AWS Systems Manager
EC2 Systems Manager
Cloud custodian enables several use cases with SSM.
Filtering instances on the basis of their association to SSM. See ssm filter
Executing actions on instances with an ssm agent installed. See ec2 send command action
Ops Center
AWS Systems Manager Ops Center is an operations dashboard that provides a central location to collect, triage, and remediate operation issues related to resource in an AWS account. It automatically pulls in contextual information from Cloud Trail and AWS Config to enable easier triage.
For more details on Ops Center see.
Cloud Custodian has deep support for integrating with SSM Ops Center. With custodian you can.
Filter resources by extant ops items associated to them. See ops-item filter
Post new ops items for a resource from any custodian policy. See post-item action
Manage ops items as a resource, to resolve or update ops items. See ops-item resource

Custodian project maintains a tool OmniSSM for enabling cross account, and cross cloud provider systems manager setups using the data center/hybrid mode support of SSM. It provides for secure introduction (using signed metadata documents), automated discovery and garbage collection using a set of golang lambda functions.
See tools section of the docs for more info.