Automatically tag the creator of a resource or resource group.

  • It is strongly recommended to always use resource-type filter when using armresource.

  • Tag operation is allowed only for ARM resources supported by Cloud Custodian, error message is logged for all unknown and unsupported resources.

  • In non-event mode, the action will look up Azure Activity Logs up to 90 days prior to execution (default). It will attempt to identify the first user or service principal that performed the ‘write’ operation for each resource.

  • In event mode, the action will use the data from the event to determine the user or principal that performed the action. The days option is not applicable in this mode.

  • Note: Resource Groups aren’t a part of armresource type, so tags needs to be added separately.

  • Note: Service Principals do not have email addresses and their tag values will be the application id.

  - name: azure-auto-tag-creator-resource-groups
    resource: azure.resourcegroup
    description: |
      Tag all existing resource groups with the 'CreatorEmail' tag; looking up to 10 days prior.
     - type: auto-tag-user
       tag: CreatorEmail
       days: 10
  - name: azure-auto-tag-creator-resources
    resource: azure.armresource
    description: |
      Tag all arm resources of the VMs, VNETs and Storage accounts with the
      'Creator Email' tag; looking up to 10 days prior.
      - type: resource-type
          - Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
          - Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts
          - Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines
     - type: auto-tag-user
       tag: CreatorEmail
       days: 10
  - name: azure-auto-tag-creator
      type: azure-event-grid
      events: ['VmWrite', 'StorageWrite']
    resource: azure.armresource
    description: |
      Tag all new VMs and StorageAccounts with the 'Creator Email' tag.
      Note: 'resource-type' filter is not required because policy is not triggered by other resources.
     - type: auto-tag-user
       tag: CreatorEmail