Source code for c7n.resources.s3

# Copyright 2015-2017 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""S3 Resource Manager


The generic Values filters (jmespath) expression and Or filter are
available with all resources, including buckets, we include several
additonal bucket data (Tags, Replication, Acl, Policy) as keys within
a bucket representation.



   Scan all keys in a bucket and optionally encrypt them in place.


   Check bucket acls for global grants


   Attach an encryption required policy to a bucket, this will break
   applications that are not using encryption, including aws log

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import copy
import functools
import json
import itertools
import logging
import math
import os
import time
import ssl

import six

from botocore.client import Config
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

from collections import defaultdict
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date
    from urllib3.exceptions import SSLError
except ImportError:
    from botocore.vendored.requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import SSLError

from c7n.actions import (
    ActionRegistry, BaseAction, PutMetric, RemovePolicyBase)
from c7n.actions.securityhub import PostFinding
from c7n.exceptions import PolicyValidationError
from c7n.filters import (
    FilterRegistry, Filter, CrossAccountAccessFilter, MetricsFilter,
from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n import query
from c7n.tags import RemoveTag, Tag, TagActionFilter, TagDelayedAction
from c7n.utils import (
    chunks, local_session, set_annotation, type_schema, filter_empty,
    dumps, format_string_values, get_account_alias_from_sts)

log = logging.getLogger('custodian.s3')

filters = FilterRegistry('s3.filters')
actions = ActionRegistry('s3.actions')
filters.register('marked-for-op', TagActionFilter)
actions.register('put-metric', PutMetric)

MAX_COPY_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 2

[docs]@resources.register('s3') class S3(query.QueryResourceManager):
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 's3' type = 'bucket' enum_spec = ('list_buckets', 'Buckets[]', None) detail_spec = ('list_objects', 'Bucket', 'Contents[]') name = id = 'Name' filter_name = None date = 'CreationDate' dimension = 'BucketName' config_type = 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
filter_registry = filters action_registry = actions
[docs] def get_source(self, source_type): if source_type == 'describe': return DescribeS3(self) elif source_type == 'config': return ConfigS3(self) else: return super(S3, self).get_source(source_type)
[docs] @classmethod def get_permissions(cls): perms = ["s3:ListAllMyBuckets"] perms.extend([n[0] for n in S3_AUGMENT_TABLE]) return perms
[docs]class DescribeS3(query.DescribeSource):
[docs] def augment(self, buckets): with self.manager.executor_factory( max_workers=min((10, len(buckets) + 1))) as w: results = assemble_bucket, zip(itertools.repeat(self.manager.session_factory), buckets)) results = list(filter(None, results)) return results
[docs] def get_resources(self, bucket_names): return [{'Name': b} for b in bucket_names]
[docs]class ConfigS3(query.ConfigSource):
[docs] def load_resource(self, item): resource = super(ConfigS3, self).load_resource(item) cfg = item['supplementaryConfiguration'] if item['awsRegion'] != 'us-east-1': # aka standard resource['Location'] = {'LocationConstraint': item['awsRegion']} # owner is under acl per describe resource.pop('Owner', None) resource['CreationDate'] = parse_date(resource['CreationDate']) for k, null_value in S3_CONFIG_SUPPLEMENT_NULL_MAP.items(): if cfg.get(k) == null_value: continue method = getattr(self, "handle_%s" % k, None) if method is None: raise ValueError("unhandled supplementary config %s", k) continue v = cfg[k] if isinstance(cfg[k], six.string_types): v = json.loads(cfg[k]) method(resource, v) for el in S3_AUGMENT_TABLE: if el[1] not in resource: resource[el[1]] = el[2] return resource
PERMISSION_MAP = { 'FullControl': 'FULL_CONTROL', 'Write': 'WRITE', 'WriteAcp': 'WRITE_ACP', 'Read': 'READ', 'ReadAcp': 'READ_ACP'} GRANTEE_MAP = { 'AllUsers': "", 'AuthenticatedUsers': "", 'LogDelivery': ''}
[docs] def handle_AccessControlList(self, resource, item_value): # double serialized in config for some reason if isinstance(item_value, six.string_types): item_value = json.loads(item_value) resource['Acl'] = {} resource['Acl']['Owner'] = {'ID': item_value['owner']['id']} if item_value['owner']['displayName']: resource['Acl']['Owner']['DisplayName'] = item_value[ 'owner']['displayName'] resource['Acl']['Grants'] = grants = [] for g in (item_value.get('grantList') or ()): if 'id' not in g['grantee']: assert g['grantee'] in self.GRANTEE_MAP, "unknown grantee %s" % g rg = {'Type': 'Group', 'URI': self.GRANTEE_MAP[g['grantee']]} else: rg = {'ID': g['grantee']['id'], 'Type': 'CanonicalUser'} if 'displayName' in g: rg['DisplayName'] = g['displayName'] grants.append({ 'Permission': self.PERMISSION_MAP[g['permission']], 'Grantee': rg, })
[docs] def handle_BucketAccelerateConfiguration(self, resource, item_value): # not currently auto-augmented by custodian return
[docs] def handle_BucketLoggingConfiguration(self, resource, item_value): if item_value['destinationBucketName'] is None: return {} resource[u'Logging'] = { 'TargetBucket': item_value['destinationBucketName'], 'TargetPrefix': item_value['logFilePrefix']}
[docs] def handle_BucketLifecycleConfiguration(self, resource, item_value): rules = [] for r in item_value.get('rules'): rr = {} rules.append(rr) expiry = {} for ek, ck in ( ('Date', 'expirationDate'), ('ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker', 'expiredObjectDeleteMarker'), ('Days', 'expirationInDays')): if r[ck] and r[ck] != -1: expiry[ek] = r[ck] if expiry: rr['Expiration'] = expiry transitions = [] for t in (r.get('transitions') or ()): tr = {} for k in ('date', 'days', 'storageClass'): if t[k]: tr["%s%s" % (k[0].upper(), k[1:])] = t[k] transitions.append(tr) if transitions: rr['Transitions'] = transitions if r.get('abortIncompleteMultipartUpload'): rr['AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload'] = { 'DaysAfterInitiation': r[ 'abortIncompleteMultipartUpload']['daysAfterInitiation']} if r.get('noncurrentVersionExpirationInDays'): rr['NoncurrentVersionExpiration'] = { 'NoncurrentDays': r['noncurrentVersionExpirationInDays']} nonc_transitions = [] for t in (r.get('noncurrentVersionTransitions') or ()): nonc_transitions.append({ 'NoncurrentDays': t['days'], 'StorageClass': t['storageClass']}) if nonc_transitions: rr['NoncurrentVersionTransitions'] = nonc_transitions rr['Status'] = r['status'] rr['ID'] = r['id'] if r.get('prefix'): rr['Prefix'] = r['prefix'] if 'filter' not in r or not r['filter']: continue if r['filter']['predicate']: rr['Filter'] = self.convertLifePredicate(r['filter']['predicate']) resource['Lifecycle'] = {'Rules': rules}
[docs] def convertLifePredicate(self, p): if p['type'] == 'LifecyclePrefixPredicate': return {'Prefix': p['prefix']} if p['type'] == 'LifecycleTagPredicate': return {'Tags': [{'Key': p['tag']['key'], 'Value': p['tag']['value']}]} if p['type'] == 'LifecycleAndOperator': n = {} for o in p['operands']: ot = self.convertLifePredicate(o) if 'Tags' in n and 'Tags' in ot: n['Tags'].extend(ot['Tags']) else: n.update(ot) return {'And': n} raise ValueError("unknown predicate: %s" % p)
NotifyTypeMap = { 'QueueConfiguration': 'QueueConfigurations', 'LambdaConfiguration': 'LambdaFunctionConfigurations', 'CloudFunctionConfiguration': 'LambdaFunctionConfigurations', 'TopicConfiguration': 'TopicConfigurations'}
[docs] def handle_BucketNotificationConfiguration(self, resource, item_value): d = {} for nid, n in item_value['configurations'].items(): ninfo = {} d.setdefault(self.NotifyTypeMap[n['type']], []).append(ninfo) if n['type'] == 'QueueConfiguration': ninfo['QueueArn'] = n['queueARN'] elif n['type'] == 'TopicConfiguration': ninfo['TopicArn'] = n['topicARN'] elif n['type'] == 'LambdaConfiguration': ninfo['LambdaFunctionArn'] = n['functionARN'] ninfo['Id'] = nid ninfo['Events'] = n['events'] rules = [] if n['filter']: for r in n['filter'].get('s3KeyFilter', {}).get('filterRules', []): rules.append({'Name': r['name'], 'Value': r['value']}) if rules: ninfo['Filter'] = {'Key': {'FilterRules': rules}} resource['Notification'] = d
[docs] def handle_BucketReplicationConfiguration(self, resource, item_value): d = {'Role': item_value['roleARN'], 'Rules': []} for rid, r in item_value['rules'].items(): rule = { 'ID': rid, 'Status': r['status'], 'Prefix': r['prefix'], 'Destination': { 'Bucket': r['destinationConfig']['bucketARN']} } if r['destinationConfig']['storageClass']: rule['Destination']['StorageClass'] = r['destinationConfig']['storageClass'] d['Rules'].append(rule) resource['Replication'] = {'ReplicationConfiguration': d}
[docs] def handle_BucketPolicy(self, resource, item_value): resource['Policy'] = item_value['policyText']
[docs] def handle_BucketTaggingConfiguration(self, resource, item_value): resource['Tags'] = [ {"Key": k, "Value": v} for k, v in item_value['tagSets'][0]['tags'].items()]
[docs] def handle_BucketVersioningConfiguration(self, resource, item_value): # Config defaults versioning to 'Off' for a null value if item_value['status'] not in ('Enabled', 'Suspended'): return resource['Versioning'] = {'Status': item_value['status']} if item_value['isMfaDeleteEnabled']: resource['Versioning']['MFADelete'] = item_value[ 'isMfaDeleteEnabled'].title()
