Getting Started

Write your first policy

A policy specifies the following items:

  • The type of resource to run the policy against

  • Filters to narrow down the set of resources

  • Actions to take on the filtered set of resources

For this tutorial, let’s stop all EC2 instances that are tagged with Custodian. To get started, go make an EC2 instance in your AWS console, and tag it with the key Custodian (any value). Also, make sure you have an access key handy.

Then, create a file named custodian.yml with this content:

  - name: my-first-policy
    resource: aws.ec2
      - "tag:Custodian": present

At this point, we have specified the following things:

  1. The name of the policy

  2. The resource type to query against, in this case (aws.ec2)

  3. The filters list

  4. The Custodian tag filter

Running this policy will not execute any actions as the actions list does not exist.

We can extend this example to stop the instances that are actually filtered in by the Custodian tag filter by simply specifying the stop action:

  - name: my-first-policy
    resource: aws.ec2
      - "tag:Custodian": present
      - stop

Run your policy

Now, run Custodian:

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="foo" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="bar" custodian run --output-dir=. custodian.yml

Note: If you already have AWS credentials configured for AWS CLI or SDK access, then you may omit providing them on the command line. If successful, you should see output similar to the following on the command line:

2016-12-20 08:35:06,133: custodian.policy:INFO Running policy my-first-policy resource: ec2 region:us-east-1 c7n:
2016-12-20 08:35:07,514: custodian.resources.ec2:INFO Filtered from 3 to 1 ec2
2016-12-20 08:35:07,514: custodian.policy:INFO policy: my-first-policy resource:ec2 has count:1 time:1.38
2016-12-20 08:35:07,515: custodian.actions:INFO Stop 1 of 1 instances
2016-12-20 08:35:08,188: custodian.policy:INFO policy: my-first-policy action: stop resources: 1 execution_time: 0.67

You should also find a new my-first-policy directory with a log and other files (subsequent runs will append to the log by default rather than overwriting it). Lastly, you should find the instance stopping or stopped in your AWS console. Congratulations, and welcome to Custodian!

See our extended example of a policy’s structure tag compliance policy, or browse all of our use case recipes.

A 2nd Example Policy

First a role must be created with the appropriate permissions for custodian to act on the resources described in the policies yaml given as an example below. For convenience, an example policy is provided for this quick start guide. Customized AWS IAM policies will be necessary for your own custodian policies

To implement the policy:

  1. Open the AWS console

  2. Navigate to IAM -> Policies

  3. Use the json option to copy the example policy as a new AWS IAM Policy

  4. Name the IAM policy as something recognizable and save it.

  5. Navigate to IAM -> Roles and create a role called CloudCustodian-QuickStart

  6. Assign the role the IAM policy created above.

  7. Now with the pre-requisite completed; you are ready continue and run custodian.

A custodian policy file needs to be created in YAML format, as an example

- name: s3-cross-account
  description: |
    Checks S3 for buckets with cross-account access and
    removes the cross-account access.
  resource: s3
    - region: us-east-1
    - type: cross-account
    - type: remove-statements
      statement_ids: matched

- name: ec2-require-non-public-and-encrypted-volumes
  resource: aws.ec2
  description: |
    Provision a lambda and cloud watch event target
    that looks at all new instances and terminates those with
    unencrypted volumes.
    type: cloudtrail
    role: CloudCustodian-QuickStart
      - RunInstances
    - type: ebs
      key: Encrypted
      value: false
    - terminate

- name: tag-compliance
  resource: aws.ec2
  description: |
    Schedule a resource that does not meet tag compliance policies
    to be stopped in four days.
    - State.Name: running
    - "tag:Environment": absent
    - "tag:AppId": absent
    - or:
      - "tag:OwnerContact": absent
      - "tag:DeptID": absent
    - type: mark-for-op
      op: stop
      days: 4

Given that, you can run Cloud Custodian with

# Validate the configuration (note this happens by default on run)
custodian validate policy.yml

# Dryrun on the policies (no actions executed) to see what resources
# match each policy.
custodian run --dryrun -s out policy.yml

# Run the policy
custodian run -s out policy.yml

Monitor AWS

You can generate CloudWatch metrics by specifying the --metrics flag and specifying aws:

custodian run -s <output_directory> --metrics aws <policyfile>.yml

You can also upload Cloud Custodian logs to CloudWatch logs:

custodian run --log-group=/cloud-custodian/<dev-account>/<region> -s <output_directory> <policyfile>.yml

And you can output logs and resource records to S3:

custodian run -s s3://<my-bucket><my-prefix> <policyfile>.yml

If Custodian is being run without Assume Roles, all output will be put into the same account. Custodian is built with the ability to be run from different accounts and leverage STS Role Assumption for cross-account access. Users can leverage the metrics that are being generated after each run by creating Custodian Dashboards in CloudWatch.

Troubleshooting & Tinkering

If you are not using the us-east-1 region, then you’ll need to specify that as well, either on the command line or in an environment variable:
