Source code for c7n_azure.filters

# Copyright 2015-2018 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import operator
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
from datetime import timedelta

from azure.mgmt.policyinsights import PolicyInsightsClient
from dateutil import tz as tzutils
from dateutil.parser import parse

from c7n_azure.utils import Math
from c7n_azure.utils import now
from c7n_azure.tags import TagHelper

from c7n.filters import Filter, ValueFilter
from c7n.filters.core import PolicyValidationError
from c7n.filters.offhours import Time, OffHour, OnHour
from c7n.utils import chunks
from c7n.utils import type_schema

scalar_ops = {
    'eq': operator.eq,
    'equal': operator.eq,
    'le': operator.le,
    'lte': operator.le,

[docs]class MetricFilter(Filter): """ Filters Azure resources based on live metrics from the Azure monitor :example: Find all VMs with an average Percentage CPU greater than 75% over last 2 hours .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: vm-percentage-cpu resource: azure.vm filters: - type: metric metric: Percentage CPU aggregation: average op: gt threshold: 75 timeframe: 2 """ DEFAULT_TIMEFRAME = 24 DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 'P1D' DEFAULT_AGGREGATION = 'average' aggregation_funcs = { 'average': Math.mean, 'total': Math.sum } schema = { 'type': 'object', 'required': ['type', 'metric', 'op', 'threshold'], 'properties': { 'metric': {'type': 'string'}, 'op': {'enum': list(scalar_ops.keys())}, 'threshold': {'type': 'number'}, 'timeframe': {'type': 'number'}, 'interval': {'enum': [ 'PT1M', 'PT5M', 'PT15M', 'PT30M', 'PT1H', 'PT6H', 'PT12H', 'P1D']}, 'aggregation': {'enum': ['total', 'average']}, 'no_data_action': {'enum': ['include', 'exclude']}, 'filter': {'type': 'string'} } } def __init__(self, data, manager=None): super(MetricFilter, self).__init__(data, manager) # Metric name as defined by Azure SDK self.metric ='metric') # gt (>), ge (>=), eq (==), le (<=), lt (<) self.op = scalar_ops['op')] # Value to compare metric value with self.op self.threshold ='threshold') # Number of hours from current UTC time self.timeframe = float('timeframe', self.DEFAULT_TIMEFRAME)) # Interval as defined by Azure SDK self.interval ='interval', self.DEFAULT_INTERVAL) # Aggregation as defined by Azure SDK self.aggregation ='aggregation', self.DEFAULT_AGGREGATION) # Aggregation function to be used locally self.func = self.aggregation_funcs[self.aggregation] # Used to reduce the set of metric data returned self.filter ='filter', None) # Include or exclude resources if there is no metric data available self.no_data_action ='no_data_action', 'exclude')
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): # Import utcnow function as it may have been overridden for testing purposes from c7n_azure.actions import utcnow # Get timespan end_time = utcnow() start_time = end_time - timedelta(hours=self.timeframe) self.timespan = "{}/{}".format(start_time, end_time) # Create Azure Monitor client self.client = self.manager.get_client('azure.mgmt.monitor.MonitorManagementClient') # Process each resource in a separate thread, returning all that pass filter with self.executor_factory(max_workers=3) as w: processed = list(, resources)) return [item for item in processed if item is not None]
[docs] def get_metric_data(self, resource): metrics_data = self.client.metrics.list( resource['id'], timespan=self.timespan, interval=self.interval, metricnames=self.metric, aggregation=self.aggregation, filter=self.filter ) if len(metrics_data.value) > 0 and len(metrics_data.value[0].timeseries) > 0: m = [getattr(item, self.aggregation) for item in metrics_data.value[0].timeseries[0].data] else: m = None return m
[docs] def passes_op_filter(self, resource): m_data = self.get_metric_data(resource) if m_data is None: return self.no_data_action == 'include' aggregate_value = self.func(m_data) return self.op(aggregate_value, self.threshold)
[docs] def process_resource(self, resource): return resource if self.passes_op_filter(resource) else None
DEFAULT_TAG = "custodian_status"
[docs]class TagActionFilter(Filter): """Filter resources for tag specified future action Filters resources by a 'custodian_status' tag which specifies a future date for an action. The filter parses the tag values looking for an 'op@date' string. The date is parsed and compared to do today's date, the filter succeeds if today's date is gte to the target date. The optional 'skew' parameter provides for incrementing today's date a number of days into the future. An example use case might be sending a final notice email a few days before terminating an instance, or snapshotting a volume prior to deletion. The optional 'skew_hours' parameter provides for incrementing the current time a number of hours into the future. Optionally, the 'tz' parameter can get used to specify the timezone in which to interpret the clock (default value is 'utc') .. code-block :: yaml policies: - name: vm-stop-marked resource: azure.vm filters: - type: marked-for-op # The default tag used is custodian_status # but that is configurable tag: custodian_status op: stop # Another optional tag is skew tz: utc actions: - type: stop """ schema = type_schema( 'marked-for-op', tag={'type': 'string'}, tz={'type': 'string'}, skew={'type': 'number', 'minimum': 0}, skew_hours={'type': 'number', 'minimum': 0}, op={'type': 'string'}) current_date = None