[docs] def handle_BucketWebsiteConfiguration(self, resource, item_value): website = {} if item_value['indexDocumentSuffix']: website['IndexDocument'] = { 'Suffix': item_value['indexDocumentSuffix']} if item_value['errorDocument']: website['ErrorDocument'] = { 'Key': item_value['errorDocument']} if item_value['redirectAllRequestsTo']: website['RedirectAllRequestsTo'] = { 'HostName': item_value['redirectAllRequestsTo']['hostName'], 'Protocol': item_value['redirectAllRequestsTo']['protocol']} for r in item_value['routingRules']: redirect = {} rule = {'Redirect': redirect} website.setdefault('RoutingRules', []).append(rule) if 'condition' in r: cond = {} for ck, rk in ( ('keyPrefixEquals', 'KeyPrefixEquals'), ('httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals', 'HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals')): if r['condition'][ck]: cond[rk] = r['condition'][ck] rule['Condition'] = cond for ck, rk in ( ('protocol', 'Protocol'), ('hostName', 'HostName'), ('replaceKeyPrefixWith', 'ReplaceKeyPrefixWith'), ('replaceKeyWith', 'ReplaceKeyWith'), ('httpRedirectCode', 'HttpRedirectCode')): if r['redirect'][ck]: redirect[rk] = r['redirect'][ck] resource['Website'] = website
S3_CONFIG_SUPPLEMENT_NULL_MAP = { 'BucketLoggingConfiguration': u'{"destinationBucketName":null,"logFilePrefix":null}', 'BucketPolicy': u'{"policyText":null}', 'BucketVersioningConfiguration': u'{"status":"Off","isMfaDeleteEnabled":null}', 'BucketAccelerateConfiguration': u'{"status":null}', 'BucketNotificationConfiguration': u'{"configurations":{}}', 'BucketLifecycleConfiguration': None, 'AccessControlList': None, 'BucketTaggingConfiguration': None, 'BucketWebsiteConfiguration': None, 'BucketReplicationConfiguration': None } S3_AUGMENT_TABLE = ( ('get_bucket_location', 'Location', None, None), ('get_bucket_tagging', 'Tags', [], 'TagSet'), ('get_bucket_policy', 'Policy', None, 'Policy'), ('get_bucket_acl', 'Acl', None, None), ('get_bucket_replication', 'Replication', None, None), ('get_bucket_versioning', 'Versioning', None, None), ('get_bucket_website', 'Website', None, None), ('get_bucket_logging', 'Logging', None, 'LoggingEnabled'), ('get_bucket_notification_configuration', 'Notification', None, None), ('get_bucket_lifecycle_configuration', 'Lifecycle', None, None), # ('get_bucket_cors', 'Cors'), )
[docs]def assemble_bucket(item): """Assemble a document representing all the config state around a bucket. TODO: Refactor this, the logic here feels quite muddled. """ factory, b = item s = factory() c = s.client('s3') # Bucket Location, Current Client Location, Default Location b_location = c_location = location = "us-east-1" methods = list(S3_AUGMENT_TABLE) for m, k, default, select in methods: try: method = getattr(c, m) v = method(Bucket=b['Name']) v.pop('ResponseMetadata') if select is not None and select in v: v = v[select] except (ssl.SSLError, SSLError) as e: # Proxy issues? i assume log.warning("Bucket ssl error %s: %s %s", b['Name'], b.get('Location', 'unknown'), e) continue except ClientError as e: code = e.response['Error']['Code'] if code.startswith("NoSuch") or "NotFound" in code: v = default elif code == 'PermanentRedirect': s = factory() c = bucket_client(s, b) # Requeue with the correct region given location constraint methods.append((m, k, default, select)) continue else: log.warning( "Bucket:%s unable to invoke method:%s error:%s ", b['Name'], m, e.response['Error']['Message']) # For auth failures, we don't bail out, continue processing if we can. # Note this can lead to missing data, but in general is cleaner than # failing hard, due to the common use of locked down s3 bucket policies # that may cause issues fetching information across a fleet of buckets. # This does mean s3 policies depending on augments should check denied # methods annotation, generally though lacking get access to an augment means # they won't have write access either. # For other error types we raise and bail policy execution. if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'AccessDenied': b.setdefault('c7n:DeniedMethods', []).append(m) continue raise # As soon as we learn location (which generally works) if k == 'Location' and v is not None: b_location = v.get('LocationConstraint') # Location == region for all cases but EU # if b_location is None: b_location = "us-east-1" elif b_location == 'EU': b_location = "eu-west-1" v['LocationConstraint'] = 'eu-west-1' if v and v != c_location: c = s.client('s3', region_name=b_location) elif c_location != location: c = s.client('s3', region_name=location) b[k] = v return b
[docs]def bucket_client(session, b, kms=False): region = get_region(b) if kms: # Need v4 signature for aws:kms crypto, else let the sdk decide # based on region support. config = Config( signature_version='s3v4', read_timeout=200, connect_timeout=120) else: config = Config(read_timeout=200, connect_timeout=120) return session.client('s3', region_name=region, config=config)
[docs]def modify_bucket_tags(session_factory, buckets, add_tags=(), remove_tags=()): for bucket in buckets: client = bucket_client(local_session(session_factory), bucket) # Bucket tags are set atomically for the set/document, we want # to refetch against current to guard against any staleness in # our cached representation across multiple policies or concurrent # modifications. if 'get_bucket_tagging' in bucket.get('c7n:DeniedMethods', []): # avoid the additional API call if we already know that it's going # to result in AccessDenied. The chances that the resource's perms # would have changed between fetching the resource and acting on it # here are pretty low-- so the check here should suffice. log.warning( "Unable to get new set of bucket tags needed to modify tags," "skipping tag action for bucket: %s" % bucket["Name"]) continue try: bucket['Tags'] = client.get_bucket_tagging( Bucket=bucket['Name']).get('TagSet', []) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] != 'NoSuchTagSet': raise bucket['Tags'] = [] new_tags = {t['Key']: t['Value'] for t in add_tags} for t in bucket.get('Tags', ()): if (t['Key'] not in new_tags and t['Key'] not in remove_tags): new_tags[t['Key']] = t['Value'] tag_set = [{'Key': k, 'Value': v} for k, v in new_tags.items()] try: client.put_bucket_tagging( Bucket=bucket['Name'], Tagging={'TagSet': tag_set}) except ClientError as e: log.exception( 'Exception tagging bucket %s: %s', bucket['Name'], e) continue
[docs]def get_region(b): """Tries to get the bucket region from Location.LocationConstraint Special cases: LocationConstraint EU defaults to eu-west-1 LocationConstraint null defaults to us-east-1 Args: b (object): A bucket object Returns: string: an aws region string """ remap = {None: 'us-east-1', 'EU': 'eu-west-1'} region = b.get('Location', {}).get('LocationConstraint') return remap.get(region, region)
[docs]@filters.register('metrics') class S3Metrics(MetricsFilter): """S3 CW Metrics need special handling for attribute/dimension mismatch, and additional required dimension. """
[docs] def get_dimensions(self, resource): return [ {'Name': 'BucketName', 'Value': resource['Name']}, {'Name': 'StorageType', 'Value': 'AllStorageTypes'}]
[docs]@filters.register('cross-account') class S3CrossAccountFilter(CrossAccountAccessFilter): """Filters cross-account access to S3 buckets :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-acl resource: s3 region: us-east-1 filters: - type: cross-account """ permissions = ('s3:GetBucketPolicy',)
[docs] def get_accounts(self): """add in elb access by default ELB Accounts by region Redshift Accounts by region Cloudtrail Accounts by region """ accounts = super(S3CrossAccountFilter, self).get_accounts() return accounts.union( [ # ELB accounts '127311923021', # us-east-1 '033677994240', # us-east-2 '797873946194', # us-west-2 '027434742980', # us-west-1 '985666609251', # ca-central-1 '156460612806', # eu-west-1 '054676820928', # eu-central-1 '652711504416', # eu-west-2 '582318560864', # ap-northeast-1 '600734575887', # ap-northeast-2 '114774131450', # ap-southeast-1 '783225319266', # ap-southeast-2 '718504428378', # ap-south-1 '507241528517', # sa-east-1 '048591011584', # us-gov-west-1 or gov-cloud-1 '638102146993', # cn-north-1 # Redshift accounts '368064434614', # us-east-1 '790247189693', # us-east-2 '703715109447', # us-east-1 '473191095985', # us-west-2 '408097707231', # ap-south-1 '713597048934', # ap-northeast-2 '960118270566', # ap-southeast-1 '485979073181', # ap-southeast-2 '615915377779', # ap-northeast-1 '764870610256', # ca-central-1 '434091160558', # eu-central-1 '246478207311', # eu-west-1 '885798887673', # eu-west-2 '392442076723', # sa-east-1 # Cloudtrail accounts (psa. folks should be using # cloudtrail service in bucket policies) '086441151436', # us-east-1 '475085895292', # us-west-2 '388731089494', # us-west-1 '113285607260', # us-west-2 '819402241893', # ca-central-1 '977081816279', # ap-south-1 '492519147666', # ap-northeast-2 '903692715234', # ap-southeast-1 '284668455005', # ap-southeast-2 '216624486486', # ap-northeast-1 '035351147821', # eu-central-1 '859597730677', # eu-west-1 '282025262664', # eu-west-2 '814480443879', # sa-east-1 ])
[docs]@filters.register('global-grants') class GlobalGrantsFilter(Filter): """Filters for all S3 buckets that have global-grants :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-delete-global-grants resource: s3 filters: - type: global-grants actions: - delete-global-grants """ schema = type_schema( 'global-grants', allow_website={'type': 'boolean'}, operator={'type': 'string', 'enum': ['or', 'and']}, permissions={ 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'string', 'enum': [ 'READ', 'WRITE', 'WRITE_ACP', 'READ_ACP', 'FULL_CONTROL']}}) GLOBAL_ALL = "" AUTH_ALL = ""
