
In this section we will cover a few different deployment options for Cloud Custodian.

Compliance as Code

When operating Cloud Custodian, it is highly recommended to treat the policy files as code, similar to that of Terraform or CloudFormation files. Cloud Custodian has a built-in dryrun mode and policy syntax validation which when paired with an automated CI system, can help you release policies with confidence.

This tutorial assumes that you have working knowledge of Github, Git, Docker, and a continuous integration tool (Jenkins, Drone, Travis, etc.).

To begin, start by checking your policy files into a source control management tool like Github. This allows us to version and enable collaboration through git pull requests and issues. In this example, we will be setting up a new repo in Github.

First, set up a new repo in Github and grab the repository url. You don’t need to add a README or any other files to it first.

mkdir my-policies
cd my-policies
git init
git remote add origin <github repo url>
touch policy.yml

Next, we’ll add a policy to our new policy.yml file.

  - name: aws-vpcs
    resource: aws.vpc

Once you’ve added the policy to your policy file we can stage our changes from our working directory and push it up to our remote:

# this should show your policy.yml as an untracked file
git status

git add policy.yml
git commit -m 'init my first policy'
git push -u origin master

Once you’ve pushed your changes you should be able to see your new changes inside of Github. Congratulations, you’re now ready to start automatically validating and testing your policies!

Continuous Integration of Policies

Next, enable a CI webhook back to your CI system of choice when pull requests targeting your master branch are opened or updated. This allows us to continuously test and validate the policies that are being modified.

In this example, we will be using Microsoft Azure Devops Pipelines.

First, navigate to and click the “Start pipelines free with Github” button and follow the flow to connect your Github account with Devops Pipelines.

Next click on the Pipelines section in the left hand side of the sidebar and connect with Github. Once the pipeline is setup, we can add the following azure devops configuration to our repo:

- master

  - job: 'Validate'
      vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'
      - checkout: self
      - task: UsePythonVersion@0
        displayName: "Set Python Version"
          versionSpec: '3.7'
          architecture: 'x64'
      - script: pip install --upgrade pip
        displayName: Upgrade pip
      - script: pip install c7n c7n_azure c7n_gcp
        displayName: Install custodian
      - script: custodian validate policy.yml
        displayName: Validate policy file

This configuration will install Cloud Custodian and validate the policy.yml file that we created in the previous step.

Finally, we can run the new policies against your cloud environment in dryrun mode. This mode will only query the resources and apply the filters on the resources. Doing this allows you to assess the potential blast radius of a given policy change.

Setting up the automated dryrun of policies is left as an exercise to the user– this requires hosting your cloud authentication tokens inside of a CI system or hosting your own CI system and using Managed Service Identities (Azure) or Instance Profiles (AWS).

It’s important to verify that the results of the dryrun match your expectations. Custodian is a very powerful tool that will do exactly what you tell it to do! In this case, you should always “measure twice, cut once”.

IAM Setup

To run Cloud Custodian against your account, you will need an IAM role with appropriate permissions. Depending on the scope of the policy, these permissions may differ from policy to policy. For a baseline, the managed read only policies in each of the respective cloud providers will be enough to dryrun your policies. Actions will require additional IAM permissions which should be added at your discretion.

For serverless policies, Custodian will need the corresponding permissions to provision serverless functions.

In AWS, you will need ReadOnly access as well as the following permissions:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "CustodianLambdaPermissions",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Note: These are just the permissions to deploy Custodian Lambda functions, these are not the permissions that are required to run Custodian _in_ the Lambda function. Those roles are defined in the role attribute in the policy or with the assume role used in the cli.

Single Node Deployment

Now that your policies are stored and available in source control, you can now fill in the next pieces of the puzzle to deploy. The simplest way to operate Cloud Custodian is to start with running Cloud Custodian against a single account (or subscription or project) on a virtual machine.

To start, create a virtual machine on your cloud provider of choice. It’s recommended to execute Cloud Custodian in the same cloud provider that you are operating against to prevent a hard dependency on one cloud to another as well being able to utilize your cloud’s best practices for credentials (instance profile, service account, etc).

Then, log into the instance and set up Custodian, following the instructions in the Install Cloud Custodian guide.

Once you have Cloud Custodian installed, download your policies that you created in the Compliance as Code section. If using git, just simply do a git clone:

git clone <repository-url>

You now have your policies and custodian available on the instance. Typically, policies that query the extant resources in the account/project/subscription should be run on a regular basis to ensure that resources are constantly compliant. To do this you can simply set up a cron job to run custodian on a set cadence.

Monitoring Cloud Custodian

Cloud Custodian ships with the ability to emit metrics on policy execution and transport logs to cloud provider native logging solutions.

When executing Custodian, you can enable metrics simply by adding the -m flag and the cloud provider:

custodian run -s output -m aws policy.yml

# Azure
custodian run -s output -m azure policy.yml

custodian run -s output -m gcp policy.yml

When you enable metrics, a new namespace will be created and the following metrics will be recorded there:

  • ResourceCount

  • ResourceTime

  • ActionTime

To enable logging to CloudWatch logs, Stackdriver, or Azure AppInsights, use the -l flag:

# AWS CloudWatch Logs
custodian run -s output -l /cloud-custodian/policies policy.yml

# Azure App Insights Logs
custodian run -s output -l azure://cloud-custodian/policies policy.yml

# Stackdriver Logs
custodian run -s output -l gcp://cloud-custodian/policies policy.yml

You can also store the output of your Custodian logs in a cloud provider’s blob storage like S3 or Azure Storage accounts:

# AWS S3
custodian run -s s3://my-custodian-bucket policy.yml

# Azure Storage Accounts
custodian run -s azure://my-custodian-storage-account policy.yml

Mailer and Notifications Deployment

For instructions on how to deploy the mailer for notifications, see c7n-mailer: Custodian Mailer.

Multi Account Execution

For more advanced setups, such as executing Custodian against multiple accounts, we distribute the tool c7n-org. c7n-org utilizes a accounts configuration file and assume roles to operate against multiple accounts, projects, or subscriptions in parallel. More information can be found in c7n-org: Multi Account Custodian Execution.

Advanced Continuous Integration Tips

When policy files reach a sufficiently large size it can cause dryruns to execute for a significantly long period of time. In most cases, the only thing that actually needs to be tested would be the policies that were changed.

The following example will download the cloudcustodian/policystream image and generate a policy file containing only the policies that changed between the most recent commit and master.

# in your git directory for policies
docker pull cloudcustodian/policystream
docker run -v $(pwd):/home/custodian/policies cloudcustodian > policystream-diff.yml
custodian run -s output -v --dryrun policystream-diff.yml

After running your new policy file (policystream-diff.yml), the outputs will be stored in the output directory.

Additional Resources

  • manheim-c7n-tools - Manheim’s Cloud Custodian (c7n) wrapper package, policy generator/interpolator, runner, error scanner, and supporting tools.