Source code for c7n_gcp.actions.cscc

# Copyright 2018-2019 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import datetime
import json
import hashlib
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse

from c7n.exceptions import PolicyExecutionError, PolicyValidationError
from c7n.utils import local_session, type_schema
from .core import MethodAction

from c7n_gcp.provider import resources as gcp_resources

[docs]class PostFinding(MethodAction): """Post finding for matched resources to Cloud Security Command Center. :Example: .. code-block:: yaml policies: - name: gcp-instances-with-label resource: gcp.instance filters: - "tag:name": "bad-instance" actions: - type: post-finding org-domain: category: MEDIUM_INTERNET_SECURITY The source for custodian can either be specified inline to the policy, or custodian can generate one at runtime if it doesn't exist given a org-domain or org-id. Finding updates are not currently supported, due to upstream api issues. """ schema = type_schema( 'post-finding', **{ 'source': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'qualified name of source to post to CSCC as'}, 'org-domain': {'type': 'string'}, 'org-id': {'type': 'integer'}, 'category': {'type': 'string'}}) method_spec = {'op': 'create', 'result': 'name', 'annotation_key': 'c7n:Finding'} # create throws error if already exists, patch method has bad docs. ignore_error_codes = (409,) CustodianSourceName = 'CloudCustodian' DefaultCategory = 'Custodian' Service = 'securitycenter' ServiceVersion = 'v1beta1' _source = None
[docs] def validate(self): if not any([ for k in ('source', 'org-domain', 'org-id')]): raise PolicyValidationError( "policy:%s CSCC post-finding requires one of source, org-domain, org-id" % (
[docs] def process(self, resources): self.initialize_source() return super(PostFinding, self).process(resources)
[docs] def get_client(self, session, model): return session.client( self.Service, self.ServiceVersion, 'organizations.sources.findings')
[docs] def get_resource_params(self, model, resource): return self.get_finding(resource)
[docs] def initialize_source(self): # Ideally we'll be given a source, but we'll attempt to auto create it # if given an org_domain or org_id. if self._source: return self._source elif 'source' in self._source =['source'] return self._source session = local_session(self.manager.session_factory) # Resolve Organization Id if 'org-id' in org_id =['org-id'] else: orgs = session.client('cloudresourcemanager', 'v1', 'organizations') res = orgs.execute_query( 'search', {'body': { 'filter': 'domain:%s' %['org-domain']}}).get( 'organizations') if not res: raise PolicyExecutionError("Could not determine organization id") org_id = res[0]['name'].rsplit('/', 1)[-1] # Resolve Source client = session.client(self.Service, self.ServiceVersion, 'organizations.sources') source = None res = [s for s in client.execute_query( 'list', {'parent': 'organizations/{}'.format(org_id)}).get('sources') if s['displayName'] == self.CustodianSourceName] if res: source = res[0]['name'] if source is None: source = client.execute_command( 'create', {'parent': 'organizations/{}'.format(org_id), 'body': { 'displayName': self.CustodianSourceName, 'description': 'Cloud Management Rules Engine'}}).get('name') "policy:%s resolved cscc source: %s, update policy with this source value",, source) self._source = source return self._source
[docs] def get_name(self, r): """Given an arbitrary resource attempt to resolve back to a qualified name.""" namer = ResourceNameAdapters[self.manager.resource_type.service] return namer(r)
[docs] def get_finding(self, resource): policy = self.manager.ctx.policy resource_name = self.get_name(resource) # ideally we could be using shake, but its py3.6+ only finding_id = hashlib.sha256( b"%s%s" % ('utf8'), resource_name.encode('utf8'))).hexdigest()[:32] finding = { 'name': '{}/findings/{}'.format(self._source, finding_id), 'resourceName': resource_name, 'state': 'ACTIVE', 'category':'category', self.DefaultCategory), 'eventTime': datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat('T') + 'Z', 'sourceProperties': { 'resource-type': self.manager.type, 'title':'title',, 'policy-name':, 'policy': json.dumps( } } request = { 'parent': self._source, 'findingId': finding_id[:31], 'body': finding} return request
[docs] @classmethod def register_resource(klass, registry, event): for rtype, resource_manager in registry.items(): if resource_manager.resource_type.service not in ResourceNameAdapters: continue elif 'post-finding' in resource_manager.action_registry: continue resource_manager.action_registry.register('post-finding', klass)
# CSCC uses its own notion of resource id, if we want our findings on # a resource to be linked from the asset view we need to post w/ the # same resource name. If this conceptulization of resource name is # standard, then we should move these to resource types with # appropriate hierarchies by service.
[docs]def name_compute(r): prefix = urlparse(r['selfLink']).path.strip('/').split('/')[2:][:-1] return "//{}/{}".format( "/".join(prefix), r['id'])
[docs]def name_iam(r): return "//{}/serviceAccounts/{}".format( r['projectId'], r['uniqueId'])
[docs]def name_resourcemanager(r): rid = r.get('projectNumber') if rid is not None: rtype = 'projects' else: rid = r.get('organizationId') rtype = 'organizations' return "//{}/{}".format( rtype, rid)
[docs]def name_container(r): return "//{}".format( "/".join(urlparse(r['selfLink']).path.strip('/').split('/')[1:]))
[docs]def name_storage(r): return "//{}".format(r['name'])
[docs]def name_appengine(r): return "//{}".format(r['name'])
ResourceNameAdapters = { 'appengine': name_appengine, 'cloudresourcemanager': name_resourcemanager, 'compute': name_compute, 'container': name_container, 'iam': name_iam, 'storage': name_storage, } gcp_resources.subscribe( gcp_resources.EVENT_FINAL, PostFinding.register_resource)