[docs] def process(self, buckets, event=None): with self.executor_factory(max_workers=5) as w: results =, buckets) results = list(filter(None, list(results))) return results
[docs] def process_bucket(self, b): acl = b.get('Acl', {'Grants': []}) if not acl or not acl['Grants']: return results = [] allow_website ='allow_website', True) perms ='permissions', []) for grant in acl['Grants']: if 'URI' not in grant.get("Grantee", {}): continue if grant['Grantee']['URI'] not in [self.AUTH_ALL, self.GLOBAL_ALL]: continue if allow_website and grant['Permission'] == 'READ' and b['Website']: continue if not perms or (perms and grant['Permission'] in perms): results.append(grant['Permission']) if results: set_annotation(b, 'GlobalPermissions', results) return b
[docs]class BucketActionBase(BaseAction):
[docs] def get_permissions(self): return self.permissions
[docs] def get_std_format_args(self, bucket): return { 'account_id': self.manager.config.account_id, 'region': self.manager.config.region, 'bucket_name': bucket['Name'], 'bucket_region': get_region(bucket) }
[docs] def process(self, buckets): with self.executor_factory(max_workers=3) as w: futures = {} results = [] for b in buckets: futures[w.submit(self.process_bucket, b)] = b for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): self.log.error('error modifying bucket:%s\n%s', b['Name'], f.exception()) results += filter(None, [f.result()]) return results
[docs]class BucketFilterBase(Filter):
[docs] def get_std_format_args(self, bucket): return { 'account_id': self.manager.config.account_id, 'region': self.manager.config.region, 'bucket_name': bucket['Name'], 'bucket_region': get_region(bucket) }
[docs]@S3.action_registry.register("post-finding") class BucketFinding(PostFinding):
[docs] def format_resource(self, r): owner = r.get("Acl", {}).get("Owner", {}) resource = { "Type": "AwsS3Bucket", "Id": "arn:aws:s3:::{}".format(r["Name"]), "Region": get_region(r), "Tags": {t["Key"]: t["Value"] for t in r.get("Tags", [])}, "Details": {"AwsS3Bucket": {"OwnerId": owner.get('ID', 'Unknown')}} } if "DisplayName" in owner: resource["Details"]["AwsS3Bucket"]["OwnerName"] = owner['DisplayName'] return filter_empty(resource)
[docs]@filters.register('has-statement') class HasStatementFilter(BucketFilterBase): """Find buckets with set of policy statements. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-bucket-has-statement resource: s3 filters: - type: has-statement statement_ids: - RequiredEncryptedPutObject policies: - name: s3-public-policy resource: s3 filters: - type: has-statement statements: - Effect: Allow Action: 's3:*' Principal: '*' """ schema = type_schema( 'has-statement', statement_ids={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, statements={ 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'Sid': {'type': 'string'}, 'Effect': {'type': 'string', 'enum': ['Allow', 'Deny']}, 'Principal': {'anyOf': [ {'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'object'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'NotPrincipal': { 'anyOf': [{'type': 'object'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'Action': { 'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'NotAction': { 'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'Resource': { 'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'NotResource': { 'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'Condition': {'type': 'object'} }, 'required': ['Effect'] } })
[docs] def process(self, buckets, event=None): return list(filter(None, map(self.process_bucket, buckets)))
[docs] def process_bucket(self, b): p = b.get('Policy') if p is None: return None p = json.loads(p) required = list('statement_ids', [])) statements = p.get('Statement', []) for s in list(statements): if s.get('Sid') in required: required.remove(s['Sid']) required_statements = format_string_values(list('statements', [])), **self.get_std_format_args(b)) for required_statement in required_statements: for statement in statements: found = 0 for key, value in required_statement.items(): if key in statement and value == statement[key]: found += 1 if found and found == len(required_statement): required_statements.remove(required_statement) break if ('statement_ids', []) and not required) or \ ('statements', []) and not required_statements): return b return None
ENCRYPTION_STATEMENT_GLOB = { 'Effect': 'Deny', 'Principal': '*', 'Action': 's3:PutObject', "Condition": { "StringNotEquals": { "s3:x-amz-server-side-encryption": ["AES256", "aws:kms"]}}}
[docs]@filters.register('no-encryption-statement') class EncryptionEnabledFilter(Filter): """Find buckets with missing encryption policy statements. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-bucket-not-encrypted resource: s3 filters: - type: no-encryption-statement """ schema = type_schema( 'no-encryption-statement')
[docs] def get_permissions(self): perms = self.manager.get_resource_manager('s3').get_permissions() return perms
[docs] def process(self, buckets, event=None): return list(filter(None, map(self.process_bucket, buckets)))
[docs] def process_bucket(self, b): p = b.get('Policy') if p is None: return b p = json.loads(p) encryption_statement = dict(ENCRYPTION_STATEMENT_GLOB) statements = p.get('Statement', []) check = False for s in list(statements): if 'Sid' in s: encryption_statement["Sid"] = s["Sid"] if 'Resource' in s: encryption_statement["Resource"] = s["Resource"] if s == encryption_statement: check = True break if check: return None else: return b
[docs]@filters.register('missing-statement') @filters.register('missing-policy-statement') class MissingPolicyStatementFilter(Filter): """Find buckets missing a set of named policy statements. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-bucket-missing-statement resource: s3 filters: - type: missing-statement statement_ids: - RequiredEncryptedPutObject """ schema = type_schema( 'missing-policy-statement', aliases=('missing-statement',), statement_ids={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}) def __call__(self, b): p = b.get('Policy') if p is None: return b p = json.loads(p) required = list('statement_ids', [])) statements = p.get('Statement', []) for s in list(statements): if s.get('Sid') in required: required.remove(s['Sid']) if not required: return False return True
[docs]@filters.register('bucket-notification') class BucketNotificationFilter(ValueFilter): """Filter based on bucket notification configuration. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: delete-incorrect-notification resource: s3 filters: - type: bucket-notification kind: lambda key: Id value: "IncorrectLambda" op: eq actions: - type: delete-bucket-notification statement_ids: matched """ schema = type_schema( 'bucket-notification', required=['kind'], kind={'type': 'string', 'enum': ['lambda', 'sns', 'sqs']}, rinherit=ValueFilter.schema) annotation_key = 'c7n:MatchedNotificationConfigurationIds' permissions = ('s3:GetBucketNotification',) FIELDS = { 'lambda': 'LambdaFunctionConfigurations', 'sns': 'TopicConfigurations', 'sqs': 'QueueConfigurations' }
[docs] def process(self, buckets, event=None): return super(BucketNotificationFilter, self).process(buckets, event)
def __call__(self, bucket): field = self.FIELDS[['kind']] found = False for config in bucket.get('Notification', {}).get(field, []): if self.match(config): set_annotation( bucket, BucketNotificationFilter.annotation_key, config['Id']) found = True return found
[docs]@actions.register('delete-bucket-notification') class DeleteBucketNotification(BucketActionBase): """Action to delete S3 bucket notification configurations""" schema = type_schema( 'delete-bucket-notification', required=['statement_ids'], statement_ids={'oneOf': [ {'enum': ['matched']}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}) permissions = ('s3:PutBucketNotification',)
[docs] def process_bucket(self, bucket): n = bucket['Notification'] if not n: return statement_ids ='statement_ids') if statement_ids == 'matched': statement_ids = bucket.get(BucketNotificationFilter.annotation_key, ()) if not statement_ids: return cfg = defaultdict(list) for t in six.itervalues(BucketNotificationFilter.FIELDS): for c in n.get(t, []): if c['Id'] not in statement_ids: cfg[t].append(c) client = bucket_client(local_session(self.manager.session_factory), bucket) client.put_bucket_notification_configuration( Bucket=bucket['Name'], NotificationConfiguration=cfg)
[docs]@actions.register('no-op') class NoOp(BucketActionBase): schema = type_schema('no-op') permissions = ('s3:ListAllMyBuckets',)
[docs] def process(self, buckets): return None
