Source code for c7n_azure.actions

# Copyright 2015-2017 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Actions to perform on Azure resources
import abc
import datetime
import logging
from email.utils import parseaddr

from datetime import timedelta

import jmespath
import six
from c7n_azure import constants
from c7n_azure.storage_utils import StorageUtilities
from c7n_azure.tags import TagHelper
from c7n_azure.utils import utcnow, ThreadHelper, StringUtils
from dateutil import tz as tzutils
from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError

from c7n import utils
from c7n.actions import BaseAction, BaseNotify, EventAction
from c7n.filters import FilterValidationError
from c7n.filters.core import PolicyValidationError
from c7n.filters.offhours import Time
from c7n.resolver import ValuesFrom
from c7n.utils import type_schema

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class AzureBaseAction(BaseAction): session = None max_workers = constants.DEFAULT_MAX_THREAD_WORKERS chunk_size = constants.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE log = logging.getLogger('')
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): self.session = self.manager.get_session() results, exceptions = self.process_in_parallel(resources, event) if len(exceptions) > 0: self.handle_exceptions(exceptions) return results
[docs] def handle_exceptions(self, exceptions): """raising one exception re-raises the last exception and maintains the stack trace""" raise exceptions[0]
[docs] def process_in_parallel(self, resources, event): return ThreadHelper.execute_in_parallel( resources=resources, event=event, execution_method=self._process_resources, executor_factory=self.executor_factory, log=self.log, max_workers=self.max_workers, chunk_size=self.chunk_size )
def _process_resources(self, resources, event): self._prepare_processing() for r in resources: try: self._process_resource(r) except CloudError as e: self.log.error("Failed to process resource.\n" "Type: {0}.\n" "Name: {1}.\n" "Error: {2}".format(r['type'], r['name'], e)) def _prepare_processing(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _process_resource(self, resource): raise NotImplementedError( "Base action class does not implement this behavior")
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class AzureEventAction(EventAction, AzureBaseAction): def _process_resources(self, resources, event): self._prepare_processing() for r in resources: try: self._process_resource(r, event) except CloudError as e: self.log.error("Failed to process resource.\n" "Type: {0}.\n" "Name: {1}.\n" "Error: {2}".format(r['type'], r['name'], e)) @abc.abstractmethod def _process_resource(self, resource, event): raise NotImplementedError( "Base action class does not implement this behavior")
[docs]class Tag(AzureBaseAction): """Adds tags to Azure resources .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: azure-tag-resourcegroups resource: azure.resourcegroup description: | Tag all existing resource groups with a value such as Environment actions: - type: tag tag: Environment value: Test """ schema = utils.type_schema( 'tag', **{ 'tag': {'type': 'string'}, 'value': {'type': 'string'}, 'tags': {'type': 'object'} } ) def __init__(self, data=None, manager=None, log_dir=None): super(Tag, self).__init__(data, manager, log_dir)
[docs] def validate(self): if not'tags') and not ('tag') and'value')): raise FilterValidationError( "Must specify either tags or a tag and value") if'tags') and'tag'): raise FilterValidationError( "Can't specify both tags and tag, choose one") return self
def _prepare_processing(self,): self.new_tags ='tags') or {'tag'):'value')} def _process_resource(self, resource): TagHelper.add_tags(self, resource, self.new_tags)
[docs]class RemoveTag(AzureBaseAction): """Removes tags from Azure resources .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: azure-remove-tag-resourcegroups resource: azure.resourcegroup description: | Remove tag for all existing resource groups with a key such as Environment actions: - type: untag tags: ['Environment'] """ schema = utils.type_schema( 'untag', tags={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}) def __init__(self, data=None, manager=None, log_dir=None): super(RemoveTag, self).__init__(data, manager, log_dir)
[docs] def validate(self): if not'tags'): raise FilterValidationError("Must specify tags") return self
def _prepare_processing(self,): self.tags_to_delete ='tags') def _process_resource(self, resource): TagHelper.remove_tags(self, resource, self.tags_to_delete)
[docs]class AutoTagUser(AzureEventAction): """Attempts to tag a resource with the first user who created/modified it. .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: azure-auto-tag-creator resource: azure.resourcegroup description: | Tag all existing resource groups with the 'CreatorEmail' tag actions: - type: auto-tag-user tag: CreatorEmail This action searches from the earliest 'write' operation's caller in the activity logs for a particular resource. Note: activity logs are only held for the last 90 days. """ default_user = "Unknown" query_select = "eventTimestamp, operationName, caller" max_query_days = 90 # compiled JMES paths service_admin_jmes_path = jmespath.compile(constants.EVENT_GRID_SERVICE_ADMIN_JMES_PATH) sp_jmes_path = jmespath.compile(constants.EVENT_GRID_SP_NAME_JMES_PATH) upn_jmes_path = jmespath.compile(constants.EVENT_GRID_UPN_CLAIM_JMES_PATH) principal_role_jmes_path = jmespath.compile(constants.EVENT_GRID_PRINCIPAL_ROLE_JMES_PATH) principal_type_jmes_path = jmespath.compile(constants.EVENT_GRID_PRINCIPAL_TYPE_JMES_PATH) schema = utils.type_schema( 'auto-tag-user', required=['tag'], **{'update': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'tag': {'type': 'string'}, 'days': {'type': 'integer'}}) def __init__(self, data=None, manager=None, log_dir=None): super(AutoTagUser, self).__init__(data, manager, log_dir) self.log = logging.getLogger('')
