Logging, Metrics and Output

Writing Custodian Logs to Azure App Insights

Cloud Custodian can upload its logs to Application Insights. Each policy’s log output contains the policy name, subscription id and execution id properties. These logs will be found under the trace source in Application Insights.

Usage example using an instrumentation key:

custodian run -s <output_directory> -l azure://<instrumentation_key_guid> policy.yml

Usage example using a resource name:

custodian run -s <output_directory> -l azure://<resource_group_name>/<app_insights_name> policy.yml

Writing Custodian Metrics to Azure App Insights

By default, Cloud Custodian will upload the following metrics in all modes:

  • ResourceCount - the number of resources that matched the set of filters

  • ActionTime - the time to execute the actions.

In pull and azure-periodic mode, Cloud Custodian will also publish the following metric:

  • ResourceTime - the time to query for and filter the resources,

Additionally, some custom filters and actions may generate their own metrics. These metrics will be found under the customMetrics source in Application Insights.

Usage example using an instrumentation key:

custodian run -s <output_directory> -m azure://<instrumentation_key_guid> policy.yml

Usage example using a resource name:

custodian run -s <output_directory> -m azure://<resource_group_name>/<app_insights_name> policy.yml

In azure-periodic and azure-event-grid modes, you can configure metrics under the execution-options. As above, you can provide an instrumentation key or a resource name.

  - name: periodic-mode-logging-metrics
    resource: azure.storage
      type: azure-periodic
      schedule: '0 0 * * * *'
          name: cloud-custodian
          location: eastus
          resourceGroupName: cloud-custodian
        metrics: azure://<instrumentation_key_guid>

Writing Custodian Output to Azure Blob Storage

You can pass the URL of a blob storage container as the output path to Custodian. You must change the URL prefix from https to azure.

By default, Custodian will add the policy name and date as the prefix to the blob.

custodian run -s azure://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/logs mypolicy.yml

In addition, you can use pyformat syntax to format the output prefix. This example is the same structure as the default one.

custodian run -s azure://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/logs/{policy_name}/{now:%Y/%m/%d/%H/} mypolicy.yml

Use {account_id} for Subscription ID.

Authentication to Storage

The account working with storage will require Storage Blob Data Contributor on either the storage account or a higher scope.