Source code for c7n.resources.sns

# Copyright 2016-2017 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import json

from c7n.actions import RemovePolicyBase, ModifyPolicyBase, BaseAction
from c7n.filters import CrossAccountAccessFilter, PolicyChecker
from c7n.filters.kms import KmsRelatedFilter
from c7n.manager import resources
from c7n.query import QueryResourceManager
from c7n.resolver import ValuesFrom
from c7n.utils import local_session, type_schema

[docs]@resources.register('sns') class SNS(QueryResourceManager):
[docs] class resource_type(object): service = 'sns' type = 'topic' enum_spec = ('list_topics', 'Topics', None) detail_spec = ( 'get_topic_attributes', 'TopicArn', 'TopicArn', 'Attributes') id = 'TopicArn' filter_name = None filter_type = None name = 'DisplayName' date = None dimension = 'TopicName' default_report_fields = ( 'TopicArn', 'DisplayName', 'SubscriptionsConfirmed', 'SubscriptionsPending', 'SubscriptionsDeleted' )
[docs]class SNSPolicyChecker(PolicyChecker): @property def allowed_endpoints(self): return self.checker_config.get('allowed_endpoints', ()) @property def allowed_protocols(self): return self.checker_config.get('allowed_protocols', ())
[docs] def handle_sns_endpoint(self, s, c): conditions = self.normalize_conditions(s) # yield to aws:sourceowner if not self.allowed_endpoints: return not any( single_condition.get('key', None) == 'aws:sourceowner' for single_condition in conditions ) # check if any of the allowed_endpoints are a substring # to any of the values in the condition for value in c['values']: if not any(endpoint in value for endpoint in self.allowed_endpoints): return True return False
[docs] def handle_sns_protocol(self, s, c): return bool(set(c['values']).difference(self.allowed_protocols))
[docs]@SNS.filter_registry.register('cross-account') class SNSCrossAccount(CrossAccountAccessFilter): """Filter to return all SNS topics with cross account access permissions The whitelist parameter will omit the accounts that match from the return :example: .. code-block: policies: - name: sns-cross-account resource: sns filters: - type: cross-account whitelist: - permitted-account-01 - permitted-account-02 """ valid_protocols = ( "http", "https", "email", "email-json", "sms", "sqs", "application", "lambda" ) schema = type_schema( 'cross-account', rinherit=CrossAccountAccessFilter.schema, whitelist_endpoints={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, whitelist_endpoints_from=ValuesFrom.schema, whitelist_protocols={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'enum': valid_protocols}}, whitelist_protocols_from=ValuesFrom.schema ) permissions = ('sns:GetTopicAttributes',) checker_factory = SNSPolicyChecker
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): self.endpoints = self.get_endpoints() self.protocols = self.get_protocols() self.checker_config = getattr(self, 'checker_config', None) or {} self.checker_config.update( { 'allowed_endpoints': self.endpoints, 'allowed_protocols': self.protocols } ) return super(SNSCrossAccount, self).process(resources, event)
[docs] def get_endpoints(self): endpoints = set('whitelist_endpoints', ())) if 'whitelist_endpoints_from' in values = ValuesFrom(['whitelist_endpoints_from'], self.manager) endpoints = endpoints.union(values.get_values()) return endpoints
[docs] def get_protocols(self): protocols = set('whitelist_protocols', ())) if 'whitelist_protocols_from' in values = ValuesFrom(['whitelist_protocols_from'], self.manager) protocols = protocols.union( [p for p in values.get_values() if p in self.valid_protocols] ) return protocols
[docs]@SNS.action_registry.register('remove-statements') class RemovePolicyStatement(RemovePolicyBase): """Action to remove policy statements from SNS :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: sns-cross-account resource: sns filters: - type: cross-account actions: - type: remove-statements statement_ids: matched """ permissions = ('sns:SetTopicAttributes', 'sns:GetTopicAttributes')
[docs] def process(self, resources): results = [] client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('sns') for r in resources: try: results += filter(None, [self.process_resource(client, r)]) except Exception: self.log.exception( "Error processing sns:%s", r['TopicArn']) return results
[docs] def process_resource(self, client, resource): p = resource.get('Policy') if p is None: return p = json.loads(resource['Policy']) statements, found = self.process_policy( p, resource, CrossAccountAccessFilter.annotation_key) if not found: return client.set_topic_attributes( TopicArn=resource['TopicArn'], AttributeName='Policy', AttributeValue=json.dumps(p) ) return {'Name': resource['TopicArn'], 'State': 'PolicyRemoved', 'Statements': found}
[docs]@SNS.action_registry.register('modify-policy') class ModifyPolicyStatement(ModifyPolicyBase): """Action to modify policy statements from SNS :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: sns-cross-account resource: sns filters: - type: cross-account actions: - type: modify-policy add-statements: [{ "Sid": "ReplaceWithMe", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": ["SNS:GetTopicAttributes"], "Resource": topic_arn, }] remove-statements: '*' """ permissions = ('sns:SetTopicAttributes', 'sns:GetTopicAttributes')
[docs] def process(self, resources): results = [] client = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('sns') for r in resources: policy = json.loads(r.get('Policy') or '{}') policy_statements = policy.setdefault('Statement', []) new_policy, removed = self.remove_statements( policy_statements, r, CrossAccountAccessFilter.annotation_key) if new_policy is None: new_policy = policy_statements new_policy, added = self.add_statements(new_policy) if not removed or not added: continue results += { 'Name': r['TopicArn'], 'State': 'PolicyModified', 'Statements': new_policy } policy['Statement'] = new_policy client.set_topic_attributes( TopicArn=r['TopicArn'], AttributeName='Policy', AttributeValue=json.dumps(policy) ) return results
[docs]@SNS.filter_registry.register('kms-key') class KmsFilter(KmsRelatedFilter): RelatedIdsExpression = 'KmsMasterKeyId'
[docs]@SNS.action_registry.register('set-encryption') class SetEncryption(BaseAction): """ Set Encryption on SNS Topics By default if no key is specified, alias/aws/sns is used key can either be a KMS key ARN, key id, or an alias :example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: set-sns-topic-encryption resource: sns actions: - type: set-encryption key: alias/cmk/key enabled: True - name: set-sns-topic-encryption-with-id resource: sns actions: - type: set-encryption key: abcdefgh-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 enabled: True - name: set-sns-topic-encryption-with-arn resource: sns actions: - type: set-encryption key: arn:aws:kms:us-west-1:123456789012:key/abcdefgh-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 enabled: True """ schema = type_schema( 'set-encryption', enabled={'type': 'boolean'}, key={'type': 'string'} ) permissions = ('sns:SetTopicAttributes', 'kms:DescribeKey',)
[docs] def process(self, resources): sns = local_session(self.manager.session_factory).client('sns') if'enabled', True): key ='key', 'alias/aws/sns') else: key = '' for r in resources: sns.set_topic_attributes( TopicArn=r['TopicArn'], AttributeName='KmsMasterKeyId', AttributeValue=key ) return resources