c7n-salactus: Distributed Scale out S3 processing¶
Salactus, inspired by the planet eaters.
Distributed, scale out s3 scanning
Note this was built a few years before AWS S3 Batch Operations which maybe a simpler solution for the problem domain.
Use Cases¶
Sometimes you really want to scan all objects, or in the words of gary oldman from the professional, “bring me EVERYONE” :-) There are a couple of different reasons for that from an org perspective, given current feature sets, most of it involves catching up on s3 security from both an acl and encryption perspective after the fact.
Salactus provides for scale out scanning of every s3 object with configurable object visitors. It also supports s3 inventory as a source for objects or it can attempt to use heurestics to scan large buckets, the intent is always to optimize for throughput across a population measured in billions.
$ apt-get install redis-server | or elasticache
$ export SALACTUS_REDIS=localhost | or point to elasticache endpoint
$ c7n-salactus --help
Usage: c7n-salactus [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Salactus, eater of s3 buckets
--help Show this message and exit.
accounts Report on stats by account
buckets Report on stats by bucket
failures Show any unexpected failures
inspect-bucket Show all information known on a buckets
inspect-partitions Discover the partitions on a bucket via...
inspect-queue Show contents of a queue.
queues Report on progress by queues.
reset Delete all persistent cluster state.
run Run across a set of accounts and buckets.
save Save the current state to a json file
validate Validate a configuration file.
watch watch scan rates across the cluster
workers Show information on salactus workers.
we also provide a sample user data for asg runtime initialization and a supervisord.conf for running the various components in parallel.
The components of salactus are
bucket-iterator - an account scanner that lists buckets and checks cloud watch metrics for reporting total progress of a scan
bucket-partition - heureustic algorithm for scanning large buckets, can use either a common prefix match, n-gram, or s3 inventory, auto configured
page-iterator - a head to tail object iterator over a given prefix
keyset-scan - handles pages of 1k objects and dispatches to object visitor
Sample Configuration¶
The below sample configuration can be used to scan all objects in all buckets in the specified account and generate JSON reports on any objects that are currently not encrypted. Flip report-only to false and it will actually remediate them to be encrypted using AES256.
To get this running you will need to create a role, e.g. salactus-role, that can be assumed which has read permissions to CloudWatch, S3, and write access to the bucket created or chosen for the reports, e.g. salactus-bucket.
- account-id: "123456789012"
role: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/salactus-role"
name: "AWS Account Alias"
- type: "encrypt-keys"
crypto: AES256
report-only: true
bucket: "salactus-bucket"
prefix: "object-reports"