[docs] def validate(self): if self.manager.action_registry.get('tag') is None: raise FilterValidationError("Resource does not support tagging") if'mode', {}).get('type') == 'azure-event-grid' \ and'days') is not None: raise PolicyValidationError( "Auto tag user in event mode does not use days.") if ('days') is not None and ('days') < 1 or'days') > 90)): raise FilterValidationError("Days must be between 1 and 90") return self
def _prepare_processing(self): self.session = self.manager.get_session() self.client = self.manager.get_client('azure.mgmt.monitor.MonitorManagementClient') self.tag_key =['tag'] self.should_update ='update', False) def _process_resource(self, resource, event): # if the auto-tag-user policy set update to False (or it's unset) then we # will skip writing their UserName tag and not overwrite pre-existing values if not self.should_update and resource.get('tags', {}).get(self.tag_key, None): return user = self.default_user if event: user = self._get_user_from_event(event) or user else: user = self._get_user_from_resource_logs(resource) or user # issue tag action to label user TagHelper.add_tags(self, resource, {self.tag_key: user}) def _get_user_from_event(self, event): principal_role = principal_type = user = None # The Subscription Admins role does not have a principal type if StringUtils.equal(principal_role, 'Subscription Admin'): user = # ServicePrincipal type elif StringUtils.equal(principal_type, 'ServicePrincipal'): user = # Other types and main fallback (e.g. User, Office 365 Groups, and Security Groups) if not user and user = # Last effort search for an email address in the claims if not user: claims = event['data']['claims'] for c in claims: value = claims[c] if self._is_email(value): user = value if not user: self.log.error('Principal could not be determined.') return user def _is_email(self, target): if target is None: return False elif parseaddr(target)[1] and '@' in target and '.' in target: return True else: return False def _get_user_from_resource_logs(self, resource): # Calculate start time delta_days ='days', self.max_query_days) start_time = utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=delta_days) # resource group type if self.manager.type == 'resourcegroup': resource_type = "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups" query_filter = " and ".join([ "eventTimestamp ge '%s'" % start_time, "resourceGroupName eq '%s'" % resource['name'], "eventChannels eq 'Operation'" ]) # other Azure resources else: resource_type = resource['type'] query_filter = " and ".join([ "eventTimestamp ge '%s'" % start_time, "resourceUri eq '%s'" % resource['id'], "eventChannels eq 'Operation'" ]) # fetch activity logs logs = self.client.activity_logs.list( filter=query_filter, select=self.query_select ) # get the user who issued the first operation operation_name = "%s/write" % resource_type first_op = self.get_first_operation(logs, operation_name) return first_op.caller if first_op else None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_first_operation(logs, operation_name): first_operation = None for l in logs: if l.operation_name.value and l.operation_name.value.lower() == operation_name.lower(): first_operation = l return first_operation
[docs]class TagTrim(AzureBaseAction): """Automatically remove tags from an azure resource. Azure Resources and Resource Groups have a limit of 15 tags. In order to make additional tag space on a set of resources, this action can be used to remove enough tags to make the desired amount of space while preserving a given set of tags. Setting the space value to 0 removes all tags but those listed to preserve. .. code-block :: yaml policies: - name: azure-tag-trim comment: | Any instances with 14 or more tags get tags removed until they match the target tag count, in this case 13, so that we free up tag slots for another usage. resource: azure.resourcegroup filters: # Filter down to resources that do not have the space # to add additional required tags. For example, if an # additional 2 tags need to be added to a resource, with # 15 tags as the limit, then filter down to resources that # have 14 or more tags since they will need to have tags # removed for the 2 extra. This also ensures that metrics # reporting is correct for the policy. - type: value key: "length(Tags)" op: ge value: 14 actions: - type: tag-trim space: 2 preserve: - OwnerContact - Environment - downtime - custodian_status """ max_tag_count = 15 schema = utils.type_schema( 'tag-trim', space={'type': 'integer'}, preserve={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}) def __init__(self, data=None, manager=None, log_dir=None): super(TagTrim, self).__init__(data, manager, log_dir) self.preserve = set('preserve', {})) ='space', 1)
[docs] def validate(self): if < 0 or > 15: raise FilterValidationError("Space must be between 0 and 15") return self
def _process_resource(self, resource): tags = resource.get('tags', {}) if and len(tags) + <= self.max_tag_count: return # delete tags keys = set(tags) tags_to_preserve = self.preserve.intersection(keys) candidates = keys - tags_to_preserve if # Free up slots to fit remove = (len(candidates) - (self.max_tag_count - ( + len(tags_to_preserve)))) candidates = list(sorted(candidates))[:remove] if not candidates: self.log.warning( "Could not find any candidates to trim %s" % resource['id']) return TagHelper.remove_tags(self, resource, candidates)
[docs]class Notify(BaseNotify): batch_size = 50 schema = { 'type': 'object', 'anyOf': [ {'required': ['type', 'transport', 'to']}, {'required': ['type', 'transport', 'to_from']}], 'properties': { 'type': {'enum': ['notify']}, 'to': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'owner_absent_contact': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'to_from': ValuesFrom.schema, 'cc': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'cc_from': ValuesFrom.schema, 'cc_manager': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'from': {'type': 'string'}, 'subject': {'type': 'string'}, 'template': {'type': 'string'}, 'transport': { 'oneOf': [ {'type': 'object', 'required': ['type', 'queue'], 'properties': { 'queue': {'type': 'string'}, 'type': {'enum': ['asq']} }}], }, } } def __init__(self, data=None, manager=None, log_dir=None): super(Notify, self).__init__(data, manager, log_dir)
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): session = utils.local_session(self.manager.session_factory) subscription_id = session.get_subscription_id() message = { 'event': event, 'account_id': subscription_id, 'account': subscription_id, 'region': 'all', 'policy':} message['action'] = self.expand_variables(message) for batch in utils.chunks(resources, self.batch_size): message['resources'] = batch receipt = self.send_data_message(message, session)"sent message:%s policy:%s template:%s count:%s" % ( receipt,['name'],'template', 'default'), len(batch)))
[docs] def send_data_message(self, message, session): if['transport']['type'] == 'asq': queue_uri =['transport']['queue'] return self.send_to_azure_queue(queue_uri, message, session)
[docs] def send_to_azure_queue(self, queue_uri, message, session): queue_service, queue_name = StorageUtilities.get_queue_client_by_uri(queue_uri, session) return StorageUtilities.put_queue_message(queue_service, queue_name, self.pack(message)).id
DEFAULT_TAG = "custodian_status"
[docs]class TagDelayedAction(AzureBaseAction): """Tag resources for future action. The optional 'tz' parameter can be used to adjust the clock to align with a given timezone. The default value is 'utc'. If neither 'days' nor 'hours' is specified, Cloud Custodian will default to marking the resource for action 4 days in the future. .. code-block :: yaml policies: - name: vm-mark-for-stop resource: azure.vm filters: - type: value key: Name value: instance-to-stop-in-four-days actions: - type: mark-for-op op: stop """ schema = utils.type_schema( 'mark-for-op', tag={'type': 'string'}, msg={'type': 'string'}, days={'type': 'integer', 'minimum': 0, 'exclusiveMinimum': False}, hours={'type': 'integer', 'minimum': 0, 'exclusiveMinimum': False}, tz={'type': 'string'}, op={'type': 'string'}) default_template = 'Resource does not meet policy: {op}@{action_date}' def __init__(self, data=None, manager=None, log_dir=None): super(TagDelayedAction, self).__init__(data, manager, log_dir) = tzutils.gettz( Time.TZ_ALIASES.get('tz', 'utc'))) msg_tmpl ='msg', self.default_template) op ='op', 'stop') days ='days', 0) hours ='hours', 0) action_date = self.generate_timestamp(days, hours) self.tag ='tag', DEFAULT_TAG) self.msg = msg_tmpl.format( op=op, action_date=action_date)
[docs] def validate(self): op ='op') if self.manager and op not in self.manager.action_registry.keys(): raise PolicyValidationError( "mark-for-op specifies invalid op:%s in %s" % ( op, = tzutils.gettz( Time.TZ_ALIASES.get('tz', 'utc'))) if not raise PolicyValidationError( "Invalid timezone specified %s in %s" % (, return self
[docs] def generate_timestamp(self, days, hours): from c7n_azure.utils import now n = now( if days is None or hours is None: # maintains default value of days being 4 if nothing is provided days = 4 action_date = (n + timedelta(days=days, hours=hours)) if hours > 0: action_date_string = action_date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H%M %Z') else: action_date_string = action_date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d') return action_date_string
def _process_resource(self, resource): tags = resource.get('tags', {}) # add new tag tags[self.tag] = self.msg TagHelper.update_resource_tags(self, resource, tags)
[docs]class DeleteAction(AzureBaseAction): schema = type_schema('delete') def _prepare_processing(self,): self.client = self.manager.get_client('azure.mgmt.resource.ResourceManagementClient') def _process_resource(self, resource): self.client.resources.delete_by_id(resource['id'], self.session.resource_api_version(resource['id']))