[docs]@actions.register('set-statements') class SetPolicyStatement(BucketActionBase): """Action to add or update policy statements to S3 buckets :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: force-s3-https resource: s3 actions: - type: set-statements statements: - Sid: "DenyHttp" Effect: "Deny" Action: "s3:GetObject" Principal: AWS: "*" Resource: "arn:aws:s3:::{bucket_name}/*" Condition: Bool: "aws:SecureTransport": false """ permissions = ('s3:PutBucketPolicy',) schema = type_schema( 'set-statements', **{ 'statements': { 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'Sid': {'type': 'string'}, 'Effect': {'type': 'string', 'enum': ['Allow', 'Deny']}, 'Principal': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'object'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'NotPrincipal': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'object'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'Action': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'NotAction': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'Resource': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'NotResource': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'Condition': {'type': 'object'} }, 'required': ['Sid', 'Effect'], 'oneOf': [ {'required': ['Principal', 'Action', 'Resource']}, {'required': ['NotPrincipal', 'Action', 'Resource']}, {'required': ['Principal', 'NotAction', 'Resource']}, {'required': ['NotPrincipal', 'NotAction', 'Resource']}, {'required': ['Principal', 'Action', 'NotResource']}, {'required': ['NotPrincipal', 'Action', 'NotResource']}, {'required': ['Principal', 'NotAction', 'NotResource']}, {'required': ['NotPrincipal', 'NotAction', 'NotResource']} ] } } } )
[docs] def process_bucket(self, bucket): policy = bucket.get('Policy') or '{}' target_statements = format_string_values( copy.deepcopy({s['Sid']: s for s in'statements', [])}), **self.get_std_format_args(bucket)) policy = json.loads(policy) bucket_statements = policy.setdefault('Statement', []) for s in bucket_statements: if s.get('Sid') not in target_statements: continue if s == target_statements[s['Sid']]: target_statements.pop(s['Sid']) if not target_statements: return bucket_statements.extend(target_statements.values()) policy = json.dumps(policy) s3 = bucket_client(local_session(self.manager.session_factory), bucket) s3.put_bucket_policy(Bucket=bucket['Name'], Policy=policy) return {'Name': bucket['Name'], 'Policy': policy}
[docs]@actions.register('remove-statements') class RemovePolicyStatement(RemovePolicyBase): """Action to remove policy statements from S3 buckets :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-remove-encrypt-put resource: s3 filters: - type: has-statement statement_ids: - RequireEncryptedPutObject actions: - type: remove-statements statement_ids: - RequiredEncryptedPutObject """ permissions = ("s3:PutBucketPolicy", "s3:DeleteBucketPolicy")
[docs] def process(self, buckets): with self.executor_factory(max_workers=3) as w: futures = {} results = [] for b in buckets: futures[w.submit(self.process_bucket, b)] = b for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): b = futures[f] self.log.error('error modifying bucket:%s\n%s', b['Name'], f.exception()) results += filter(None, [f.result()]) return results
[docs] def process_bucket(self, bucket): p = bucket.get('Policy') if p is None: return p = json.loads(p) statements, found = self.process_policy( p, bucket, CrossAccountAccessFilter.annotation_key) if not found: return s3 = bucket_client(local_session(self.manager.session_factory), bucket) if not statements: s3.delete_bucket_policy(Bucket=bucket['Name']) else: s3.put_bucket_policy(Bucket=bucket['Name'], Policy=json.dumps(p)) return {'Name': bucket['Name'], 'State': 'PolicyRemoved', 'Statements': found}
[docs]@actions.register('toggle-versioning') class ToggleVersioning(BucketActionBase): """Action to enable/suspend versioning on a S3 bucket Note versioning can never be disabled only suspended. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-enable-versioning resource: s3 filters: - or: - type: value key: Versioning.Status value: Suspended - type: value key: Versioning.Status value: absent actions: - type: toggle-versioning enabled: true """ schema = type_schema( 'toggle-versioning', enabled={'type': 'boolean'}) permissions = ("s3:PutBucketVersioning",)
[docs] def process_versioning(self, resource, state): client = bucket_client( local_session(self.manager.session_factory), resource) try: client.put_bucket_versioning( Bucket=resource['Name'], VersioningConfiguration={ 'Status': state}) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] != 'AccessDenied': log.error( "Unable to put bucket versioning on bucket %s: %s" % resource['Name'], e) raise log.warning( "Access Denied Bucket:%s while put bucket versioning" % resource['Name'])
# mfa delete enablement looks like it needs the serial and a current token.
[docs] def process(self, resources): enabled ='enabled', True) for r in resources: if 'Versioning' not in r or not r['Versioning']: r['Versioning'] = {'Status': 'Suspended'} if enabled and ( r['Versioning']['Status'] == 'Suspended'): self.process_versioning(r, 'Enabled') if not enabled and r['Versioning']['Status'] == 'Enabled': self.process_versioning(r, 'Suspended')
[docs]@actions.register('toggle-logging') class ToggleLogging(BucketActionBase): """Action to enable/disable logging on a S3 bucket. Target bucket ACL must allow for WRITE and READ_ACP Permissions Not specifying a target_prefix will default to the current bucket name. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-enable-logging resource: s3 filters: - "tag:Testing": present actions: - type: toggle-logging target_bucket: log-bucket target_prefix: logs123 """ schema = type_schema( 'toggle-logging', enabled={'type': 'boolean'}, target_bucket={'type': 'string'}, target_prefix={'type': 'string'}) permissions = ("s3:PutBucketLogging", "iam:ListAccountAliases")
[docs] def validate(self): if'enabled', True): if not'target_bucket'): raise PolicyValidationError( "target_bucket must be specified on %s" % (,)) return self
[docs] def process(self, resources): enabled ='enabled', True) # Account name for variable expansion session = local_session(self.manager.session_factory) account_name = get_account_alias_from_sts(session) for r in resources: client = bucket_client(session, r) is_logging = bool(r.get('Logging')) if enabled and not is_logging: variables = { 'account_id': self.manager.config.account_id, 'account': account_name, 'region': self.manager.config.region, 'source_bucket_name': r['Name'], 'target_bucket_name':'target_bucket'), 'target_prefix':'target_prefix'), } data = format_string_values(, **variables) target_prefix = data.get('target_prefix', r['Name'] + '/') client.put_bucket_logging( Bucket=r['Name'], BucketLoggingStatus={ 'LoggingEnabled': { 'TargetBucket': data.get('target_bucket'), 'TargetPrefix': target_prefix}}) continue elif not enabled and is_logging: client.put_bucket_logging( Bucket=r['Name'], BucketLoggingStatus={}) continue
[docs]@actions.register('attach-encrypt') class AttachLambdaEncrypt(BucketActionBase): """Action attaches lambda encryption policy to S3 bucket supports attachment via lambda bucket notification or sns notification to invoke lambda. a special topic value of `default` will utilize an extant notification or create one matching the bucket name. :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: attach-lambda-encrypt resource: s3 filters: - type: missing-policy-statement actions: - type: attach-encrypt role: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-role """ schema = type_schema( 'attach-encrypt', role={'type': 'string'}, tags={'type': 'object'}, topic={'type': 'string'}) permissions = ( "s3:PutBucketNotification", "s3:GetBucketNotification", # lambda manager uses quite a few perms to provision lambdas # and event sources, hard to disamgibuate punt for now. "lambda:*", ) def __init__(self, data=None, manager=None): = data or {} self.manager = manager
[docs] def validate(self): if (not getattr(self.manager.config, 'dryrun', True) and not'role', self.manager.config.assume_role)): raise PolicyValidationError( "attach-encrypt: role must be specified either " "via assume or in config on %s" % (,)) return self
[docs] def process(self, buckets): from import LambdaManager from c7n.ufuncs.s3crypt import get_function account_id = self.manager.config.account_id topic_arn ='topic') func = get_function( None,'role', self.manager.config.assume_role), account_id=account_id,'tags')) regions = set([get_region(b) for b in buckets]) # session managers by region region_sessions = {} for r in regions: region_sessions[r] = functools.partial( self.manager.session_factory, region=r) # Publish function to all of our buckets regions region_funcs = {} for r in regions: lambda_mgr = LambdaManager(region_sessions[r]) lambda_mgr.publish(func) region_funcs[r] = func with self.executor_factory(max_workers=3) as w: results = [] futures = [] for b in buckets: region = get_region(b) futures.append( w.submit( self.process_bucket, region_funcs[region], b, topic_arn, account_id, region_sessions[region] )) for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): log.exception( "Error attaching lambda-encrypt %s" % (f.exception())) results.append(f.result()) return list(filter(None, results))
[docs] def process_bucket(self, func, bucket, topic, account_id, session_factory): from import BucketSNSNotification, BucketLambdaNotification if topic: topic = None if topic == 'default' else topic source = BucketSNSNotification(session_factory, bucket, topic) else: source = BucketLambdaNotification( {'account_s3': account_id}, session_factory, bucket) return source.add(func)
[docs]@actions.register('encryption-policy') class EncryptionRequiredPolicy(BucketActionBase): """Action to apply an encryption policy to S3 buckets :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-enforce-encryption resource: s3 mode: type: cloudtrail events: - CreateBucket actions: - encryption-policy """ permissions = ("s3:GetBucketPolicy", "s3:PutBucketPolicy") schema = type_schema('encryption-policy') def __init__(self, data=None, manager=None): = data or {} self.manager = manager
[docs] def process(self, buckets): with self.executor_factory(max_workers=3) as w: results =, buckets) results = list(filter(None, list(results))) return results
