VPC - Notify On Invalid External Peering Connections

The following example policy will automatically create a CloudWatch Event Rule triggered Lambda function in your account and region which will be triggered anytime a new VPC Peering Connection is created. The policy will then check to see if the peering accepter account id and peering requester account id are both AWS account numbers owned by you. This is done by having the account ids from the CloudWatch Event compared against a S3 hosted CSV of your AWS account numbers. You must provide the CSV file of your account numbers or you can hardcode your account numbers into the policy if you have a small static number of accounts. The CSV would look something like: “271212121293”,”171717171716”,”27272727272724”,”121212112128”,”118118118118”


 - name: vpc-peering-cross-account-checker-real-time
   resource: peering-connection
      type: cloudtrail
         - source: ec2.amazonaws.com
           event: CreateVpcPeeringConnection
           ids: 'responseElements.vpcPeeringConnection.vpcPeeringConnectionId'
      timeout: 90
      memory: 256
      role: arn:aws:iam::{account_id}:role/Cloud_Custodian_EC2_Lambda_Role
   description: |
     When a new peering connection is created the Accepter and Requester account
     numbers are compared and if they aren't both internally owned accounts then the
     cloud and security teams are notified to investigate and delete the peering connection.
     - or:
         - type: event
           key: "detail.responseElements.vpcPeeringConnection.accepterVpcInfo.ownerId"
           op: not-in
             url: s3://s3bucketname/AccountNumbers.csv
             format: csv2dict
         - type: event
           key: "detail.responseElements.vpcPeeringConnection.requesterVpcInfo.ownerId"
           op: not-in
             url: s3://s3bucketname/AccountNumbers.csv
             format: csv2dict
      - type: notify
        template: default.html
        priority_header: 1
        subject: "ATTN!! External VPC Peering Violation [custodian {{ account }} - {{ region }}]"
        violation_desc: |
            VPC Peers are not to be setup to or from external AWS accounts
            so this policy verifies that both the source and destination
            accounts are internally owned. If the peering connection is going
            to/from an external account, this policy will email the Cloud and
            Security Teams as well as the customer.
        action_desc: |
            Please investigate this VPC Peering connection and terminate it
            if it's connecting to a unapproved external VPC
          - CloudTeam@company.com
          - security@company.com
          - resource-contact
          type: sqs
          queue: https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/cloud-custodian-mailer
          region: us-east-1

The following policy runs in pull mode and will scan all existing vpc peering connections to see if any of them have external connections. You will notice that the filters syntax to pull the accepter and requester ids is slightly different between these 2 policies. The first one pulls the information from the CloudTrail API event metadata and the second policy uses information pulled back from a describe_vpc_peering_connections API call. Using both policies allows you to check both new and existing peering connections.


 - name: vpc-peering-cross-account-checker-pull
   resource: peering-connection
   description: |
     Checks existing VPC Peering Connections to see if the Accepter
     and Requester account numbers are both internally owned accounts.
     If a connection is going to/from an external AWS account then the
     cloud and security teams are notified of the violating peering connection.
     - or:
         - type: value
           key: "RequesterVpcInfo.OwnerId"
           op: not-in
             url: s3://s3bucketname/AccountNumbers.csv
             format: csv2dict
         - type: value
           key: "AccepterVpcInfo.OwnerId"
           op: not-in
             url: s3://s3bucketname/AccountNumbers.csv
             format: csv2dict
      - type: notify
        template: default.html
        priority_header: 1
        subject: "ATTN!! External VPC Peering Violation [custodian {{ account }} - {{ region }}]"
        violation_desc: |
            VPC Peers are not to be setup to or from external AWS accounts
            so this policy verifies that both the source and destination
            accounts are internally owned. If the peering connection is going
            to/from an external account, this policy will email the Cloud and
            Security Teams as well as the customer.
        action_desc: |
            Please investigate this VPC Peering connection and terminate it
            if it's connecting to a unapproved external VPC
          - CloudTeam@company.com
          - security@company.com
          - resource-contact
          type: sqs
          queue: https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/cloud-custodian-mailer
          region: us-east-1

Note that for email delivery to work with the notify action, the cloud custodian mailer tool must be installed, configured, and running. See https://github.com/cloud-custodian/cloud-custodian/tree/master/tools/c7n_mailer for docs.