EC2 - Power On For Scheduled PatchingΒΆ

The following example policies will automatically create CloudWatch cron rate triggered Lambda functions in your account and region. The Lambda funtions will be triggered on the cron rate expression schedule you provide in the mode section of the policy. The following example policies find all EC2 instances that are both in a stopped state, and have a tag called Patch Group with a value of Linux Dev. Those instances are then started and tagged with an additional tag of PowerOffWhenDone and a value of True so that they can be stopped again after the patching window. Then all instances with the Linux Dev Patch Group get another tag called PatchingInProgress with a value of True. The PatchingInProgress tag can be used by other policies such as offhours policies where the presence of that tag would exclude it from being stopped by the offhours. When the patching window is done the last 2 policies in this example will remove the PatchingInProgress tag from all instances in that group and remove the PowerOffWhenDone tag and stop those instances that were previously stopped. The cron expressions for this example read as the following: cron(0 3 ? 1/1 SUN#1 *) means trigger on the 1st Sunday of every month at 3:00 UTC then cron(0 13 ? 1/1 SUN#1 *) is the same day at 13:00 UTC which allows for a 10 Hour patching window. Learn more on AWS cron rate expressions


  - name: power-on-patch-group-linux-dev
    resource: ec2
         type: periodic
         schedule: "cron(0 3 ? 1/1 SUN#1 *)"
         - "State.Name": stopped
         - type: value
           key: tag:Patch Group
           op: eq
           value: "Linux Dev"
         - start
         - type: tag
           key: PowerOffWhenDone
           value: "True"

  - name: patching-exception-tag-linux-dev
    resource: ec2
         type: periodic
         schedule: "cron(0 3 ? 1/1 SUN#1 *)"
         - type: value
           key: tag:Patch Group
           op: eq
           value: "Linux Dev"
         - type: tag
           key: PatchingInProgress
           value: "True"

  - name: patching-exception-removal-linux-dev
    resource: ec2
         type: periodic
         schedule: "cron(0 13 ? 1/1 SUN#1 *)"
         - type: value
           key: tag:Patch Group
           op: eq
           value: "Linux Dev"
         - type: unmark
           tags: ["PatchingInProgress"]

  - name: power-down-patch-group-linux-dev
    resource: ec2
         type: periodic
         schedule: "cron(0 13 ? 1/1 SUN#1 *)"
         - "State.Name": running
         - "tag:PowerOffWhenDone": present
         - type: value
           key: tag:Patch Group
           op: eq
           value: "Linux Dev"
         - stop
         - type: unmark
           tags: ["PowerOffWhenDone"]

Note that the notify action requires the cloud custodian mailer tool to be installed.