[docs] def process_bucket(self, b): p = b['Policy'] if p is None:"No policy found, creating new") p = {'Version': "2012-10-17", "Statement": []} else: p = json.loads(p) encryption_sid = "RequiredEncryptedPutObject" encryption_statement = { 'Sid': encryption_sid, 'Effect': 'Deny', 'Principal': '*', 'Action': 's3:PutObject', "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::%s/*" % b['Name'], "Condition": { # AWS Managed Keys or KMS keys, note policy language # does not support custom kms (todo add issue) "StringNotEquals": { "s3:x-amz-server-side-encryption": ["AES256", "aws:kms"]}}} statements = p.get('Statement', []) for s in list(statements): if s.get('Sid', '') == encryption_sid: log.debug("Bucket:%s Found extant encrypt policy", b['Name']) if s != encryption_statement: "Bucket:%s updating extant encrypt policy", b['Name']) statements.remove(s) else: return session = self.manager.session_factory() s3 = bucket_client(session, b) statements.append(encryption_statement) p['Statement'] = statements'Bucket:%s attached encryption policy' % b['Name']) try: s3.put_bucket_policy( Bucket=b['Name'], Policy=json.dumps(p)) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'NoSuchBucket': return self.log.exception( "Error on bucket:%s putting policy\n%s error:%s", b['Name'], json.dumps(statements, indent=2), e) raise return {'Name': b['Name'], 'State': 'PolicyAttached'}
[docs]class BucketScanLog(object): """Offload remediated key ids to a disk file in batches A bucket keyspace is effectively infinite, we need to store partial results out of memory, this class provides for a json log on disk with partial write support. json output format: - [list_of_serialized_keys], - [] # Empty list of keys at end when we close the buffer """ def __init__(self, log_dir, name): self.log_dir = log_dir = name self.fh = None self.count = 0 @property def path(self): return os.path.join(self.log_dir, "%s.json" % def __enter__(self): # Don't require output directories if self.log_dir is None: return self.fh = open(self.path, 'w') self.fh.write("[\n") return self def __exit__(self, exc_type=None, exc_value=None, exc_frame=None): if self.fh is None: return # we need an empty marker list at end to avoid trailing commas self.fh.write("[]") # and close the surrounding list self.fh.write("\n]") self.fh.close() if not self.count: os.remove( self.fh = None return False
[docs] def add(self, keys): self.count += len(keys) if self.fh is None: return self.fh.write(dumps(keys)) self.fh.write(",\n")
[docs]class ScanBucket(BucketActionBase): permissions = ("s3:ListBucket",) bucket_ops = { 'standard': { 'iterator': 'list_objects', 'contents_key': ['Contents'], 'key_processor': 'process_key' }, 'versioned': { 'iterator': 'list_object_versions', 'contents_key': ['Versions'], 'key_processor': 'process_version' } } def __init__(self, data, manager=None): super(ScanBucket, self).__init__(data, manager) self.denied_buckets = set()
[docs] def get_bucket_style(self, b): return ( b.get('Versioning', {'Status': ''}).get('Status') in ( 'Enabled', 'Suspended') and 'versioned' or 'standard')
[docs] def get_bucket_op(self, b, op_name): bucket_style = self.get_bucket_style(b) op = self.bucket_ops[bucket_style][op_name] if op_name == 'key_processor': return getattr(self, op) return op
[docs] def get_keys(self, b, key_set): content_keys = self.get_bucket_op(b, 'contents_key') keys = [] for ck in content_keys: keys.extend(key_set.get(ck, [])) return keys
[docs] def process(self, buckets): results = self._process_with_futures(self.process_bucket, buckets) self.write_denied_buckets_file() return results
def _process_with_futures(self, helper, buckets, max_workers=3): results = [] with self.executor_factory(max_workers) as w: futures = {} for b in buckets: futures[w.submit(helper, b)] = b for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): b = futures[f] self.log.error( "Error on bucket:%s region:%s policy:%s error: %s", b['Name'], b.get('Location', 'unknown'),'name'), f.exception()) self.denied_buckets.add(b['Name']) continue result = f.result() if result: results.append(result) return results
[docs] def write_denied_buckets_file(self): if self.denied_buckets and self.manager.ctx.log_dir: with open( os.path.join( self.manager.ctx.log_dir, 'denied.json'), 'w') as fh: json.dump(list(self.denied_buckets), fh, indent=2) self.denied_buckets = set()
[docs] def process_bucket(self, b): "Scanning bucket:%s visitor:%s style:%s" % ( b['Name'], self.__class__.__name__, self.get_bucket_style(b))) s = self.manager.session_factory() s3 = bucket_client(s, b) # The bulk of _process_bucket function executes inline in # calling thread/worker context, neither paginator nor # bucketscan log should be used across worker boundary. p = s3.get_paginator( self.get_bucket_op(b, 'iterator')).paginate(Bucket=b['Name']) with BucketScanLog(self.manager.ctx.log_dir, b['Name']) as key_log: with self.executor_factory(max_workers=10) as w: try: return self._process_bucket(b, p, key_log, w) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'NoSuchBucket': log.warning( "Bucket:%s removed while scanning" % b['Name']) return if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'AccessDenied': log.warning( "Access Denied Bucket:%s while scanning" % b['Name']) self.denied_buckets.add(b['Name']) return log.exception( "Error processing bucket:%s paginator:%s" % ( b['Name'], p))
__call__ = process_bucket def _process_bucket(self, b, p, key_log, w): count = 0 for key_set in p: keys = self.get_keys(b, key_set) count += len(keys) futures = [] for batch in chunks(keys, size=100): if not batch: continue futures.append(w.submit(self.process_chunk, batch, b)) for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): log.exception("Exception Processing bucket:%s key batch %s" % ( b['Name'], f.exception())) continue r = f.result() if r: key_log.add(r) # Log completion at info level, progress at debug level if key_set['IsTruncated']: log.debug('Scan progress bucket:%s keys:%d remediated:%d ...', b['Name'], count, key_log.count) else:'Scan Complete bucket:%s keys:%d remediated:%d', b['Name'], count, key_log.count) b['KeyScanCount'] = count b['KeyRemediated'] = key_log.count return { 'Bucket': b['Name'], 'Remediated': key_log.count, 'Count': count}
[docs] def process_chunk(self, batch, bucket): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def process_key(self, s3, key, bucket_name, info=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def process_version(self, s3, bucket, key): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]@actions.register('encrypt-keys') class EncryptExtantKeys(ScanBucket): """Action to encrypt unencrypted S3 objects :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-encrypt-objects resource: s3 actions: - type: encrypt-keys crypto: aws:kms key-id: 9c3983be-c6cf-11e6-9d9d-cec0c932ce01 """ permissions = ( "s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject", "s3:DeleteObjectVersion", "s3:RestoreObject", ) + ScanBucket.permissions schema = { 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'type': {'enum': ['encrypt-keys']}, 'report-only': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'glacier': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'large': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'crypto': {'enum': ['AES256', 'aws:kms']}, 'key-id': {'type': 'string'} }, 'dependencies': { 'key-id': { 'properties': { 'crypto': {'pattern': 'aws:kms'} }, 'required': ['crypto'] } } } metrics = [ ('Total Keys', {'Scope': 'Account'}), ('Unencrypted', {'Scope': 'Account'})] def __init__(self, data, manager=None): super(EncryptExtantKeys, self).__init__(data, manager) self.kms_id ='key-id')
[docs] def get_permissions(self): perms = ("s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectVersion") if'report-only'): perms += ('s3:DeleteObject', 's3:DeleteObjectVersion', 's3:PutObject', 's3:AbortMultipartUpload', 's3:ListBucket', 's3:ListBucketVersions') return perms
[docs] def process(self, buckets): t = time.time() results = super(EncryptExtantKeys, self).process(buckets) run_time = time.time() - t remediated_count = object_count = 0 for r in results: object_count += r['Count'] remediated_count += r['Remediated'] self.manager.ctx.metrics.put_metric( "Unencrypted", r['Remediated'], "Count", Scope=r['Bucket'], buffer=True) self.manager.ctx.metrics.put_metric( "Unencrypted", remediated_count, "Count", Scope="Account", buffer=True ) self.manager.ctx.metrics.put_metric( "Total Keys", object_count, "Count", Scope="Account", buffer=True ) self.manager.ctx.metrics.flush() ("EncryptExtant Complete keys:%d " "remediated:%d rate:%0.2f/s time:%0.2fs"), object_count, remediated_count, float(object_count) / run_time if run_time else 0, run_time) return results
[docs] def process_chunk(self, batch, bucket): crypto_method ='crypto', 'AES256') s3 = bucket_client( local_session(self.manager.session_factory), bucket, kms=(crypto_method == 'aws:kms')) b = bucket['Name'] results = [] key_processor = self.get_bucket_op(bucket, 'key_processor') for key in batch: r = key_processor(s3, key, b) if r: results.append(r) return results
