Source code for c7n.schema

# Copyright 2016-2017 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Jsonschema validation of cloud custodian config.

We start with a walkthrough of the various class registries
of resource types and assemble and generate the schema.

We do some specialization to reduce overall schema size
via reference usage, although in some cases we prefer
copies, due to issues with inheritance via reference (
allowedProperties and enum extension).

All filters and actions are annotated with schema typically using
the utils.type_schema function.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from collections import Counter
import json
import logging

from jsonschema import Draft4Validator as Validator
from jsonschema.exceptions import best_match

from c7n.policy import execution
from c7n.provider import clouds
from c7n.resources import load_resources
from c7n.resolver import ValuesFrom
from c7n.filters.core import ValueFilter, EventFilter, AgeFilter, OPERATORS, VALUE_TYPES

[docs]def validate(data, schema=None): if schema is None: schema = generate() Validator.check_schema(schema) validator = Validator(schema) errors = list(validator.iter_errors(data)) if not errors: return check_unique(data) or [] try: resp = policy_error_scope(specific_error(errors[0]), data) name = isinstance( errors[0].instance, dict) and errors[0].instance.get( 'name', 'unknown') or 'unknown' return [resp, name] except Exception: logging.exception( "specific_error failed, traceback, followed by fallback") return list(filter(None, [ errors[0], best_match(validator.iter_errors(data)), ]))
[docs]def check_unique(data): counter = Counter([p['name'] for p in data.get('policies', [])]) for k, v in list(counter.items()): if v == 1: counter.pop(k) if counter: return [ValueError( "Only one policy with a given name allowed, duplicates: {}".format(counter)), list(counter.keys())[0]]
[docs]def policy_error_scope(error, data): """Scope a schema error to its policy name and resource.""" err_path = list(error.absolute_path) if err_path[0] != 'policies': return error pdata = data['policies'][err_path[1]] pdata.get('name', 'unknown') error.message = "Error on policy:{} resource:{}\n".format( pdata.get('name', 'unknown'), pdata.get('resource', 'unknown')) + error.message return error
[docs]def specific_error(error): """Try to find the best error for humans to resolve The jsonschema.exceptions.best_match error is based purely on a mix of a strong match (ie. not anyOf, oneOf) and schema depth, this often yields odd results that are semantically confusing, instead we can use a bit of structural knowledge of schema to provide better results. """ if error.validator not in ('anyOf', 'oneOf'): return error r = t = None if isinstance(error.instance, dict): t = error.instance.get('type') r = error.instance.get('resource') if r is not None: found = None for idx, v in enumerate(error.validator_value): if v['$ref'].rsplit('/', 2)[1].endswith(r): found = idx break if found is not None: # error context is a flat list of all validation # failures, we have to index back to the policy # of interest. for e in error.context: # resource policies have a fixed path from # the top of the schema if e.absolute_schema_path[4] == found: return specific_error(e) return specific_error(error.context[idx]) if t is not None: found = None for idx, v in enumerate(error.validator_value): if '$ref' in v and v['$ref'].rsplit('/', 2)[-1] == t: found = idx break elif 'type' in v and t in v['properties']['type']['enum']: found = idx break if found is not None: for e in error.context: for el in reversed(e.absolute_schema_path): if isinstance(el, int): if el == found: return e break return error
