Source code for c7n_gcp.query

# Copyright 2017-2018 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import jmespath
import json
import logging
import six

from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError

from c7n.actions import ActionRegistry
from c7n.filters import FilterRegistry
from c7n.manager import ResourceManager
from c7n.query import sources
from c7n.utils import local_session

log = logging.getLogger('c7n_gcp.query')

[docs]class ResourceQuery(object): def __init__(self, session_factory): self.session_factory = session_factory
[docs] def filter(self, resource_manager, **params): m = resource_manager.resource_type session = local_session(self.session_factory) client = session.client( m.service, m.version, m.component) # depends on resource scope if m.scope in ('project', 'zone'): project = session.get_default_project() if m.scope_template: project = m.scope_template.format(project) if m.scope_key: params[m.scope_key] = project else: params['project'] = project if m.scope == 'zone': if session.get_default_zone(): params['zone'] = session.get_default_zone() enum_op, path, extra_args = m.enum_spec if extra_args: params.update(extra_args) return self._invoke_client_enum( client, enum_op, params, path)
def _invoke_client_enum(self, client, enum_op, params, path): if client.supports_pagination(enum_op): results = [] for page in client.execute_paged_query(enum_op, params): page_items =, page) if page_items: results.extend(page_items) return results else: return, client.execute_query(enum_op, verb_arguments=params))
[docs]@sources.register('describe-gcp') class DescribeSource(object): def __init__(self, manager): self.manager = manager self.query = ResourceQuery(manager.session_factory)
[docs] def get_resources(self, query): if query is None: query = {} return self.query.filter(self.manager, **query)
[docs] def get_permissions(self): return ()
[docs] def augment(self, resources): return resources
[docs]class QueryMeta(type): """metaclass to have consistent action/filter registry for new resources.""" def __new__(cls, name, parents, attrs): if 'filter_registry' not in attrs: attrs['filter_registry'] = FilterRegistry( '%s.filters' % name.lower()) if 'action_registry' not in attrs: attrs['action_registry'] = ActionRegistry( '%s.actions' % name.lower()) return super(QueryMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, parents, attrs)
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(QueryMeta) class QueryResourceManager(ResourceManager): def __init__(self, data, options): super(QueryResourceManager, self).__init__(data, options) self.source = self.get_source(self.source_type)
[docs] def get_permissions(self): return ()
[docs] def get_source(self, source_type): return sources.get(source_type)(self)
[docs] def get_client(self): return local_session(self.session_factory).client( self.resource_type.service, self.resource_type.version, self.resource_type.component)
[docs] def get_model(self): return self.resource_type
[docs] def get_cache_key(self, query): return {'source_type': self.source_type, 'query': query, 'service': self.resource_type.service, 'version': self.resource_type.version, 'component': self.resource_type.component}
[docs] def get_resource(self, resource_info): return self.resource_type.get(self.get_client(), resource_info)
@property def source_type(self): return'source', 'describe-gcp')
[docs] def get_resource_query(self): if 'query' in return {'filter':'query')}
[docs] def resources(self, query=None): q = query or self.get_resource_query() key = self.get_cache_key(q) resources = self._fetch_resources(q), resources) return self.filter_resources(resources)
def _fetch_resources(self, query): try: return self.augment(self.source.get_resources(query)) or [] except HttpError as e: error = extract_error(e) if error is None: raise elif error == 'accessNotConfigured': log.warning( "Resource:%s not available -> Service:%s not enabled on %s", self.type, self.resource_type.service, local_session(self.session_factory).get_default_project()) return [] raise
[docs] def augment(self, resources): return resources
[docs]class ChildResourceManager(QueryResourceManager):
[docs] def get_resource(self, resource_info): child_instance = super(ChildResourceManager, self).get_resource(resource_info) parent_resource = self.resource_type.parent_spec['resource'] parent_instance = self.get_resource_manager(parent_resource).get_resource( self._get_parent_resource_info(child_instance) ) annotation_key = self.resource_type.get_parent_annotation_key() child_instance[annotation_key] = parent_instance return child_instance
def _fetch_resources(self, query): if not query: query = {} resources = [] annotation_key = self.resource_type.get_parent_annotation_key() parent_resource_manager = self.get_resource_manager( self.resource_type.parent_spec['resource'] ) for parent_instance in parent_resource_manager.resources(): query.update(self._get_child_enum_args(parent_instance)) children = super(ChildResourceManager, self)._fetch_resources(query) for child_instance in children: child_instance[annotation_key] = parent_instance resources.extend(children) return resources def _get_parent_resource_info(self, child_instance): mappings = self.resource_type.parent_spec['parent_get_params'] return self._extract_fields(child_instance, mappings) def _get_child_enum_args(self, parent_instance): mappings = self.resource_type.parent_spec['child_enum_params'] return self._extract_fields(parent_instance, mappings) @staticmethod def _extract_fields(source, mappings): result = {} for mapping in mappings: result[mapping[1]] =[0], source) return result
[docs]class TypeMeta(type): def __repr__(cls): return "<TypeInfo service:%s component:%s scope:%s version:%s>" % ( cls.service, cls.component, cls.scope, cls.version)
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(TypeMeta) class TypeInfo(object): # api client construction information service = None version = None component = None # resource enumeration parameters scope = 'project' enum_spec = ('list', 'items[]', None) # ie. when project is passed instead as parent scope_key = None # custom formatting for scope key scope_template = None # individual resource retrieval method, for serverless policies. get = None # for get methods that require the full event payload get_requires_event = False
[docs]class ChildTypeInfo(TypeInfo): parent_spec = None
[docs] @classmethod def get_parent_annotation_key(cls): parent_resource = cls.parent_spec['resource'] return 'c7n:{}'.format(parent_resource)
ERROR_REASON = jmespath.compile('error.errors[0].reason')
[docs]def extract_error(e): try: edata = json.loads(e.content) except Exception: return None return