[docs] def validate(self): op ='op') if self.manager and op not in self.manager.action_registry.keys(): raise PolicyValidationError( "Invalid marked-for-op op:%s in %s" % (op, tz = tzutils.gettz(Time.TZ_ALIASES.get('tz', 'utc'))) if not tz: raise PolicyValidationError( "Invalid timezone specified '%s' in %s" % ('tz'), return self
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): from c7n_azure.utils import now if self.current_date is None: self.current_date = now() self.tag ='tag', DEFAULT_TAG) self.op ='op', 'stop') self.skew ='skew', 0) self.skew_hours ='skew_hours', 0) = tzutils.gettz(Time.TZ_ALIASES.get('tz', 'utc'))) return super(TagActionFilter, self).process(resources, event)
def __call__(self, i): v = i.get('tags', {}).get(self.tag, None) if v is None: return False if ':' not in v or '@' not in v: return False msg, tgt = v.rsplit(':', 1) action, action_date_str = tgt.strip().split('@', 1) if action != self.op: return False try: action_date = parse(action_date_str) except Exception: self.log.warning("could not parse tag:%s value:%s on %s" % ( self.tag, v, i['InstanceId'])) if action_date.tzinfo: # if action_date is timezone aware, set to timezone provided action_date = action_date.astimezone( self.current_date = now( return self.current_date >= ( action_date - timedelta(days=self.skew, hours=self.skew_hours))
[docs]class DiagnosticSettingsFilter(ValueFilter): schema = type_schema('diagnostic-settings', rinherit=ValueFilter.schema)
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): futures = [] results = [] # Process each resource in a separate thread, returning all that pass filter with self.executor_factory(max_workers=3) as w: for resource_set in chunks(resources, 20): futures.append(w.submit(self.process_resource_set, resource_set)) for f in as_completed(futures): if f.exception(): self.log.warning( "Diagnostic settings filter error: %s" % f.exception()) continue else: results.extend(f.result()) return results
[docs] def process_resource_set(self, resources): #: :type: azure.mgmt.monitor.MonitorManagementClient client = self.manager.get_client('azure.mgmt.monitor.MonitorManagementClient') matched = [] for resource in resources: settings = client.diagnostic_settings.list(resource['id']) settings = [s.as_dict() for s in settings.value] filtered_settings = super(DiagnosticSettingsFilter, self).process(settings, event=None) if filtered_settings: matched.append(resource) return matched
[docs]class PolicyCompliantFilter(Filter): """Filter resources based on Azure Policy compliance status Filter resources by their current Azure Policy compliance status. You can specify if you want to filter compliant or non-compliant resources. You can provide a list of Azure Policy definitions display names or names to limit amount of non-compliant resources. By default it returns a list of all non-compliant resources. .. code-block :: yaml policies: - name: vm-stop-marked resource: azure.vm filters: - type: policy-compliant compliant: false definitions: - "Definition display name 1" - "Definition display name 2" """ schema = type_schema('policy-compliant', required=['type', 'compliant'], compliant={'type': 'boolean'}, definitions={'type': 'array'}) def __init__(self, data, manager=None): super(PolicyCompliantFilter, self).__init__(data, manager) self.compliant =['compliant'] self.definitions ='definitions')
[docs] def process(self, resources, event=None): s = self.manager.get_session() definition_ids = None # Translate definitions display names into ids if self.definitions: policyClient = s.client("azure.mgmt.resource.policy.PolicyClient") definitions = [d for d in policyClient.policy_definitions.list()] definition_ids = [ for d in definitions if d.display_name in self.definitions or in self.definitions] # Find non-compliant resources client = PolicyInsightsClient(s.get_credentials()) query = client.policy_states.list_query_results_for_subscription( policy_states_resource='latest', subscription_id=s.subscription_id).value non_compliant = [f.resource_id.lower() for f in query if not definition_ids or f.policy_definition_id.lower() in definition_ids] if self.compliant: return [r for r in resources if r['id'].lower() not in non_compliant] else: return [r for r in resources if r['id'].lower() in non_compliant]
[docs]class AzureOffHour(OffHour): # Override get_tag_value because Azure stores tags differently from AWS
[docs] def get_tag_value(self, i): tag_value = TagHelper.get_tag_value(resource=i, tag=self.tag_key, utf_8=True) if tag_value is not False: tag_value = tag_value.lower().strip("'\"") return tag_value
[docs]class AzureOnHour(OnHour): # Override get_tag_value because Azure stores tags differently from AWS
[docs] def get_tag_value(self, i): tag_value = TagHelper.get_tag_value(resource=i, tag=self.tag_key, utf_8=True) if tag_value is not False: tag_value = tag_value.lower().strip("'\"") return tag_value