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Generic Filters

The following filters can be applied to all policies for all resources. See the provider specific resource reference for additional information.

Value Filter

Cloud Custodian provides for a flexible query language on any resource by allowing for rich queries on JSON objects via JMESPath, and allows for mixing and combining those with boolean conditional operators that are nest-able. (Tutorial here on JMESPath syntax)

The base value filter enables the use of jmespath with data returned from a describe call.

     - type: value
       key: "State[0]"    ─▶ The value from the describe call
       value: "running"   ─▶ Value that is being filtered against

There are several ways to get a list of possible keys for each resource.

  • Via Custodian CLI

    Create a new custodian yaml file with just the name and resource fields. Then run custodian run -s OUTPUT_DIR. The valid key fields can be found in the output directory in resources.json

      - name: my-first-policy
        resource: aws.ec2
  • Via Cloud Providers CLI

    Use the relevant cloud provider cli to run the describe call to view all available keys. For example using aws cli run aws ec2 describe-instances or with azure az vm list.

    Note: You do not need to include the outermost json field in most cases since custodian removes this field from the results.

  • Via Cloud Provider Documentation

    Go to the relevant cloud provider sdk documentation and search for the describe api call for the resource you\'re interested in. The available fields will be listed under the results of that api call.

  • Comparison operators:

    : The generic value filter allows for comparison operators to be used

    -   `equal` or `eq`
    -   `not-equal` or `ne`
    -   `greater-than` or `gt`
    -   `gte` or `ge`
    -   `less-than` or `lt`
    -   `lte` or `le`
       - type: value
         key: CpuOptions.CoreCount      ─▶ The value from the describe call
         value: 36                      ─▶ Value that is being compared
         op: greater-than               ─▶ Comparison Operator
  • Other operators:

    : - absent - present - not-null - empty - contains

       - type: value
         key: CpuOptions.CoreCount      ─▶ The value from the describe call
         value: present                 ─▶ Checks if key is present
  • Logical Operators:

    : - or or Or - and or And - not

       - or:                              ─▶ Logical Operator
         - type: value
           key: CpuOptions.CoreCount      ─▶ The value from the describe call
           value: 36                      ─▶ Value that is being compared
         - type: value
           key: CpuOptions.CoreCount      ─▶ The value from the describe call
           value: 42                      ─▶ Value that is being compared
  • List Operators:

    : There is a collection of operators that can be used with user supplied lists. The operators are evaluated as value from key in (the operator) given value. If you would like it evaluated in the opposite way given value in (the operator) value from key then you can include the swap transformation or use the contains operator.

    -   `in`
    -   `not-in` or `ni`
    -   `intersect` - Provides comparison between 2 lists
       - type: value
         key: ImageId                   ─▶ The value from the describe call
         op: in                         ─▶ List operator
         value: [ID-123, ID-321]        ─▶ List of Values to be compared against
       - type: value
         key: ImageId.List              ─▶ The value from the describe call
         op: in                         ─▶ List operator
         value: ID-321                  ─▶ Values to be compared against
         value_type: swap               ─▶ Switches list comparison order
  • Special operators:

    : - glob - Provides Glob matching support - regex - Provides Regex matching support but ignores case (1) - regex-case - Provides case sensitive Regex matching support (1)

       - type: value
         key: FunctionName                ─▶ The value from the describe call, or resources.json
         op: regex                        ─▶ Special operator
         value: '(custodian|c7n)_\w+'     ─▶ Regex string: match all values beginning with custodian_ or c7n_
       - type: value
         key: name                        ─▶ The value from the describe call, or resources.json
         op: regex                        ─▶ Special operator
         value: '^.*c7n.*$'               ─▶ Regex string: match all values containing c7n
       - type: value
         key: name                        ─▶ The value from the describe call, or resources.json
         op: regex                        ─▶ Special operator
         value: '^((?!c7n).)*$'           ─▶ Regex string: match all values not containing c7n
    1. These operators are implemented using re.match. If a filter isn\'t working as expected take a look at the [re]{.title-ref}__ documentation.


