# Copyright 2018 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import re
import six
from azure.graphrbac import GraphRbacManagementClient
from c7n_azure.actions import AzureBaseAction
from c7n_azure.provider import Azure
from c7n_azure.provider import resources
from c7n_azure.query import QueryResourceManager, DescribeSource
from c7n_azure.session import Session
from c7n_azure.utils import GraphHelper
from c7n.filters import Filter
from c7n.filters import FilterValidationError
from c7n.filters import ValueFilter
from c7n.filters.related import RelatedResourceFilter
from c7n.query import sources
from c7n.utils import local_session
from c7n.utils import type_schema
log = logging.getLogger('custodian.azure.access_control')
class RoleAssignment(QueryResourceManager):
[docs] class resource_type(object):
service = 'azure.mgmt.authorization'
client = 'AuthorizationManagementClient'
enum_spec = ('role_assignments', 'list', None)
get_spec = ('role_assignments', 'get_by_id', None)
id = 'id'
default_report_fields = (
[docs] def augment(self, resources):
s = Session(resource='https://graph.windows.net')
graph_client = GraphRbacManagementClient(s.get_credentials(), s.get_tenant_id())
object_ids = list(set(
resource['properties']['principalId'] for resource in resources
if resource['properties']['principalId']))
principal_dics = GraphHelper.get_principal_dictionary(graph_client, object_ids)
for resource in resources:
if resource['properties']['principalId'] in principal_dics.keys():
graph_resource = principal_dics[resource['properties']['principalId']]
if graph_resource.object_id:
resource['principalName'] = GraphHelper.get_principal_name(graph_resource)
resource['displayName'] = graph_resource.display_name
resource['aadType'] = graph_resource.object_type
return resources
class RoleDefinition(QueryResourceManager):
[docs] class resource_type(object):
service = 'azure.mgmt.authorization'
client = 'AuthorizationManagementClient'
get_spec = ('role_definitions', 'get_by_id', None)
type = 'roleDefinition'
id = 'id'
default_report_fields = (
def source_type(self):
return self.data.get('source', 'describe-azure-roledefinition')
class DescribeSource(DescribeSource):
[docs] def get_resources(self, query):
s = local_session(self.manager.session_factory)
client = s.client('azure.mgmt.authorization.AuthorizationManagementClient')
scope = '/subscriptions/%s' % (s.subscription_id)
resources = client.role_definitions.list(scope)
return [r.serialize(True) for r in resources]
[docs]def is_scope(scope, scope_type):
if not isinstance(scope, six.string_types):
return False
regex = ""
if scope_type == "subscription":
regex = r"^\/subscriptions\/[^\/]+$"
elif scope_type == "resource-group":
regex = r"^\/subscriptions\/([^\/]+)\/resourceGroups\/.*$"
return False
return bool(re.match(regex, scope, flags=re.IGNORECASE))
class RoleFilter(RelatedResourceFilter):
"""Filters role assignments based on role definitions
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: assignments-by-role-definition
resource: azure.roleassignment
- type: role
key: properties.roleName
op: in
value: Owner
schema = type_schema('role', rinherit=ValueFilter.schema)
RelatedResource = "c7n_azure.resources.access_control.RoleDefinition"
RelatedIdsExpression = "properties.roleDefinitionId"
class ResourceAccessFilter(RelatedResourceFilter):
"""Filters role assignments that have access to a certain
type of azure resource.
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: assignments-by-azure-resource
resource: azure.roleassignment
- type: resource-access
relatedResource: azure.vm
schema = type_schema(
relatedResource={'type': 'string'},
def __init__(self, data, manager=None):
super(ResourceAccessFilter, self).__init__(data, manager)
resource_type = self.data['relatedResource']
self.factory = Azure.resources.get(
resource_type.rsplit('.', 1)[-1])
[docs] def process_resource(self, resource, related):
for r in related:
if resource['properties']['scope'] in r:
return True
return False
[docs] def validate(self):
if self.factory is None:
raise FilterValidationError(
"The related resource is not a custodian supported azure resource"
if (self.data['relatedResource'] == 'azure.roleassignment' or
self.data['relatedResource'] == 'azure.roledefinition'):
raise FilterValidationError(
"The related resource can not be role assignments or role definitions"
class ScopeFilter(Filter):
"""Filters role assignments that have subscription level scope access
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: assignments-with-subscription-scope
resource: azure.roleassignment
- type: scope
value: subscription
schema = type_schema(
value={'type': 'string', 'enum': ['subscription', 'resource-group']})
[docs] def process(self, data, event=None):
scope_value = self.data.get('value', '')
return [d for d in data if is_scope(d["properties"]["scope"], scope_value)]
class DeleteAssignmentAction(AzureBaseAction):
schema = type_schema('delete')
def _prepare_processing(self,):
self.client = self.manager.get_client()
def _process_resource(self, resource):
resource['properties']['scope'], resource['name'])