ELB - Delete Unused Elastic Load Balancers

The following example policy workflow uses the mark-for-op and marked-for-op filters and actions to chain together a set of policies to accomplish a task. In this example it will find any ELB that isn’t attached to any instances and tag it with a delete op and date 14 days out. The policy workflow will also email the ELB resource owner to inform them of the upcoming deletion if the ELB remains unused. If the customer adds an instance back to their ELB it will get unmarked so it doesn’t get deleted.

Note the use of the notify action requires the Cloud Custodian mailer to be installed and configured.


 - name: elb-mark-unused-for-deletion
   resource: elb
   description: |
     Mark any ELB with no instances attached for deletion in 14 days.
     Also send an email to the ELB resource owner informing them its unused.
     - "tag:maid_status": absent
     - Instances: []
     - type: mark-for-op
       tag: maid_status
       op: delete
       days: 14
     - type: notify
       template: default.html
       priority_header: 1
       subject: "ELB - No Instances Attached - [custodian {{ account }} - {{ region }}]"
       violation_desc: "No Instances Are Attached To The Following ELB(s):"
       action_desc: |
         Actions Taken: The unused ELBs have been marked for deletion in 14 if they
         remain unused. If you still need the ELBs listed below, please attach instances
         to them, otherwise please delete them if not needed anymore.
         - CloudCustodian@Company.com
         - resource-owner
         type: sqs
         queue: https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/12345678900/cloud-custodian-mailer
         region: us-east-1

 - name: elb-unmark-if-in-use
   resource: elb
   description: |
     Remove the maid_status tag from any elb which has instances attached
     so it doesn't get deleted by the following policy
     - "tag:maid_status": not-null
     - not:
       - Instances: []
     - type: remove-tag
       tags: [maid_status]

 - name: elb-delete-unused
   resource: elb
   description: |
     Delete any marked ELB which has no instances attached
     if it has been that way for 14 days or more.
     - type: marked-for-op
       op: delete
     - delete
     - type: notify
       template: default.html
       priority_header: 1
       subject: "ELB - Deleted Stale ELB - [custodian {{ account }} - {{ region }}]"
       violation_desc: "No Instances Are Attached To ELB for over 14 days:"
       action_desc: "Actions Taken:  The ELB has been deleted"
         - CloudCustodian@Company.com
         - resource-owner
         type: sqs
         queue: https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/12345678900/cloud-custodian-mailer
         region: us-east-1