Cloud SQL - Check Regions of Instances and Their StateΒΆ

Execution of the following policy returns instances which are not in an approved set of regions AND not in runnable state. You may use more complex logic to combine any condition you need.

- name: sql-instance
  description: |
    check basic work of Cloud SQL filter on instances: returns instances which are not in an approved set of regions AND not in runnable state
  resource: gcp.sql-instance
    - type: value
      key: region
      op: not-in
      value: [europe-west1, europe-west2]
    - type: value
      key: state
      op: not-equal
      value: RUNNABLE
    - type: notify
       - email@address
      # address doesnt matter
      format: txt
        type: pubsub
        topic: projects/river-oxygen-233508/topics/first