'immediate' is not specified, default is false. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: disable-rds-deletion-protection resource: rds filters: - DeletionProtection: true - PubliclyAccessible: true actions: - type: modify-db update: - property: 'DeletionProtection' value: false - property: 'PubliclyAccessible' value: false immediate: true """ schema = type_schema( 'modify-db', immediate={"type": 'boolean'}, update={ 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'property': {'type': 'string', 'enum': [ 'AllocatedStorage', 'DBInstanceClass', 'DBSubnetGroupName', 'DBSecurityGroups', 'VpcSecurityGroupIds', 'MasterUserPassword', 'DBParameterGroupName', 'BackupRetentionPeriod', 'PreferredBackupWindow', 'PreferredMaintenanceWindow', 'MultiAZ', 'EngineVersion', 'AllowMajorVersionUpgrade', 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade', 'LicenseModel', 'Iops', 'OptionGroupName', 'NewDBInstanceIdentifier', 'StorageType', 'TdeCredentialArn', 'TdeCredentialPassword', 'CACertificateIdentifier', 'Domain', 'CopyTagsToSnapshot', 'MonitoringInterval', 'DBPortNumber', 'PubliclyAccessible', 'DomainIAMRoleName', 'PromotionTier', 'EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication', 'EnablePerformanceInsights', 'PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId', 'PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod', 'CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration', 'UseDefaultProcessorFeatures', 'DeletionProtection']}, 'value': {} }, }, }, required=('update',)) permissions = ('rds:ModifyDBInstance',)
[docs] def process(self, resources): c = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('rds') for r in resources: param = {} for update in'update'): if r[update['property']] != update['value']: param[update['property']] = update['value'] if not param: continue param['ApplyImmediately'] ='immediate', False) param['DBInstanceIdentifier'] = r['DBInstanceIdentifier'] try: c.modify_db_instance(**param) except c.exceptions.DBInstanceNotFoundFault: raise
[docs]@resources.register('rds-reserved') class ReservedRDS(QueryResourceManager):
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 'rds' name = id = 'ReservedDBInstanceId' date = 'StartTime' enum_spec = ( 'describe_reserved_db_instances', 'ReservedDBInstances', None) filter_name = 'ReservedDBInstances' filter_type = 'list' dimension = None type = "reserved-db"