  • Transformations: Transformations on the value can be done using the value_type keyword. The following value types are supported:

    • age - convert to a datetime (for past date comparisons)
    • cidr - parse an ipaddress
    • cidr_size - the length of the network prefix
    • expiration - convert to a datetime (for future date comparisons)
    • integer - convert the value to an integer
    • normalize - convert the value to lowercase
    • resource_count - compare against the number of matched resources
    • size - the length of an element
    • swap - swap the value and the evaluated key
    • date - parse the filter\'s value as a date.

    Note that the [age]{.title-ref} and [expiration]{.title-ref} transformations expect a value given as a number of days. Use a floating point value to match time periods shorter than a day.


    # Get the size of a group
    - type: value
      key: SecurityGroups[].GroupId
      value_type: size
      value: 2
    # Membership example using swap
    - type: value
      key: SecurityGroups[].GroupId
      value_type: swap
      op: in
      value: sg-49b87f44
    # Convert to integer before comparison
    - type: value
      key: tag:Count
      op: greater-than
      value_type: integer
      value: 0
    # Apply only to rds instances created after the given date
    - type: value
      key: InstanceCreateTime
      op: greater-than
      value_type: date
      value: "2019/05/01"
    # Find instances launched within the last 31 days
    - type: value
      key: LaunchTime
      op: less-than
      value_type: age
      value: 32
    # Find instances launched within the past 12 hours
    - type: value
      key: LaunchTime
      op: less-than
      value_type: age
      value: 0.5
    # Use `resource_count` to filter resources based on the number that matched
    # Note that no `key` is used for this value_type since it is matching on
    # the size of the list of resources and not a specific field.
    - type: value
      value_type: resource_count
      op: lt
      value: 2
    # This policy will use `intersect` op to compare rds instances subnet group list
    # against a user provided list of public subnets from a s3 txt file.
    - name: find-rds-on-public-subnets-using-s3-list
      comment:  |
         The txt file needs to be in utf-8 no BOM format and contain one
         subnet per line in the file no quotes around the subnets either.
      resource: aws.rds
          - type: value
            key: "DBSubnetGroup.Subnets[].SubnetIdentifier"
            op: intersect
                url: s3://cloud-custodian-bucket/PublicSubnets.txt
                format: txt
    # This policy will compare rds instances subnet group list against a
    # inline user provided list of public subnets.
    - name: find-rds-on-public-subnets-using-inline-list
      resource: aws.rds
          - type: value
            key: "DBSubnetGroup.Subnets[].SubnetIdentifier"
            op: intersect
                - subnet-2a8374658
                - subnet-1b8474522
                - subnet-2d2736444
  • Value Regex:

    When using a Value Filter, a value_regex can be specified. This will mean that the value used for comparison is the output from evaluating a regex on the value found on a resource using [key]{.title-ref}.

    The filter expects that there will be exactly one capturing group, however non-capturing groups can be specified as well, e.g. (?:newkey|oldkey).

    Note that if the value regex does not find a match, it will return a None value.

    In this example there is an expiration comparison, which needs a datetime, however the tag containing this information also has other data in it. By setting the value_regex to capture just the datetime part of the tag, the filter can be evaluated as normal.

    # Find expiry from tag contents
    - type: value
      key: "tag:metadata"
      value_type: expiration
      value_regex: ".*delete_after=([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*"
      op: less-than
      value: 0
  • Value From:

    value_from allows the use of external values in the Value Filter

    ::: {.autodoconly} c7n.resolver.ValuesFrom :::

Event Filter

Filter against a CloudWatch event JSON associated to a resource type. The list of possible keys are now from the cloudtrail event and not the describe resource call as is the case in the ValueFilter

- name: no-ec2-public-ips
  resource: aws.ec2
    type: cloudtrail
        - RunInstances
    - type: event                                                                           ─┐ The key is a JMESPath Query of
      key: "detail.requestParameters.networkInterfaceSet.items[].associatePublicIpAddress"   ├▶the event JSON from CloudWatch
      value: true                                                                           ─┘
    - type: terminate
      force: true

Reduce Filter

The reduce filter lets you group, sort, and limit the number of resources to act on. Maybe you want to delete AMIs, but want to do it in small batches where you act on the oldest AMIs first. Or maybe you want to do some chaos engineering and randomly select ec2 instances part of ASGs, but want to make sure no more than one instance per ASG is affected. This filter lets you do that.

