Account - Service LimitΒΆ

The following example policy will find any service in your region that is using more than 50% of the limit and raise the limit for 25%.

  - name: account-service-limits
    resource: account
      - type: service-limit
        threshold: 50
      - type: request-limit-increase
        percent-increase: 25

Noted that the threshold in service-limit filter is an optional field. If not mentioned on the policy, the default value is 80.

Global Services

Services like IAM are not region-based. Custodian will put the limit information only in us-east-1. When running the policy above in multiple regions, the limit of global services will ONLY be raised in us-east-1.

Additionally, if you want to target any the global services on the policy, you will need to target the region as us-east-1 on the policy. Here is an example.

  - name: account-service-limits
    resource: account
    region: us-east-1
      - type: service-limit
          - IAM
        threshold: 50