[docs] def process_key(self, s3, key, bucket_name, info=None): k = key['Key'] if info is None: info = s3.head_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=k) # If the data is already encrypted with AES256 and this request is also # for AES256 then we don't need to do anything if info.get('ServerSideEncryption') == 'AES256' and not self.kms_id: return False if info.get('ServerSideEncryption') == 'aws:kms': # If we're not looking for a specific key any key will do. if not self.kms_id: return False # If we're configured to use a specific key and the key matches # note this is not a strict equality match. if self.kms_id in info.get('SSEKMSKeyId', ''): return False if'report-only'): return k storage_class = info.get('StorageClass', 'STANDARD') if storage_class == 'GLACIER': if not'glacier'): return False if 'Restore' not in info: # This takes multiple hours, we let the next c7n # run take care of followups. s3.restore_object( Bucket=bucket_name, Key=k, RestoreRequest={'Days': 30}) return False elif not restore_complete(info['Restore']): return False storage_class = 'STANDARD' crypto_method ='crypto', 'AES256') key_id ='key-id') # Note on copy we lose individual object acl grants params = {'Bucket': bucket_name, 'Key': k, 'CopySource': "/%s/%s" % (bucket_name, k), 'MetadataDirective': 'COPY', 'StorageClass': storage_class, 'ServerSideEncryption': crypto_method} if key_id and crypto_method == 'aws:kms': params['SSEKMSKeyId'] = key_id if info['ContentLength'] > MAX_COPY_SIZE and 'large', True): return self.process_large_file(s3, bucket_name, key, info, params) s3.copy_object(**params) return k
[docs] def process_version(self, s3, key, bucket_name): info = s3.head_object( Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key['Key'], VersionId=key['VersionId']) if 'ServerSideEncryption' in info: return False if'report-only'): return key['Key'], key['VersionId'] if key['IsLatest']: r = self.process_key(s3, key, bucket_name, info) # Glacier request processing, wait till we have the restored object if not r: return r s3.delete_object( Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key['Key'], VersionId=key['VersionId']) return key['Key'], key['VersionId']
[docs] def process_large_file(self, s3, bucket_name, key, info, params): """For objects over 5gb, use multipart upload to copy""" part_size = MAX_COPY_SIZE - (1024 ** 2) num_parts = int(math.ceil(info['ContentLength'] / part_size)) source = params.pop('CopySource') params.pop('MetadataDirective') if 'Metadata' in info: params['Metadata'] = info['Metadata'] upload_id = s3.create_multipart_upload(**params)['UploadId'] params = {'Bucket': bucket_name, 'Key': key['Key'], 'UploadId': upload_id, 'CopySource': source, 'CopySourceIfMatch': info['ETag']} def upload_part(part_num): part_params = dict(params) part_params['CopySourceRange'] = "bytes=%d-%d" % ( part_size * (part_num - 1), min(part_size * part_num - 1, info['ContentLength'] - 1)) part_params['PartNumber'] = part_num response = s3.upload_part_copy(**part_params) return {'ETag': response['CopyPartResult']['ETag'], 'PartNumber': part_num} try: with self.executor_factory(max_workers=2) as w: parts = list(, range(1, num_parts + 1))) except Exception: log.warning( "Error during large key copy bucket: %s key: %s, " "aborting upload", bucket_name, key, exc_info=True) s3.abort_multipart_upload( Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key['Key'], UploadId=upload_id) raise s3.complete_multipart_upload( Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key['Key'], UploadId=upload_id, MultipartUpload={'Parts': parts}) return key['Key']
[docs]def restore_complete(restore): if ',' in restore: ongoing, avail = restore.split(',', 1) else: ongoing = restore return 'false' in ongoing
[docs]@filters.register('is-log-target') class LogTarget(Filter): """Filter and return buckets are log destinations. Not suitable for use in lambda on large accounts, This is a api heavy process to detect scan all possible log sources. Sources: - elb (Access Log) - s3 (Access Log) - cfn (Template writes) - cloudtrail :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-log-bucket resource: s3 filters: - type: is-log-target """ schema = type_schema( 'is-log-target', services={'type': 'array', 'items': {'enum': [ 's3', 'elb', 'cloudtrail']}}, self={'type': 'boolean'}, value={'type': 'boolean'})
[docs] def get_permissions(self): perms = self.manager.get_resource_manager('elb').get_permissions() perms += ('elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes',) return perms
[docs] def process(self, buckets, event=None): log_buckets = set() count = 0 services ='services', ['elb', 's3', 'cloudtrail']) self_log ='self', False) if 'elb' in services and not self_log: for bucket, _ in self.get_elb_bucket_locations(): log_buckets.add(bucket) count += 1 self.log.debug("Found %d elb log targets" % count) if 's3' in services: count = 0 for bucket, _ in self.get_s3_bucket_locations(buckets, self_log): count += 1 log_buckets.add(bucket) self.log.debug('Found %d s3 log targets' % count) if 'cloudtrail' in services and not self_log: for bucket, _ in self.get_cloud_trail_locations(buckets): log_buckets.add(bucket)"Found %d log targets for %d buckets" % ( len(log_buckets), len(buckets))) if'value', True): return [b for b in buckets if b['Name'] in log_buckets] else: return [b for b in buckets if b['Name'] not in log_buckets]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_s3_bucket_locations(buckets, self_log=False): """return (bucket_name, prefix) for all s3 logging targets""" for b in buckets: if b.get('Logging'): if self_log: if b['Name'] != b['Logging']['TargetBucket']: continue yield (b['Logging']['TargetBucket'], b['Logging']['TargetPrefix']) if not self_log and b['Name'].startswith('cf-templates-'): yield (b['Name'], '')
[docs] def get_cloud_trail_locations(self, buckets): session = local_session(self.manager.session_factory) client = session.client('cloudtrail') names = set([b['Name'] for b in buckets]) for t in client.describe_trails().get('trailList', ()): if t.get('S3BucketName') in names: yield (t['S3BucketName'], t.get('S3KeyPrefix', ''))
[docs] def get_elb_bucket_locations(self): elbs = self.manager.get_resource_manager('elb').resources() get_elb_attrs = functools.partial( _query_elb_attrs, self.manager.session_factory) with self.executor_factory(max_workers=2) as w: futures = [] for elb_set in chunks(elbs, 100): futures.append(w.submit(get_elb_attrs, elb_set)) for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): log.error("Error while scanning elb log targets: %s" % ( f.exception())) continue for tgt in f.result(): yield tgt
def _query_elb_attrs(session_factory, elb_set): session = local_session(session_factory) client = session.client('elb') log_targets = [] for e in elb_set: try: attrs = client.describe_load_balancer_attributes( LoadBalancerName=e['LoadBalancerName'])[ 'LoadBalancerAttributes'] if 'AccessLog' in attrs and attrs['AccessLog']['Enabled']: log_targets.append(( attrs['AccessLog']['S3BucketName'], attrs['AccessLog']['S3BucketPrefix'])) except Exception as err: log.warning( "Could not retrieve load balancer %s: %s" % ( e['LoadBalancerName'], err)) return log_targets
[docs]@actions.register('remove-website-hosting') class RemoveWebsiteHosting(BucketActionBase): """Action that removes website hosting configuration.""" schema = type_schema('remove-website-hosting') permissions = ('s3:DeleteBucketWebsite',)
[docs] def process(self, buckets): session = local_session(self.manager.session_factory) for bucket in buckets: client = bucket_client(session, bucket) client.delete_bucket_website(Bucket=bucket['Name'])
[docs]@actions.register('delete-global-grants') class DeleteGlobalGrants(BucketActionBase): """Deletes global grants associated to a S3 bucket :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-delete-global-grants resource: s3 filters: - type: global-grants actions: - delete-global-grants """ schema = type_schema( 'delete-global-grants', grantees={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}) permissions = ('s3:PutBucketAcl',)
[docs] def process(self, buckets): with self.executor_factory(max_workers=5) as w: return list(filter(None, list(, buckets))))
[docs] def process_bucket(self, b): grantees = 'grantees', [ GlobalGrantsFilter.AUTH_ALL, GlobalGrantsFilter.GLOBAL_ALL]) acl = b.get('Acl', {'Grants': []}) if not acl or not acl['Grants']: return new_grants = [] for grant in acl['Grants']: grantee = grant.get('Grantee', {}) if not grantee: continue # Yuck, 'get_bucket_acl' doesn't return the grantee type. if 'URI' in grantee: grantee['Type'] = 'Group' else: grantee['Type'] = 'CanonicalUser' if ('URI' in grantee and grantee['URI'] in grantees and not (grant['Permission'] == 'READ' and b['Website'])): # Remove this grantee. pass else: new_grants.append(grant){'Owner': acl['Owner'], 'Grants': new_grants}) c = bucket_client(self.manager.session_factory(), b) try: c.put_bucket_acl( Bucket=b['Name'], AccessControlPolicy={ 'Owner': acl['Owner'], 'Grants': new_grants}) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'NoSuchBucket': return return b
[docs]@actions.register('tag') class BucketTag(Tag): """Action to create tags on a S3 bucket :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-tag-region resource: s3 region: us-east-1 filters: - "tag:RegionName": absent actions: - type: tag key: RegionName value: us-east-1 """
[docs] def process_resource_set(self, client, resource_set, tags): modify_bucket_tags(self.manager.session_factory, resource_set, tags)
[docs]@actions.register('mark-for-op') class MarkBucketForOp(TagDelayedAction): """Action schedules custodian to perform an action at a certain date :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-encrypt resource: s3 filters: - type: missing-statement statement_ids: - RequiredEncryptedPutObject actions: - type: mark-for-op op: attach-encrypt days: 7 """ schema = type_schema( 'mark-for-op', rinherit=TagDelayedAction.schema)
[docs]@actions.register('unmark') @actions.register('remove-tag') class RemoveBucketTag(RemoveTag): """Removes tag/tags from a S3 object :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-remove-owner-tag resource: s3 filters: - "tag:BucketOwner": present actions: - type: remove-tag tags: ['BucketOwner'] """
[docs] def process_resource_set(self, client, resource_set, tags): modify_bucket_tags( self.manager.session_factory, resource_set, remove_tags=tags)
[docs]@filters.register('data-events') class DataEvents(Filter): schema = type_schema('data-events', state={'enum': ['present', 'absent']}) permissions = ( 'cloudtrail:DescribeTrails', 'cloudtrail:GetEventSelectors')
[docs] def get_event_buckets(self, session, trails): """Return a mapping of bucket name to cloudtrail. For wildcard trails the bucket name is ''. """ regions = {t.get('HomeRegion') for t in trails} clients = {} for region in regions: clients[region] = session.client('cloudtrail', region_name=region) event_buckets = {} for t in trails: for events in clients[t.get('HomeRegion')].get_event_selectors( TrailName=t['Name']).get('EventSelectors', ()): if 'DataResources' not in events: continue for data_events in events['DataResources']: if data_events['Type'] != 'AWS::S3::Object': continue for b in data_events['Values']: event_buckets[b.rsplit(':')[-1].strip('/')] = t['Name'] return event_buckets
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): trails = self.manager.get_resource_manager('cloudtrail').resources() session = local_session(self.manager.session_factory) event_buckets = self.get_event_buckets(session, trails) ops = { 'present': lambda x: ( x['Name'] in event_buckets or '' in event_buckets), 'absent': ( lambda x: x['Name'] not in event_buckets and '' not in event_buckets)} op = ops[['state']] results = [] for b in resources: if op(b): results.append(b) return results
[docs]@filters.register('inventory') class Inventory(ValueFilter): """Filter inventories for a bucket""" schema = type_schema('inventory', rinherit=ValueFilter.schema) permissions = ('s3:GetInventoryConfiguration',)
[docs] def process(self, buckets, event=None): results = [] with self.executor_factory(max_workers=2) as w: futures = {} for b in buckets: futures[w.submit(self.process_bucket, b)] = b for f in as_completed(futures): b = futures[f] if f.exception(): b.setdefault('c7n:DeniedMethods', []).append('GetInventoryConfiguration') self.log.error( "Error processing bucket: %s error: %s", b['Name'], f.exception()) continue if f.result(): results.append(b) return results
[docs] def process_bucket(self, b): if 'c7n:inventories' not in b: client = bucket_client(local_session(self.manager.session_factory), b) inventories = client.list_bucket_inventory_configurations( Bucket=b['Name']).get('InventoryConfigurationList', []) b['c7n:inventories'] = inventories for i in b['c7n:inventories']: if self.match(i): return True
[docs]@actions.register('set-inventory') class SetInventory(BucketActionBase): """Configure bucket inventories for an s3 bucket. """ schema = type_schema( 'set-inventory', required=['name', 'destination'], state={'enum': ['enabled', 'disabled', 'absent']}, name={'type': 'string', 'description': 'Name of inventory'}, destination={'type': 'string', 'description': 'Name of destination bucket'}, prefix={'type': 'string', 'description': 'Destination prefix'}, encryption={'enum': ['SSES3', 'SSEKMS']}, key_id={'type': 'string', 'description': 'Optional Customer KMS KeyId for SSE-KMS'}, versions={'enum': ['All', 'Current']}, schedule={'enum': ['Daily', 'Weekly']}, fields={'type': 'array', 'items': {'enum': [ 'Size', 'LastModifiedDate', 'StorageClass', 'ETag', 'IsMultipartUploaded', 'ReplicationStatus', 'EncryptionStatus']}}) permissions = ('s3:PutInventoryConfiguration', 's3:GetInventoryConfiguration')
[docs] def process(self, buckets): with self.executor_factory(max_workers=2) as w: futures = {w.submit(self.process_bucket, bucket): bucket for bucket in buckets} for future in as_completed(futures): bucket = futures[future] try: future.result() except Exception as e: self.log.error('Message: %s Bucket: %s', e, bucket['Name'])
[docs] def process_bucket(self, b): inventory_name ='name') destination ='destination') prefix ='prefix', '') schedule ='schedule', 'Daily') fields ='fields', ['LastModifiedDate', 'Size']) versions ='versions', 'Current') state ='state', 'enabled') encryption ='encryption') if not prefix: prefix = "Inventories/%s" % (self.manager.config.account_id) client = bucket_client(local_session(self.manager.session_factory), b) if state == 'absent': try: client.delete_bucket_inventory_configuration( Bucket=b['Name'], Id=inventory_name) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] != 'NoSuchConfiguration': raise return bucket = { 'Bucket': "arn:aws:s3:::%s" % destination, 'Format': 'CSV' } inventory = { 'Destination': { 'S3BucketDestination': bucket }, 'IsEnabled': state == 'enabled' and True or False, 'Id': inventory_name, 'OptionalFields': fields, 'IncludedObjectVersions': versions, 'Schedule': { 'Frequency': schedule } } if prefix: bucket['Prefix'] = prefix if encryption: bucket['Encryption'] = {encryption: {}} if encryption == 'SSEKMS' and'key_id'): bucket['Encryption'] = {encryption: { 'KeyId':['key_id'] }} found = self.get_inventory_delta(client, inventory, b) if found: return if found is False: self.log.debug("updating bucket:%s inventory configuration id:%s", b['Name'], inventory_name) client.put_bucket_inventory_configuration( Bucket=b['Name'], Id=inventory_name, InventoryConfiguration=inventory)
[docs] def get_inventory_delta(self, client, inventory, b): inventories = client.list_bucket_inventory_configurations(Bucket=b['Name']) found = None for i in inventories.get('InventoryConfigurationList', []): if i['Id'] != inventory['Id']: continue found = True for k, v in inventory.items(): if k not in i: found = False continue if isinstance(v, list): v.sort() i[k].sort() if i[k] != v: found = False return found
[docs]@actions.register('delete') class DeleteBucket(ScanBucket): """Action deletes a S3 bucket :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: delete-unencrypted-buckets resource: s3 filters: - type: missing-statement statement_ids: - RequiredEncryptedPutObject actions: - type: delete remove-contents: true """ schema = type_schema('delete', **{'remove-contents': {'type': 'boolean'}}) permissions = ('s3:*',) bucket_ops = { 'standard': { 'iterator': 'list_objects', 'contents_key': ['Contents'], 'key_processor': 'process_key' }, 'versioned': { 'iterator': 'list_object_versions', 'contents_key': ['Versions', 'DeleteMarkers'], 'key_processor': 'process_version' } }
[docs] def process_delete_enablement(self, b): """Prep a bucket for deletion. Clear out any pending multi-part uploads. Disable versioning on the bucket, so deletes don't generate fresh deletion markers. """ client = bucket_client( local_session(self.manager.session_factory), b) # Stop replication so we can suspend versioning if b.get('Replication') is not None: client.delete_bucket_replication(Bucket=b['Name']) # Suspend versioning, so we don't get new delete markers # as we walk and delete versions if (self.get_bucket_style(b) == 'versioned' and b['Versioning']['Status'] == 'Enabled' and'remove-contents', True)): client.put_bucket_versioning( Bucket=b['Name'], VersioningConfiguration={'Status': 'Suspended'}) # Clear our multi-part uploads uploads = client.get_paginator('list_multipart_uploads') for p in uploads.paginate(Bucket=b['Name']): for u in p.get('Uploads', ()): client.abort_multipart_upload( Bucket=b['Name'], Key=u['Key'], UploadId=u['UploadId'])
[docs] def process(self, buckets): # might be worth sanity checking all our permissions # on the bucket up front before disabling versioning/replication. if'remove-contents', True): self._process_with_futures(self.process_delete_enablement, buckets) self.empty_buckets(buckets) results = self._process_with_futures(self.delete_bucket, buckets) self.write_denied_buckets_file() return results
[docs] def delete_bucket(self, b): s3 = bucket_client(self.manager.session_factory(), b) try: self._run_api(s3.delete_bucket, Bucket=b['Name']) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'BucketNotEmpty': self.log.error( "Error while deleting bucket %s, bucket not empty" % ( b['Name'])) else: raise e
[docs] def empty_buckets(self, buckets): t = time.time() results = super(DeleteBucket, self).process(buckets) run_time = time.time() - t object_count = 0 for r in results: object_count += r['Count'] self.manager.ctx.metrics.put_metric( "Total Keys", object_count, "Count", Scope=r['Bucket'], buffer=True) self.manager.ctx.metrics.put_metric( "Total Keys", object_count, "Count", Scope="Account", buffer=True) self.manager.ctx.metrics.flush() "EmptyBucket buckets:%d Complete keys:%d rate:%0.2f/s time:%0.2fs", len(buckets), object_count, float(object_count) / run_time if run_time else 0, run_time) return results
[docs] def process_chunk(self, batch, bucket): s3 = bucket_client(local_session(self.manager.session_factory), bucket) objects = [] for key in batch: obj = {'Key': key['Key']} if 'VersionId' in key: obj['VersionId'] = key['VersionId'] objects.append(obj) results = s3.delete_objects( Bucket=bucket['Name'], Delete={'Objects': objects}).get('Deleted', ()) if self.get_bucket_style(bucket) != 'versioned': return results
[docs]@actions.register('configure-lifecycle') class Lifecycle(BucketActionBase): """Action applies a lifecycle policy to versioned S3 buckets The schema to supply to the rule follows the schema here: To delete a lifecycle rule, supply Status=absent :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-apply-lifecycle resource: s3 actions: - type: configure-lifecycle rules: - ID: my-lifecycle-id Status: Enabled Prefix: foo/ Transitions: - Days: 60 StorageClass: GLACIER """ schema = type_schema( 'configure-lifecycle', **{ 'rules': { 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'object', 'required': ['ID', 'Status'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'ID': {'type': 'string'}, # c7n intercepts `absent` 'Status': {'enum': ['Enabled', 'Disabled', 'absent']}, 'Prefix': {'type': 'string'}, 'Expiration': { 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'Date': {'type': 'string'}, # Date 'Days': {'type': 'integer'}, 'ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker': {'type': 'boolean'}, }, }, 'Filter': { 'type': 'object', 'minProperties': 1, 'maxProperties': 1, 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'Prefix': {'type': 'string'}, 'Tag': { 'type': 'object', 'required': ['Key', 'Value'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'Key': {'type': 'string'}, 'Value': {'type': 'string'}, }, }, 'And': { 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'Prefix': {'type': 'string'}, 'Tags': { 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'object', 'required': ['Key', 'Value'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'Key': {'type': 'string'}, 'Value': {'type': 'string'}, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, 'Transitions': { 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'Date': {'type': 'string'}, # Date 'Days': {'type': 'integer'}, 'StorageClass': {'type': 'string'}, }, }, }, 'NoncurrentVersionTransitions': { 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'NoncurrentDays': {'type': 'integer'}, 'StorageClass': {'type': 'string'}, }, }, }, 'NoncurrentVersionExpiration': { 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'NoncurrentDays': {'type': 'integer'}, }, }, 'AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload': { 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'DaysAfterInitiation': {'type': 'integer'}, }, }, }, }, }, } ) permissions = ('s3:GetLifecycleConfiguration', 's3:PutLifecycleConfiguration')
[docs] def process(self, buckets): with self.executor_factory(max_workers=3) as w: futures = {} results = [] for b in buckets: futures[w.submit(self.process_bucket, b)] = b for future in as_completed(futures): if future.exception(): bucket = futures[future] self.log.error('error modifying bucket lifecycle: %s\n%s', bucket['Name'], future.exception()) results += filter(None, [future.result()]) return results
[docs] def process_bucket(self, bucket): s3 = bucket_client(local_session(self.manager.session_factory), bucket) if 'get_bucket_lifecycle_configuration' in bucket.get('c7n:DeniedMethods', []): log.warning("Access Denied Bucket:%s while reading lifecycle" % bucket['Name']) return # Adjust the existing lifecycle by adding/deleting/overwriting rules as necessary config = (bucket.get('Lifecycle') or {}).get('Rules', []) for rule in['rules']: for index, existing_rule in enumerate(config): if rule['ID'] == existing_rule['ID']: if rule['Status'] == 'absent': config[index] = None else: config[index] = rule break else: if rule['Status'] != 'absent': config.append(rule) # The extra `list` conversion is required for python3 config = list(filter(None, config)) try: if not config: s3.delete_bucket_lifecycle(Bucket=bucket['Name']) else: s3.put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration( Bucket=bucket['Name'], LifecycleConfiguration={'Rules': config}) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'AccessDenied': log.warning("Access Denied Bucket:%s while applying lifecycle" % bucket['Name']) else: raise e
[docs]class KMSKeyResolverMixin(object): """Builds a dictionary of region specific ARNs""" def __init__(self, data, manager=None): self.arns = dict() = data self.manager = manager
[docs] def resolve_keys(self, buckets): if 'key' not in return None regions = {get_region(b) for b in buckets} for r in regions: client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('kms', region_name=r) try: self.arns[r] = client.describe_key('key') ).get('KeyMetadata').get('Arn') except ClientError as e: self.log.error('Error resolving kms ARNs for set-bucket-encryption: %s key: %s' % ( e,'key')))
[docs] def get_key(self, bucket): if 'key' not in return None region = get_region(bucket) key = self.arns.get(region) if not key: self.log.warning('Unable to resolve key %s for bucket %s in region %s', key, bucket.get('Name'), region) return key
[docs]@filters.register('bucket-encryption') class BucketEncryption(KMSKeyResolverMixin, Filter): """Filters for S3 buckets that have bucket-encryption :example .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-bucket-encryption-AES256 resource: s3 region: us-east-1 filters: - type: bucket-encryption state: True crypto: AES256 - name: s3-bucket-encryption-KMS resource: s3 region: us-east-1 filters: - type: bucket-encryption state: True crypto: aws:kms key: alias/some/alias/key - name: s3-bucket-encryption-off resource: s3 region: us-east-1 filters: - type: bucket-encryption state: False """ schema = type_schema('bucket-encryption', state={'type': 'boolean'}, crypto={'type': 'string', 'enum': ['AES256', 'aws:kms']}, key={'type': 'string'}) permissions = ('s3:GetBucketEncryption', 's3:DescribeKey')
[docs] def process(self, buckets, event=None): self.resolve_keys(buckets) results = [] with self.executor_factory(max_workers=2) as w: futures = {w.submit(self.process_bucket, b): b for b in buckets} for future in as_completed(futures): b = futures[future] if future.exception(): self.log.error("Message: %s Bucket: %s", future.exception(), b['Name']) continue if future.result(): results.append(b) return results
[docs] def process_bucket(self, b): client = bucket_client(local_session(self.manager.session_factory), b) rules = [] try: be = client.get_bucket_encryption(Bucket=b['Name']) b['c7n:bucket-encryption'] = be rules = be.get('ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration', []).get('Rules', []) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] != 'ServerSideEncryptionConfigurationNotFoundError': raise # default `state` to True as previous impl assumed state == True # to preserve backwards compatibility if'state', True): for sse in rules: return self.filter_bucket(b, sse) return False else: for sse in rules: return not self.filter_bucket(b, sse) return True
[docs] def filter_bucket(self, b, sse): allowed = ['AES256', 'aws:kms'] key = self.get_key(b) crypto ='crypto') rule = sse.get('ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault') algo = rule.get('SSEAlgorithm') if not crypto and algo in allowed: return True if crypto == 'AES256' and algo == 'AES256': return True elif crypto == 'aws:kms' and algo == 'aws:kms': if key: if rule.get('KMSMasterKeyID') == key: return True else: return False else: return True
[docs]@actions.register('set-bucket-encryption') class SetBucketEncryption(KMSKeyResolverMixin, BucketActionBase): """Action enables default encryption on S3 buckets `enabled`: boolean Optional: Defaults to True `crypto`: aws:kms | AES256` Optional: Defaults to AES256 `key`: arn, alias, or kms id key :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: s3-enable-default-encryption-kms resource: s3 actions: - type: set-bucket-encryption # enabled: true <------ optional (true by default) crypto: aws:kms key: 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab - name: s3-enable-default-encryption-kms-alias resource: s3 actions: - type: set-bucket-encryption # enabled: true <------ optional (true by default) crypto: aws:kms key: alias/some/alias/key - name: s3-enable-default-encryption-aes256 resource: s3 actions: - type: set-bucket-encryption # crypto: AES256 <----- optional (AES256 by default) # enabled: true <------ optional (true by default) - name: s3-disable-default-encryption resource: s3 actions: - type: set-bucket-encryption enabled: false """ schema = { 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'type': {'enum': ['set-bucket-encryption']}, 'enabled': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'crypto': {'enum': ['aws:kms', 'AES256']}, 'key': {'type': 'string'} }, 'dependencies': { 'key': { 'properties': { 'crypto': {'pattern': 'aws:kms'} }, 'required': ['crypto'] } } } permissions = ('s3:PutEncryptionConfiguration', 's3:GetEncryptionConfiguration', 'kms:ListAliases', 's3:DescribeKey')
[docs] def process(self, buckets): if'enabled', True): self.resolve_keys(buckets) with self.executor_factory(max_workers=3) as w: futures = {w.submit(self.process_bucket, b): b for b in buckets} for future in as_completed(futures): if future.exception(): self.log.error('Message: %s Bucket: %s', future.exception(), futures[future]['Name'])
[docs] def process_bucket(self, bucket): s3 = bucket_client(local_session(self.manager.session_factory), bucket) if not'enabled', True): s3.delete_bucket_encryption(Bucket=bucket['Name']) return algo ='crypto', 'AES256') config = {'Rules': [ {'ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault': { 'SSEAlgorithm': algo}} ]} if algo == 'aws:kms': key = self.get_key(bucket) if not key: raise Exception('Valid KMS Key required but does not exist') (config['Rules'][0]['ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault'] ['KMSMasterKeyID']) = key s3.put_bucket_encryption( Bucket=bucket['Name'], ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration=config )