This works using this process:

  1. Group resources
  2. Sort each group of resources
  3. Selecting a number of resources in each group
  4. Combine the resulting resources

Grouping resources

Resources are grouped based on the value extracted as defined by the group-by attribute. All resources not able to extract a value are placed in a group by themselves. This is also the case when group-by is not specified.

Sorting resources

Sorting of individual resources within a group is controlled by a combination of the sort-by and order attributes. sort-by determines which value to use to sort and order controls how they are sorted. For any resources with a null value, those are by default sorted last. You can optionally sort those first with the null-order attribute.

Note: if neither sort-by or order are specified, no sorting is done.

Selecting resources

Once groups have been sorted, we can then apply rules to select a specific number of resources in each group. We first discard some resources and then limit the remaining set to a maximum count.

When the discard or discard-percent attributes are specified, we take the ordered resources in each group and discard the first discard-percent of them or discard absolute count, whichever is larger.

After discarding resources, we then limit the remaining set. limit-percent is applied first to reduce the number of resources to this percentage of the original. limit is then applied to allow for an absolute count. Resources are kept from the beginning of the list.

To explain this with an example, suppose you have 50 resources in a group with all of these set:

discard: 5
discard-percent: 20
limit: 10
limit-percent: 30

This would first discard the first 10 resources because 20 percent of 50 is 10, which is greater than 5. You now have 40 resources left in the group and the limit settings are applied. 30% of 40 is 12, but limit is set to 10, which is lower, so the first 10 of the remaining are kept. If they were numbered #1-50, you\'d have discarded 1-10, kept 11-20, and dropped the remaining 21-50.

If you had the following settings:

discard-percent: 25
limit-percent: 50

We\'d discard the first 25% of 50 (12), then of the remaining 38 resources, we\'d keep 50% of those (19). You\'d end up with resources 13-31.

Now, some of these could eliminate all resources from a group. If you have 20 resources in one group and 5 in another and specify limit-percent = 10, you\'ll get 2 resources from the first group and 0 resources from the second.

Combining resource groups

Once the groups have been modified, we now need to combine them back to one set of resources. Since the groups are determined by a JMESPath expression, we sort the groups first based on the order attribute the same way we sort within a group. After the groups are sorted, it\'s a simple concatenation of resources.


  • group-by, sort-by

    These are both defined the same way...

    Note: For simplicity, you can specify these as just a single string which is treated as the key.

    • key - The JMESPath expression to extract a value
    • value_regex - A regular expression with a single capture group that extracts a portion of the result of the key expression.
    • value_type - parse the value as one of the following:
      • string (default)
      • number
      • date
  • order controls how to sorting is done

    • asc (default) - sort in ascending order based on key
    • desc - sort in descending order based on key
    • reverse - reverse the order of resources (ignores key)
    • randomize - randomize the order of resources (ignores key)
  • null-order - when sorting, where to put resources that have a null value

    • last (default) - at the end of the list
    • first - at the start of the list
  • discard - discard the first N resources within each group

  • discard-percent - discard the first N percentage of resources within each group

  • limit - select the first N resources within each group (after discards)

  • limit-percent - select the first N percentage of resources within each group (after discards)


This example will select the longest running instance from each ASG, then randomly choose 10% of those, making sure to not affect more than 15 instances total, then terminate them.

- name: chaos-engineering
  resource: aws.ec2
    - "State.Name": "running"
    - "tag:aws:autoscaling:groupName": present
    - type: reduce
      group-by: "tag:aws:autoscaling:groupName"
      sort-by: "LaunchTime"
      order: asc
      limit: 1
    - type: reduce
      order: randomize
      limit: 15
      limit-percent: 10
    - terminate

This example will delete old AMIs, but make sure to only do the top 10 based on age.

- name: limited-ami-expiration
  resource: aws.ami
    - type: image-age
      days: 180
      op: ge
    - type: reduce
      sort-by: "CreationDate"
      order: asc
      limit: 10
    - deregister

This example simply sorts the resources by when they are marked for expiration. We use a date type because the tags might be in different date formats or are not text-sortable.

- name: ami-expiration-by-expire-date
  resource: aws.ami
    - type: value
      key: "tag:expire-after"
      value_type: age
      op: gt
      value: 0
    - type: reduce
        key: "tag:expire-after"
        value_type: date
      order: asc
      limit: 10
    - deregister

Last update: 2023-03-06 18:53:48