Source code for c7n_azure.dependency_manager

import base64
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys

from import checksum

logger = logging.getLogger('c7n_azure.dependency_manager')

[docs]class DependencyManager(object): @staticmethod def _run(cmd, verbose=False, **kwargs): if verbose: stdout = stderr = None else: stdout = stderr = subprocess.PIPE logger.debug(' '.join(cmd)) return, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _get_installed_distributions(): try: from pip._internal.utils.misc import get_installed_distributions except ImportError: from pip import get_installed_distributions return get_installed_distributions()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dependency_packages_list(packages, excluded_packages): dists = DependencyManager._get_installed_distributions() res = [] for p in packages: res.extend([str(r) for r in next(d.requires() for d in dists if (p + ' ') in str(d))]) res = [t for t in res if not any((e in t) for e in excluded_packages + packages)] # boto3 is a dependency for both c7n and c7n_mailer.. Remove the duplicate from the list # because not all versions of pip can handle this. # use regex to get rid of duplicates excluding version number regex = "^[^<>~=]*" for i, val in enumerate(res): pname = re.match(regex, val) if sum( in e.lower() for e in res) > 1: logger.debug("removing duplicate dependency:" + val) res.pop(i) return sorted(res)
[docs] @staticmethod def prepare_non_binary_wheels(packages, folder): dists = DependencyManager._get_installed_distributions() # Caller provides a list of packages, we augment it with currently installed package # version from the environment. packages = [str(d).replace(' ', '==') for d in dists if any(p.lower() in str(d).lower() for p in packages)] cmd = ['pip', 'wheel', '-w', folder, '--no-binary=:all:', '--no-dependencies'] cmd.extend(packages) pip = DependencyManager._run(cmd) if pip.returncode != 0: logger.error('Failed to download wheels!') sys.exit(1) package_names = [re.findall('[^<>=~]+', p)[0] for p in packages] for p in package_names: filename = next(f for f in os.listdir(folder) if p.lower() in f.lower()) newname = '-'.join(filename.split('-')[:2] + ['cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl']) os.rename(os.path.join(folder, filename), os.path.join(folder, newname))
[docs] @staticmethod def download_wheels(packages, folder): if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) cmd = ['pip', 'download', '--dest', folder, '--find-links', folder] cmd.extend(packages) cmd.extend(['--platform=manylinux1_x86_64', '--python-version=36', '--implementation=cp', '--abi=cp36m', '--only-binary=:all:']) pip = DependencyManager._run(cmd) if pip.returncode != 0: logger.error('Failed to download wheels!') sys.exit(1)
[docs] @staticmethod def install_wheels(wheels_folder, install_folder): logging.getLogger('distlib').setLevel(logging.ERROR) if not os.path.exists(install_folder): os.makedirs(install_folder) from distlib.wheel import Wheel from distlib.scripts import ScriptMaker paths = { 'prefix': '', 'purelib': install_folder, 'platlib': install_folder, 'scripts': '', 'headers': '', 'data': ''} files = os.listdir(wheels_folder) for f in [os.path.join(wheels_folder, f) for f in files]: wheel = Wheel(f) wheel.install(paths, ScriptMaker(None, None), lib_only=True)
@staticmethod def _get_file_hash(filepath): hasher = hashlib.sha256() with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: return base64.b64encode(checksum(f, hasher)).decode('ascii') @staticmethod def _get_string_hash(string): return hashlib.md5(string.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
[docs] @staticmethod def check_cache(cache_metadata_file, cache_zip_file, packages): if not os.path.exists(cache_metadata_file): return False if not os.path.exists(cache_zip_file): return False with open(cache_metadata_file, 'rt') as f: try: data = json.load(f) except Exception: return False if DependencyManager._get_string_hash(' '.join(packages)) != data.get('packages_hash'): return False if DependencyManager._get_file_hash(cache_zip_file) != data.get('zip_hash'): return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def create_cache_metadata(cache_metadata_file, cache_zip_file, packages): with open(cache_metadata_file, 'wt+') as f: json.dump({'packages_hash': DependencyManager._get_string_hash(' '.join(packages)), 'zip_hash': DependencyManager._get_file_hash(cache_zip_file)}, f)