Bucket - Fetch all the buckets from the specified compartments

To retrieve the buckets from the specified compartments, the OCI_COMPARTMENTS environment variable needs to be set with the compartment OCID. Multiple compartment OCID’s can be specified as comma separate values. By default, without OCI_COMPARTMENTS environment variable, the resources are queried at the tenancy level.

export OCI_COMPARTMENTS=ocid1.test.oc1..<unique_ID>EXAMPLE1-compartmentId-Value,ocid1.test.oc1..<unique_ID>EXAMPLE2-compartmentId-Value

Then the following example policy will retrieve all the buckets from the above mentioned compartments.

 - name: list-bucket-in-compartments
   description: Lists all the buckets resides in the specified compartments
   resource: oci.bucket