[docs]def generate(resource_types=()): resource_defs = {} definitions = { 'resources': resource_defs, 'iam-statement': { 'additionalProperties': False, 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'Sid': {'type': 'string'}, 'Effect': {'type': 'string', 'enum': ['Allow', 'Deny']}, 'Principal': {'anyOf': [ {'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'object'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'NotPrincipal': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'object'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'Action': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'NotAction': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'Resource': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'NotResource': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array'}]}, 'Condition': {'type': 'object'} }, 'required': ['Sid', 'Effect'], 'oneOf': [ {'required': ['Principal', 'Action', 'Resource']}, {'required': ['NotPrincipal', 'Action', 'Resource']}, {'required': ['Principal', 'NotAction', 'Resource']}, {'required': ['NotPrincipal', 'NotAction', 'Resource']}, {'required': ['Principal', 'Action', 'NotResource']}, {'required': ['NotPrincipal', 'Action', 'NotResource']}, {'required': ['Principal', 'NotAction', 'NotResource']}, {'required': ['NotPrincipal', 'NotAction', 'NotResource']} ] }, 'actions': {}, 'filters': { 'value': ValueFilter.schema, 'event': EventFilter.schema, 'age': AgeFilter.schema, # Shortcut form of value filter as k=v 'valuekv': { 'type': 'object', 'minProperties': 1, 'maxProperties': 1}, }, 'filters_common': { 'comparison_operators': { 'enum': list(OPERATORS.keys())}, 'value_types': {'enum': VALUE_TYPES}, 'value_from': ValuesFrom.schema, 'value': {'oneOf': [ {'type': 'array'}, {'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'boolean'}, {'type': 'number'}, {'type': 'null'}]}, }, 'policy': { 'type': 'object', 'required': ['name', 'resource'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'name': { 'type': 'string', 'pattern': "^[A-z][A-z0-9]*(-[A-z0-9]+)*$"}, 'region': {'type': 'string'}, 'tz': {'type': 'string'}, 'start': {'format': 'date-time'}, 'end': {'format': 'date-time'}, 'resource': {'type': 'string'}, 'max-resources': {'anyOf': [ {'type': 'integer', 'minimum': 1}, {'$ref': '#/definitions/max-resources-properties'} ]}, 'max-resources-percent': {'type': 'number', 'minimum': 0, 'maximum': 100}, 'comment': {'type': 'string'}, 'comments': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': {'type': 'string'}, 'tags': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'mode': {'$ref': '#/definitions/policy-mode'}, 'source': {'enum': ['describe', 'config']}, 'actions': { 'type': 'array', }, 'filters': { 'type': 'array' }, # # TODO: source queries should really move under # source. This was initially used for describe sources # to expose server side query mechanisms, however its # important to note it also prevents resource cache # utilization between policies that have different # queries. 'query': { 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'object'}} }, }, 'policy-mode': { 'anyOf': [e.schema for _, e in execution.items()], }, 'max-resources-properties': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'amount': {"type": 'integer', 'minimum': 1}, 'op': {'enum': ['or', 'and']}, 'percent': {'type': 'number', 'minimum': 0, 'maximum': 100} } } } resource_refs = [] for cloud_name, cloud_type in clouds.items(): for type_name, resource_type in cloud_type.resources.items(): if resource_types and type_name not in resource_types: continue alias_name = None r_type_name = "%s.%s" % (cloud_name, type_name) if cloud_name == 'aws': alias_name = type_name resource_refs.append( process_resource( r_type_name, resource_type, resource_defs, alias_name, definitions )) schema = { "$schema": "", 'id': '', 'definitions': definitions, 'type': 'object', 'required': ['policies'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'vars': {'type': 'object'}, 'policies': { 'type': 'array', 'additionalItems': False, 'items': {'anyOf': resource_refs} } } } return schema
[docs]def process_resource(type_name, resource_type, resource_defs, alias_name=None, definitions=None): r = resource_defs.setdefault(type_name, {'actions': {}, 'filters': {}}) seen_actions = set() # Aliases get processed once action_refs = [] for action_name, a in resource_type.action_registry.items(): if a in seen_actions: continue else: seen_actions.add(a) if a.schema_alias: if action_name in definitions['actions']: if definitions['actions'][action_name] != a.schema: # NOQA msg = "Schema mismatch on type:{} action:{} w/ schema alias ".format( type_name, action_name) raise SyntaxError(msg) definitions['actions'][action_name] = a.schema action_refs.append({'$ref': '#/definitions/actions/%s' % action_name}) else: r['actions'][action_name] = a.schema action_refs.append( {'$ref': '#/definitions/resources/%s/actions/%s' % ( type_name, action_name)}) # one word action shortcuts action_refs.append( {'enum': list(resource_type.action_registry.keys())}) nested_filter_refs = [] filters_seen = set() for k, v in sorted(resource_type.filter_registry.items()): if v in filters_seen: continue else: filters_seen.add(v) nested_filter_refs.append( {'$ref': '#/definitions/resources/%s/filters/%s' % ( type_name, k)}) nested_filter_refs.append( {'$ref': '#/definitions/filters/valuekv'}) filter_refs = [] filters_seen = set() # for aliases for filter_name, f in sorted(resource_type.filter_registry.items()): if f in filters_seen: continue else: filters_seen.add(f) if filter_name in ('or', 'and', 'not'): continue if f.schema_alias: if filter_name in definitions['filters']: assert definitions['filters'][filter_name] == f.schema, "Schema mismatch on filter w/ schema alias" # NOQA definitions['filters'][filter_name] = f.schema filter_refs.append({ '$ref': '#/definitions/filters/%s' % filter_name}) continue elif filter_name == 'value': r['filters'][filter_name] = { '$ref': '#/definitions/filters/value'} r['filters']['valuekv'] = { '$ref': '#/definitions/filters/valuekv'} elif filter_name == 'event': r['filters'][filter_name] = { '$ref': '#/definitions/filters/event'} else: r['filters'][filter_name] = f.schema filter_refs.append( {'$ref': '#/definitions/resources/%s/filters/%s' % ( type_name, filter_name)}) filter_refs.append( {'$ref': '#/definitions/filters/valuekv'}) # one word filter shortcuts filter_refs.append( {'enum': list(resource_type.filter_registry.keys())}) resource_policy = { 'allOf': [ {'$ref': '#/definitions/policy'}, {'properties': { 'resource': {'enum': [type_name]}, 'filters': { 'type': 'array', 'items': {'anyOf': filter_refs}}, 'actions': { 'type': 'array', 'items': {'anyOf': action_refs}}}}, ] } if alias_name: resource_policy['allOf'][1]['properties'][ 'resource']['enum'].append(alias_name) if type_name == 'ec2': resource_policy['allOf'][1]['properties']['query'] = {} r['policy'] = resource_policy return {'$ref': '#/definitions/resources/%s/policy' % type_name}
[docs]def resource_vocabulary(cloud_name=None, qualify_name=True): vocabulary = {} resources = {} for cname, ctype in clouds.items(): if cloud_name is not None and cloud_name != cname: continue for rname, rtype in ctype.resources.items(): if qualify_name: resources['%s.%s' % (cname, rname)] = rtype else: resources[rname] = rtype for type_name, resource_type in resources.items(): classes = {'actions': {}, 'filters': {}, 'resource': resource_type} actions = [] for action_name, cls in resource_type.action_registry.items(): actions.append(action_name) classes['actions'][action_name] = cls filters = [] for filter_name, cls in resource_type.filter_registry.items(): filters.append(filter_name) classes['filters'][filter_name] = cls vocabulary[type_name] = { 'filters': sorted(filters), 'actions': sorted(actions), 'classes': classes, } vocabulary["mode"] = {} for mode_name, cls in execution.items(): vocabulary["mode"][mode_name] = cls return vocabulary
[docs]def summary(vocabulary): providers = {} non_providers = {} for type_name, rv in vocabulary.items(): if '.' not in type_name: non_providers[type_name] = len(rv) else: provider, name = type_name.split('.', 1) stats = providers.setdefault(provider, { 'resources': 0, 'actions': Counter(), 'filters': Counter()}) stats['resources'] += 1 for a in rv.get('actions'): stats['actions'][a] += 1 for f in rv.get('filters'): stats['filters'][f] += 1 for provider, stats in providers.items(): print("%s:" % provider) print(" resource count: %d" % stats['resources']) print(" actions: %d" % len(stats['actions'])) print(" filters: %d" % len(stats['filters'])) for non_providers_type, length in non_providers.items(): print("%s:" % non_providers_type) print(" count: %d" % length)
[docs]def json_dump(resource=None): load_resources() print(json.dumps(generate(resource), indent=2))
if __name__ == '__main__': json_dump()